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{ - I know you're mad at me... I don't really have an explanation except I just didn't really feel like writing for a while. I'm really sorry. So... here's an update! It's a bit terrible but I hope you enjoy it nevertheless. I love you guys! - }

20 Oct 2018

-= Bella's POV =-

"I can't believe they cancelled season two!" I whined, clearly frustrated. Edward and I spent all day watching Star Crossed, just to find out that the season ended on a cliff hanger with no season two.

Edward chuckled. "It's just a show, Bella. It's not that big of a deal."

"But... but Roman and Emery!"

Edward pulled me closer to him, his strong arms turning me to face him. As I gazed into his eyes, he smiled his breathtaking smile and all of my complaints were quickly forgotten.

"Don't be unhappy, baby girl. I don't like when you're unhappy." He leaned down and swiftly planted a kiss on my nose.

"What was I unhappy about?" I tried my best to remember, but I was too focused on the cocky grin that spread across Edward's perfect lips.

I wanted to slap the grin off of his perfect face, but my heart beat was beginning to increase its tempo to a speed audible to my own ears. It wasn't fair how much Edward could dazzle me; it wasn't fair that he knew how much he could dazzle me, either.

"Bella," he whispered, leaning his forehead on mine. "I love you so much. You're so beautiful. I don't know how I ever deserved you, but I'm so incredibly greatful. You're absolutely my everything."

Tears pricked at my eyes and I smiled weakly. Oh, how wrong he was. How did he not realize that I, in fact, was the lucky one?

"I love you more, Edward."

His smile, once again, knocked the breath from my lungs. "I love you most."


I awoke from my nap after a couple hours, feeling drowsy. I wasn't sure if it was the next day or not, or whether the cascading colours of oranges, reds, pinks, and purples outside of the window insinuated sunrise or sunset.

I did know, however, to my dismay, that Edward was not in the bed with me. I assumed he didn't want to wake me, until I heard him downstairs, yelling at someone.

It was slightly unnerving, hearing Edward that angry. It was rare that he lost his temper, and even rarer that he shouted.

Curiously, I climbed out of his bed and stalked out of the room to lean over the railing of the staircase. I quickly realized what the shouting was about, but his nerve still shocked me to the core.

"No! I don't give a damn, James. We are not your puppets you can call for at any time. I'm aware we need to get the movie done... yes... yes, dammit James I know!" Edward was clearly frustrated, but I wasn't sure I understood why it was such a big deal that James wanted us on set. Sure, he was overworking us lately, but we always sucked it up and dealt with it.

"No, you don't understand. Isabella was ill for two days, and has been sleeping constantly. She has to deal with the stress you're putting on us, paparazzi she isn't used to, a wedding that my selfish brother decided now would be a good time for, and she doesn't even know about Rosalie yet!"

Isabella? He never called me Isabella. James must have really pushed his buttons. I was going to go down there, take the phone and hang up for him. But there was something endearing about the way he was defending me... I knew I have been over-exerting myself lately, but I had never realized how it looked through Edward's eyes.

And what did he mean, I didn't know about Rosalie yet? If I made him hang up, I might not have found out. It didn't seem right to me that he knew something about my best friend that I didn't know, but knowing Rosalie, she would keep secrets until a time she thought I was ready to handle it.

Well, newsflash, I could handle it, and I wanted to know now. However, obviously I couldn't just ask for the information, because Edward would just say it wasn't his secret to tell. He probably found out from Emmett.

So here I was, crouched on the staircase like Gollum from The Hobbit, trying to will the secret about Rosalie out of his mouth.

However, out of all the things I imagined he could be hiding, I could've never guessed what the secret really was.

Edward sighed in frustration. "No, James, I can't throw the fact that her best friend is pregnant onto her plate right now!"

I nearly fainted.


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