-*+ 19 +*-

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{ - Remember to check out my new story, Blazing Flames! - }

-= Bella =-

I woke up, light beaming into my eyes from behind my eyelids. Groaning, I began to turn, but found myself stuck. Squirming, I moved my head round to find Edward, eyes closed, mouth slightly open, hair even more disheveled than usual.

Part of me was terrified; why was I in his bed, and why were his arms around me? Oh my God, was I naked?! I quickly used my free arm to lift the covers off of me, just to make sure I was dressed.

I found myself in the same clothes as the night before, to my relief, but I quickly wondered when I had fallen asleep. O remembered watching the sunset with Edward, having Steve leave, and then finding the view of the city... but that's it.

I gently lifted Edward's arm off of me and went to stand up, but his firm grasp wrapped back around me and hugged me tightly to him. His face burrowed into the crook of my neck, and I felt him inhale. I gasped.

I tried to squirm away, but found it difficult. There was a part of me that wanted to stay here; wanted to wake up like this every day.

Then there was a common sense side that told me that a guy like Edward would never like a girl like me.

Just as I was about to try to get up again, I heard a gravelly morning voice murmur in my ear.

"Don't move. You smell amazing, and I'm rather fond of this position,"

Yep, that's all it took. The side that wanted to stay took over, and I flipped over to face Edward and curled up closer to him - if that was even possible.

Edward moaned as my lips pressed up against his neck, and I blushed furiously. I hadn't even meant to kiss him, even if it wasn't on the lips, and his reaction was definitely not expected.

"Edward, we have to get up..." I murmured, but it was muffled by his warm neck.

"No," he groaned, pulling me even tighter to him. His actions had me questioning if he was even remotely coherent.

"WAKE UP YA SLEEPY-HEADS! EDDIE'S GOT A GUEST AND BELLSIE HAS TO COME EAT BREAKFAST!" Emmett's booming voice shattered the looming silence in the room, and Edward and I both shot up from the bed. Edward immediately jumped away from me, and I flinched so far I fell off the bed with a painful thud.

"Oh my God, Bell! Are you okay?" I saw Edward's head pop over the side of the bed to look down on me, but I couldn't tell where he was because the room was spinning. I must've hit my head, albeit I was so full of pumping adrenaline I hadn't felt the pain yet.

"Make it stop," I groaned.

"Make what stop?" Edward asked.

"The spinning. Make the room stop spinning,"

"I can't," Edward said, pulling me up onto the bed.

"Why?" I whined.

"Guys seriously come on," Emmett whined, louder than I did. "Tanya's waiting,"

"Tanya?!" Edward and I immediately growled.

A feeling inside of me bubbled up that I had never felt before. A gut-wrenching pain flamed in my stomach, and all I could think of was tying the said girl to a fence and lighting it on fire.

Edward just looked terrified.

"God, Bella, jealous much?" Emmett asked me. I realized my fists were clenched, and I felt the heat blazing over my cheeks.

"Pfft, no!" I said, but my voice cracked, my complete pseudo-calm facade fading away.

"EDDIE!!! HUGG MMEEEE!!!!" Tanya burst through the door, ignoring me and pouncing on Edward.


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