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{ - How long has is been? Whatever, long enough for me to have to apologize. Sorry, and enjoy :) - }

I shouldn't have told her, should I? I look at her, shock on her beautiful face as I pull away. The heart monitor raced in the background and I could feel my heart matching the pace.

"Bella?" I asked. "Are you okay?"

She looked at me for a moment before biting her lip and nodding. I let out a breath without knowing I had been holding it, and I watch her cautiously.

"You're serious?" She looked at me in disbelief, and I felt a pang in my chest. I frowned.

"I wouldn't lie about that, Bella."

She pursed her lips and suddenly a smile turned them up, her eyes getting a little sparkle to them. Suddenly the room seemed a bit brighter and the weight on my shoulders lifted. I loved seeing her smile. I loved seeing her happy.

"I love you too, Edward. I always have."

I smiled hugely, and kissed her forehead. She giggled, making my heart stutter.

"So, what does this mean?" She asked me, biting her lip and fiddling with the blanket. "We film soon, and if we're together, we'll definitely work better. But what about your fans? What about your other jobs, if you have to kiss other girls?"

I chuckled at the slight tone of jealously in her voice and sat down at the edge of her bed, looking at her.

"Bella, I don't know why you're worried about my fans. If they don't respect me and my relationship, than they aren't really my fans. And as for other jobs, the kisses won't mean anything. You should know this. I'm in love with you, and I don't want anyone else."

She nodded, fighting a smile before looking up at me.

"Kiss me." She said.

I smiled and stood back up, leaning over her and softly pressing my lips against hers. The fireworks exploded and I was practically putty in her arms.

She kissed me back with even more passion than I was kissing her with, and I smiled on her lips before slowly pulling away. Her hand went to my cheek and pulled me back to kiss me three more short times before biting her lip and leaning my forehead on hers. Her eyelids fluttered shut, and I stare at her, admiring how beautiful she looked.

"I love you, Edward," she whispered.

"I love you too, Bella," I murmured, and caressed her cheek.

"Will you lay with me?" Her eyes opened and gazed into mine.

"Is there enough room? I don't want to lay on any of the tubes or hurt you or anything."

"It'll be fine."

She moved over and pulled me down next to her and buried her face into my chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist lightly and smiled down at her.

"Is it stupid for me to be tired?" She asked, her voice muffled into my chest.

I chuckled. "No, get some sleep baby girl."

"Mmhh... okay." She hummed and closed her eyes. My fingers combed through her hair until I heard her soft snores fill the room, and I closed my eyes, listening to it like my own personal melody before drifting off to sleep as well.

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