-*+ 21 +*-

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Shoutout to @twi_fan14 for spamming my notifications lol :)

{ - sorry for this chapter sucking... Got a serious case of writer's block. - }

-= Bella =-

The day passed by, the most relaxing I have had in a while. Emmett ended up picking Rose up on his way back from the store, so we all ended up in the living room eating lunch - Emmett had also taken the liberty to get subway.

We sat in silence on varying seats; Edward and I on the love seat, Emmett on the recliner, and Rose on a stool she borrowed from the kitchen island.

Emmett had insisted she took the recliner, but Rose insisted she was fine.

Sometimes it was so easy to be friends with her.

Emmett finished first, and ended up wolfing down the leftovers that Rose didn't eat. They grabbed the keys and said that they were going to go rent some scary movies.

I told them that we could just watch the ones on Netflix, but he told me that he watched all of them already.

They left, leaving Edward and me eating in silence.

"Bell?" Edward asked me after a moment, and my gaze fixed on him. "You've uh... got a little dressing on your lip," he told me, wiping it off with his thumb.

Our gazes locked and his thumb stopped in the middle of my bottom lip, the rest of his hand supporting my chin.

We stayed like this for a while before Edward cleared his throat and sat up straight. I sat back up as well and cleared my throat, running my hand through my hair and looking anywhere but at him.


Soon enough Emmett and Rosalie came back, holding three movies I had never even heard of. They were all terrifying-looking, and I couldn't help but shudder at the picture on the second one.

A white figure with pitch black eyes crawled out from under a little girl's bed. Yeah, totally looking forward to that one.

Note heavy sarcasm.

As Emmett flicked off the lights and shut the curtains and blinds around the house, I was surprised how dark the house could get. Emmett placed the disc in the DVD player and sat on the recliner, Rose sitting on his lap.

I continued sitting close to Edward on the love seat as the previews began.

"If you get scared, I'm right here," Edward murmured in my ear, his warm breath tickling my cool cheek. I jumped slightly, a sharp intake of breath being inhaled, before nodding silently.


"YOU'RE SO STUPID! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU GO IN THE KITCHEN?! THIS GIRL IS SO STUPID!" Emmett ridiculed, and two seconds later the girl was eaten alive.

I cringed and unwillingly buried my face into Edward's chest. I felt his breath stope for a moment before he wrapped his arms around me, rubbing my head comfortingly.

When the movie was finally over, everyone had a different look on their face.

Rosalie looked uninterested, Edward looked amused, Emmett pissed, and I was slightly shaking with fearful tremors.

Yeah, I'm not really good with scary movies...

"Okay," Emmett announced, clapping his hands together. "On to the next one!"


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