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{ - I can't apologize again because one day I'll probably take another break. But I never forget you guys, while I was gone I thought all about your support. I just turned 15 and I'm going to be going into 10th grade, so I hope you understand that I won't be able to update every day or even every other day, but I will try to keep the story going. Don't give up on me, please! - }

-= 8/11/17 =-


The next couple weeks passed by in a hazy blur. Edward and I could barely keep our hands off each other, and naturally it caused a lot of discomfort among the cast and crew.

The girl who played Edward's sister in Heartstrings, Kaitlyn, seemed sort of jealous as she watched Edward tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and kiss my nose. I had shrugged it off.

I was also completely healed now, thanks to Edward's dad, Carlisle, coming to visit him and insisting on taking care of me while he was there, and an over-generous amount of antibiotics and healing creams. The scars were barely noticeable.

"Do you remember what we get to film today, Bella?" Edward broke the silence as he drove, glancing over at me. I snapped out of my reverie and looked around. We were only halfway to set.

"Should I? You seem to have a much better handle on the schedule than I do." I replied, rummaging through my bag to pull out the crudely drafted schedule James had given us last week after I forgot to prepare for the correct scene - again.

He chuckled, slowing to a stop at a stoplight before he reached over and took my hand. "Mason invites Serenity over..." he glanced over at me, as if expecting me to catch on.

"That's today?" I asked, surprised, looking down at the worn little paper. Written in James' terrible handwriting were the words, 'Mason and Serenity make out' followed by, 'the mysterious letter'.

"Oh," I breathed.

Edward chuckled again, stepping on the gas again. "You're not nervous, are you, Bella?"

His tone was teasing, but there was an undercurrent of seriousness - concern.

"Not nervous," I began, trying to pick the right words, "just taken off guard. I thought today was when Serenity and Courtney were hanging out together."

"That's tomorrow. No wonder why you're always so scrambled. You can't even remember the date."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could've sworn I saw him stick his tongue out at me.


"B camera, move closer," Steve instructed, sitting in his chair and watching the monitors.

I squirmed in my seat, impatient to get this scene over with. Edward took my hand, brushing his thumb over the back comfortingly.

I'll admit, it did help a little.

"Perfect," Steve announced. "Scene 14, take one. Places and... action."

About thirty seconds of silence followed Steve's action call, and Edward just stared at me. I waited for him to speak his line, but he didn't say anything.

"Edward?" I whispered.

He seemed to snap out of some sort of trance then, laughing awkwardly.

"Shit, what was my line?"


I'm going to go ahead and end this chapter here so I can go ahead and get it up. I'll try to update tomorrow. This chapter is dedicated to sara24nogueira because she never gave up on me, even when I was giving up on myself. She has always read this book and easily forgiven my absences and I love her so much for that. :)

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