Chapter 27

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Mikayla's night at the party had been fun, unfortunately her sleeping was quite the opposite. She'd been feeling sicker then usual and her mind had wandered aimlessly to Bucky who she tried her hardest not to think about. Ramona and Steve had been rather loud upon their arrival home but had finished around midnight. Three hours later and Mikayla still couldn't think properly.

That was at least until she heard the front door open. Mikayla didn't wish to walk in on her sister and her fiance naked or awaken what was left of Captain America. The oak door slammed shut, followed by heavy footsteps. Mikayla reached into the drawer of her night table, picking up Steve's old knife.(Which she'd 'borrowed' without his permission.)

She kicked the blankets off her legs, the knife held in a striking position. Mikayla crept down the stairs, not entirely

wanting to wake her sister and the super soldier. If Steve found out there was an intruder, Captain America would rear his ugly head and probably never go away. She continued down the stairs, Bucky's old T-shirt hanging loosely over her thighs. Mikayla turned into the kitchen, seeing a tall man leaning against the counter, his back facing her. His hair reached almost to his shoulders, his build almost matching Steve's.

Mikayla took her shot, pulling herself up by his shoulders, wrapping her legs around his torso and attempting to choke him out. The man reached up with his left arm, attempting to remove Mikayla's arm from preventing his air supply.

Mikayla jabbed her knife into his arm, at the very second he touched her. As the knife met with the mans limb, she expected a scream of pain but only received the sound of clanking metal. The knife caused him to panic as he gently flipped Mikayla over his head and onto the tile floor. As she hit the ground, she knocked over a garbage can, sending a loud bang through the house. She finally had a good look at the mans face but was soon disappointed, he'd been wearing a mask that covered his nose and mouth with tinted goggles. Mikayla had hold of the mans jacket, neither of them moving, just staring at each other.  To Mikayla's relief, one of the upstairs doors swung open, Steve came running down the stairs, pants hanging low on his hips and Captain America shield in hand. 

"Ramona! Check her for injury's!" Steve called as he grabbed the man by the jacket and slammed him into the near by counter. Ramona rushed down the stairs to her sister side, almost tripping over her night gown as Mikayla watched Steve. The mans goggles fell off. Beautiful blue eyes glistened with tears as Steve pushed him into the living room and up against the wall. The man attempted to block Steve's hits but never fought back. Beautiful blue eyes. Blue eyes. His beautiful blue eyes. "Steve!" Mikayla tried as Ramona checked her torso and head for blood or bruising. "Steve! Stop!" She called again, swatting at Ramona's hands.  "Mikayla, quiet!" Ramona hissed attempting to hold her down.

His name came out loud and desperate, screaming with an emotion she'd never felt before. Mikayla knew it was him, "Bucky!" She belted out. The intruders head snapped to her before Steve connected his fist to the mans jaw. "Dammit did she smack her head?" Ramona called to Steve. Mikayla became frustrated, shoving Ramona off of her roughly and pulling herself to her feet. Steve was in the process of pinning the man against the wall, ready to knock him unconscious. "STEVE NO!"  She cried, pulling his arm back and knocking the captain away from the intruder. The man slid down against the wall to the floor, Mikayla sinking to her knees in front of him, pulling off his face mask. It was him. It was Bucky. His chest heaved up and down, a small smile spreading across his pink lips, "Doll. I'm home." The second she heard his voice, an alarming sound left her lips, somewhere between a sob and a gasp for air as if she hadn't been breathing without him. "Bucky. Oh my god." Steve whispered, kneeling beside the two. He was home. Their Bucky was home.

    They'd cleaned up most of his injury's after a well deserved shower and gotten him into fresh clothes as he sat on the couch. Ramona stood behind him attempting to cut his over grown hair back to what it used to be.

"So Hydra gave you this?" Steve asked, pointing to Bucky's left arm which was now replaced with a metal limb. He nodded. "After it was ripped off in the fall, or useless to the point of amputation, I don't remember. Anyway, they found me and patched me up with this bad boy, injected me with some of that super soldier stuff too. Not really like yours though. They were going to brain wash me and use me as a soldier but the base they were keeping me at was destroyed a while ago and I escaped." Mikayla and Steve shared a look of pride before returning their attention to Bucky. "But you." Bucky laughed, "you're engaged. I can't believe my Stevie's getting married." Bucky had been through so much but the fact that he was with his family was all that mattered now.

"There, all done." Ramona smiled, taking a seat beside Steve on the coffee table in front of the couch where Bucky and Mikayla sat. "Hey Bucky?" Mikayla asked, placing a hand on his knee. He turned to her, a smile on his face. "Yes, love?" She took a breath, forgetting the speech she'd been planning or the last hour or so. "I'm pregnant." Bucky's face seemed to drop as he moved away from her slightly. "You're with someone?" He asked. Mikayla laughed and shook her head, "No Bucky god no. It's yours." His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree as he tackled Mikayla backwards onto the couch, leaving kisses all over her cheeks and forehead. "I'm going to be a father! We're going to have a baby. God oh god I love you, this is amazing!" The four laughed, all their stress and sorrow had finally lifted. "We should probably get some sleep." Steve laughed. Ramona raised an eye brow. "Sleep? We have a baby and a wedding to plan for. Let's do this." And in that moment everything was perfect. Everyone was home and safe and loved. No more heart ache or war, you could even say it was as if their stars had finally aligned.

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