Chapter 23

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"Do you think they showed up? Or will we have to do this alone?" Steve questioned as the pair pushed through thick greenery.

Mikayla had miraculously managed to land the plane in a clearing, and the duo were currently making their way to the tree line, roughly 40 metres from the final base. "I dunno, Steve," Mikayla said with a soft, exasperated sigh, evidently annoyed by what seemed to be his 107th question of their journey. "It's a lot to ask of them- oh !" He had cut himself off. What had to be at least 200 soldiers came into their view, all crouched silently in the tree line, trucks and vehicles hidden amongst thick forestry. "Oh. um ...I think they showed." Mikayla chuckled under her breath, although the sudden sound of her voice, and that of leaves crunching under heavy boots appeared to grab the attention of a few soldiers around them. "Captain Rogers!" One of them called out, a wide and relieved grin crossing his cheeks as he glanced over his shoulder to face the two. Everyone seemed to push their attention towards the captain as Mikayla cleared her throat, speaking up. "So cap, what's the plan?"

      Steve truly wished to believe that brunette had asked for the sake of their fellow soldiers, albeit he was well aware her true reasonings lied in the fact that she had been the one to develope said plan, and simply wanted to hear how brilliant it had sounded coming from another. Steve inhaled sharply, his cyan eyes scanning the faces of his loyal men (and Mikayla), before beginning to explain the shockingly well thought plan.

"Pilot 23 and I had landed a Hydra jet, currently located about a mile back south. It's filled with explosives and other weapons that we can use to our advantage. Our guns and fists won't do us much good here... Our best bet would be to plant a large explosive in the centre of the base- the rest of the Hydra officials should be around there. We can take them down, and we're golden. We're going to fight Hydra with Hydra," he stated, gently slamming his gloved fist onto his palm, a look of determination gleaming in his eye. 

A dead silence filled the group as everyone stared at him with disbelief. It seemed almost insane, and against the Captains usual judgement, but it was what had to be done in order to take down Hydra. "Well, you heard the Captain, let's get moving!" Dugan called from the back of the crowd, hands cupped around his mouth. And with that, everything seemed to fall into place.

    Almost a day later, the troop was prepared; everything was in position and everyone was in their place. A glistening night sky fell over the base, making it near impossible to see through the thick canopy of coniferous trees. "Captain Rogers to Pilot 23, are you in place? I repeat, are you in place?" Steve spoke into the radio pressed to his lips. The young woman pinched the dial on her walkie talkie, laughing silently, "Yes Steve, I'm in my spot," she retorted to the blonde in a teasing manner, giggling slightly as she heard him sigh. "Wait for the signal... and be careful, okay?" He reminded her, a tinged of concern in his tone. He could hear her smirk on the other end, and almost instantly regret remind her as he heard the teasing tone ring from the other end. "Oh jeez, Steve. I didn't think you cared so much about me," she snickered, and the corners of Steve's lips had turned upwards into a soft smile. "Of course... we're friends, after all. And i am technically your superior," he reminded her, giving a soft chuckle. There was a moment of silence before Mikayla replied, "Aren't you just the biggest ol' softy, i see why my sister likes you so much." Before Steve had a chance to respond to her last comment, the tips of his ears a burning crimson, the line had cut off, and he gave a light sigh, remaining crouched behind a bulky-looking Hydra vehicle. Mikayla had made her way stealthily into the building, perched quietly on a thick pillar that hung from the ceiling, standing with Dugan, and two other men.

The signal went off almost a second later; a huge explosion in the trafficking section of the base, blowing up jets and incoming cars. Steve quickly made his way into the building, not bothering to hide himself as he knocked down every hydra man in sight with his mighty shield. Things got messy- fast. Hydra was almost defenseless and they weren't expecting the attack. Using Hydras weapons against them. When one develops weapons of mass destruction, you don't normally create a way to counteract it.

The 107th soldiers had succeeded in taking out a large portion of the men in the building. The group was currently waiting on the captain, whom had been on his way to plant a bomb in the center. He was able to stand at a safe distance, and toss it as close as he could. If it had been the duty of any other soldier, they would have to place it directly, and would be impacted the second they set it off. Mikayla weaved her way through long, winding halls, dashing through doors, and gunning down any hydra soldier that had crossed her path. Sooner than later, the brunette had found her way in the center of the base. "Steve?" She asked softly, soft lips pressed to the mic of the radio. The only sound she received in return was static. Mikayla glanced warily over at the window across the room, facing the outside of the office, before creeping over, attempting to be as silent as the dead. Slowly, she peered outside, finding none other than Steve, who had been defending himself from almost a dozen men, more Hydra trucks coming up behind him.

"Dugan," She radioed again, happy to finally hear a response buzz through. "Yes ma'am," He replied, almost immediately. She gave a soft breath of relief, glancing back towards the office. "I have a clear shot. Steve's got his hands full, and more Hydra bastards are coming. Is everyone back at the treeline?"

She heard the radio static buzz, as if Dugan was at a loss for words. Mikayla bit her lip in anticipation, but soon let out a gentle sigh as the voice came through. "Yes, We're all back here like the captain said. You're supposed to be with us.." he replied, avoiding the question. There was a moment of heavy silence, and just as Dugan had been pressed the button to speak again, he had found the line was silent.

The brunette glanced solemnly at the walkie talkie in her hands, before slowly leaning down to set it upon the frozen ground, next to the near empty gun, once in her hand. Reaching into her belt, she had removed a grenade, formerly clipped to the loop of the leather garment. In a gloved hand, she tossed it up gently, before catching it once again, letting out a soft, sad, breathy sort of laugh- this was no time to be stalling, her comrades were in trouble.

"If this doesn't kill me, Ramona sure as hell will..." Mikayla had whispered, before planting the bomb at the office door, and quickly ripping off the tab, watching a moment to almost admire the flame spreading quickly through the room. It burned bright, and quickly- glowing warm and radiant and deep, almost as Bucky himself had once had. A hot tear dripped from the corner of her brandy-coloured eye, and she smiled. The flames had soon engulfed the rest of the building, along with Mikayla herself.

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