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{ - Longest chapter in a while... hope you enjoy it :) - }

-= Bella =-


Bleep. Bleep. Bleep.

I slipped out of my slumber to the irritating, persistent noise of the worst invention in history - the alarm clock.

"Bella! Get up, you have to get ready for your auditions!" Rosalie squealed, and I opened my eyes to see her jumping happily at the side of my bed. I grumbled and slapped the top of my alarm clock to shut it up as what Rosalie said registered.

"Auditions? As in more than one?" I asked, rubbing my eyes and throwing back the comforter.

"Duh! You have to work with the girl playing Camryn, too." she said.

"What's her name? I know she was going to play Serenity in the first place, but I don't know who she is." I replied, standing up and tightening my ponytail.

"Some girl named Tanya. Tanya Denali, I believe."

"Didn't she play Hannah in 'The Last Moments'?" I asked, looking for my slippers. Where had they gone?

"Yep. She also played Edward's girlfriend in 'Pocket of Change'."

Ah! There they are!

Wait, what?

"So, she's tried to play Edward's girlfriend a lot?" I asked.

"Oh, tons of times - almost every movie Edward was dating someone in she tried out, but 'Pocket of Change' was the only one she actually landed. Rumour has it that she threatened the judges," Rosalie said, looking through my closet.

"Wow," I said. Did Edward like her?

"Seems like you've got competition. How're you going to handle it?" Rose asked, tossing me a burgundy blouse.

"I don't know... He probably likes her more, anyway." I sighed, taking my shirt off and putting on a bra before pulling the blouse on my arms and buttoning it up.

"Don't be ridiculous. Edward never kissed anyone before you; I knew that before he told you. It was all over magazine covers that every time directors told him he had to kiss his costar that he threatened that he'd quit if they didn't let him just kiss her cheek." She tossed me some black leggings.

"Seriously?" I asked, incredulous.

"Duh," she sighed, pausing and turning around. "How do you call yourself a girl?"

"Who said I was a girl?" I teased.

"Those boobs make it pretty obvious, baby," she said in a deep voice. We kept a straight face for a moment before bursting into fits of laughter.

By the time we regained ourself, my stomach was aching.

"But seriously, not all girls care about hot teen gossip magazines," I said, wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"Obviously," Rosalie muttered, but I saw her trying to keep from laughing again.

I slipped on the leggings as Rose handed me a pair of black combat boots and a pair of socks.

"I hate socks," I whine.

"Shut up and put them on," Rosalie said, rolling her eyes.

I did as I was told and zipped up my combat boots before standing up. Rosalie smiled.

"You look epic," she observed.

"Thanks," I smirked, rolling my eyes.

"C'mon. Lets get some breakfast."

I followed Rose down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sat down at the island as Rosalie got out the ingredients for French Toast. Suddenly, my phone went off. I walked over to the living room to pick my phone off the coffee table and saw I had a text from Edward.

- Italics: Bella -
- Bold: Edward -

Good morning... 😊

I quickly texted back.

Morning ☺

Whatcha doin?😊

Rose is making French Toast 😍

That sound awesome 😍

Want some? 😜

Would she mind cooking for two more? 😅

Of course not. I'll tell her 😋

Thanks Bells. Ttyl... 😊

Np. ttyl Edward. ☺😉

"Rose!" I called, placing my phone in my back pocket.


"You might need to cook some more French toast! Emmett and Edward are coming!" I told her, walking back to the island.

"What?!" she nearly dropped the egg, "while I look like this?!"

"Rose, you look gorgeous," I said. She wore a floral sundress and bare feet, he hair in a sloppy side braid.

"Nonsense! I don't even have makeup on," she cried, stirring the egg mix.

"Deal with it. If Emmett doesn't see you ever without makeup, how will he react when he wakes up next to your makeup-less face?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," she sighed, dipping the bread in the mixture and dropping it onto the pan, making a loud sizzling sound.

"Duh," I said, bobbing my tongue out.

"Don't make me throw this egg at you!"

"Try it, I dare you!"

She lifted an egg and aimed it at me just as the doorbell rang.

"Odd, it should take longer to get here," I mumbled as I went to answer the door.

"You got lucky!" Rose called as she turned back to the stove.

I pulled the door and was surprised not to see Edward and Emmett, but a large box. A package.

I looked at the mailing address; Anchorage, AK. I checked who it was for.

Isabella M. Swan.

Why did I get a package from Alaska?

"Is it them?" I heard Rosalie ask, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, no! It's just a package..." I trailed off, bringing the box inside. It was about the height of a shoebox and wide as a small wagon.

"A package?" she asked, looking at the mailing address. She went pale.

"What's wrong? Rose?"

"Um... Bella, listen, it was a really good sale and I didn't have any money..."

"Rose. What is it?"

"I used your credit card to buy six pairs of chic Alaskan boots!" she admitted, and then ran back to the stove.

"Rose! I'm gonna kill you!" I whined and tossed the box onto the sofa.


About twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang again. Rosalie went to get it this time as she had finished cooking, and I sat at the island sniffing the warm aroma of the plate of French toast before me.

Rosalie was an amazing French toast cooker.

"Hey, guys! Come on in," I heard Rosalie greet them, follows by three sets of footsteps.

"Hey, Bella," Edward smiled his breathtaking crooked grin and I - not being able to breathe - gave him a lame wave and a smile.

"Hey again, Bella. Sorry about a few days ago." Emmett said, smiling warmly at me. Had he gotten bigger?

"No worries," I smiled.

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's eat!" Rosalie cried, and we all dug in.


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