Chapter 12

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For the next week and a half, Mikayla, Ramona and Bucky hadn't see much of one another. Bucky and Mikayla had been training most days, and Ramona spent her time stitching wounds back together and patching up soldiers. Luckily, the nurses tent was just outside one of the training camps, giving the blonde a source of (somewhat) entertainment during the long days.

Today, the base had received a handful of new soldiers. Ramona had been scrubbing dried blood from under her nails in a barrel when the men had arrived, lead by Agent Peggy Carter, who both Mikayla and her sister had grown rather fond of during the course of the past few weeks. "Hey, you have a boyfriend! Eyes off the soldiers!" Mikayla called from behind her, letting out a hearty, teasing laugh. Ramona rolled her eyes, drying her palms on the skirt of the Nurses dress, laughing softly. The scrubs fit her rather well, with upturned white sleeves, reaching her elbows, and a collar, buttons trailing down her bust. The skirt was about knee length, flowing out around her, the outfit topped with white Nurse's cap with a red cross in the centre. Her blonde hair had been pulled back into a bun. She turned around to face her sister.

Mikayla wore the required black jumpsuit, the top pulled down, and the sleeves tied around her waist. Underneath, she wore a simple white tank top. On her feet where shin-length leather combat boot, who's colour had almost match that of mikayla's hair, tied back into a high ponytail. A small radio had been clipped to the waistband of the pants, and an umber-coloured bomber jacket, the collar lined with thick, cream coloured faux fur was slung over her shoulder, clutched in a gloved hand. "Did you just get out of a jet?" Ramona laughed, wiping the sweat from her sisters check with a cool cloth. Mikayla nodded, a grin on her face. "Testing out my new toy; They're much more fun than wooden trains." she explained, leaning against the table. Ramona laughed, returning the conversation to Mikayla's soldier comment. "No, they're just the new boys- they look different, smaller, somehow- but there is one that looks so much tinier than the rest, i'm trying to figure out how they let him in..." she mumbled, brows creasing slightly.

The two stood silently, watching as Peggy ordered them into lines. "This is painful to watch." Mikayla sighed, crossing her arms over her chest, the jacket laying over her forearm. The men dropped down into push ups. "Come on, girls!" Agent carter said mockingly, apparently trying to cheer the boys on, before turning towards the sisters and waving them over. Mikayla grabbed Ramona by the hand, forcibly dragging her sister toward the troops.

"Attention!" Peggy shouted, the troops standing up straight, still in their rows. "I'd like you to meet our head Nurse, Ramona Lancaster, and our only female jet pilot, Mikayla Lancaster." The boys stood at ease, muttering to each other, before Peggy stomped her foot on the ground, ordering them to jumping jacks.

Ramona's eyes wandered through the soldiers, glancing at each of their faces, trying to spot out what was so familiar about the smaller soldier she had seen only a few minutes earlier, until he had finally entered her line of sight.

He was the shortest by far, very scrawny, with his helmet slipping down, almost covering his eyes. She was about to point him out to her sister, but before she had a chance, she was cut short by the general shouting, "Grenade!"

Ramona felt herself being shoved to the side, making hard contact with the fence, only to be pressed against it by a larger body. She didn't have time to scream, her eyes squeezed shut as she waited for the loud boom and the blackness. "Get back!", yelled a male's voice, one she had recognized instantly. Ramona's eyes shot open, only now noticing that her protector was infact her elder sister. Mikayla stood still, her body shielding her sisters against the fence behind them before moving back, only when she had realized the grenade hadn't gone off, and it was safe. She moved, allowing her sister to stand up straight.

Ramona was finally able to see where the bomb had been planted, but the only thing she saw was the scrawny soldier wrapped around it. "Is that...Steve?" Mikayla muttered, rubbing her eyes just as Ramona cried out his name. He stood up slowly, squinting his eyes as the blonde had tackled him back into the dirt. "What the hell are you doing here!? Don't you ever do that again! Oh, Steve, i missed you so much! Are you okay?!!" Ramona hissed, a million questions leaving her lips as she smothered him with kisses, her arms wrapped tightly around him. Steve, clearly overwhelmed, did not know what to do as she rose to her feet, leaving him in the mud.

She then turned her head to Mikayla, "And you. What the hell were you thinking, trying to shield me!"

Mikayla put her hands up in defense, "Fine, I'll let you blow up next time." Mikayla said sarcastically, watching as her sister's expression softened slightly. Peggy glanced over at the other soldiers, who couldn't stop staring. Her eyes narrowed. "What are you looking at? Give me another round!" And off they went, running another ten laps.

"What are you doing here? tell me you somehow got in! What's your secret? Did you bribe them? How did you get the money?" Mikayla laughed, watching as Ramona helped steve to his feet, soon wrapping her arms tightly around his chest, head resting just below his shoulders. "I'm an experiment. A man named Dr. Erskine signed me up for a super solider program." He explained, looking slightly proud of himself. Mikayla nodded, assuming they would make him flu-prone, or give him the ability to heal quickly.

The walkie talkie clipped to Mikayla's pants buzzed, a staticy voice coming through loudly. "Pilot 23, we're going to need you for a supply run at a base a little farther up north". Mikayla pressed down a button on the side of the device, pulling the radio to her lips, "Roger that." Ramona removed her face from Steve's chest, glancing up at her sister, "Is that your first actual run?", she asked.

Mikayla nodded, "It's a supply run for now, they won't put me in a real fighter jet for another few weeks." she explained, before beginning to jog off. "Catch you guys later!"

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