Chapter 21

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Steve and Mikayla had spent their afternoon in a rundown bar, a cloud of heartbreak and sorrow lingering just above them.

"You know, Doctor Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles. It would affect my cells, too; Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means, I can't get drunk. Besides, I wasn't going to drink after you quit."

Mikayla nodded solemnly, taking another large swig from the near-empty bottle of Whiskey. "Yeah, well I quit drinking because of Bucky; look where i am now."

Her words had given Steve a strong stab of pain at the mention of his best friend's name. Before the supe rsolider had a chance to respond, Ramona and Peggy had come barging in. The two must have talked to Dugan and asked where they had gone. Ramona was clearly relieved to see the two,

The blondes eyes had wandered to Mikayla's hand, tightly gripping the neck of her bottle. "You're not supposed to be drinking!" She scolded, only up-close noticing the puffiness of her sister's eyes. "Mikayla?" She asked, concerning beginning to form in her eyes. Mikayla didn't move her stare from the ground. The younger of the sisters glanced over to Steve, the same sadness covering him as the freshly fallen snow. "Where is Sergeant Barnes?" Peggy questioned, soon looking slightly alarmed as Mikayla smashed the bottle she had been holding onto the ground, before storming out of the room. The door slammed behind her.

Both Ramona and Peggy glanced to Steve, awaiting an explanation.

"Hydra had set up the train as a trap. Bucky... didn't make it out."

Ramona's breath hitched in her throat. "Hydra has Bucky?" Peggy asked. Steve shook his head; he was well aware of the circumstances, yet he tried his best to push the thought to the back of his mind. There was a moment of silence. "Bucky is dead." he mumbled softly, voice cracking. Ramona had placed a hand over her mouth, stifling a mortified gasp, her eyes filling with tears.

"I'll find Mikayla." Peggy mutter, turning on her heels and dashing after the pilot.

"Steve... I-I'm so sorry. I can't even imagine loosing--" Steve had cut her off by standing from his seat, and pulling her into his grasp. "Don't. There was nothing we could've done to save him." Steve explained. That was a bitter lie and he was well aware.

"Hey." Peggy called out as she had entered the room Mikayla and Bucky had previously occupied. "Hi." Mikayla replied, whipping away stray tears on the back of her hand. "You know, it isn't your fault, Mikayla." Peggy started; But Mikayla didn't want pity, she knew it wasn't her fault, yet at the same time she knew she could've done something- anything.

Peggy sighed, aware of what Mikayla really needed. "Hydra isn't going to stop. They're trying to get to Steve; and to get to Steve they need to get past you and Ramona."

Mikayla's interest had spiked at the mention of her sister. "We need to get to that jet." Peggy added. The pilot reached into the pocket of her bomber jacket, shifting through candy wrappers and folded up love-notes from her beloved, before pulling out a USB stick. "I searched the gunsmen that came after me for ammo, but all I could find was this. Maybe it has something important on it." Peggy nodded, before grabbing Mikayla's hand. "Let's check it out."

Ramona and Steve hadn't left the bar. The couple had been discussing fond memories of Bucky, and the things he used to say. Oddly enough, it took both their minds off of his death, bringing both a nostalgic and almost happy light to the situation. "I still remember when you got into it with one of the guys down by the Theatre." Ramona started, laughing softly, "That guy beat you into the pavement, Stevie. Thank God Bucky made us go out and search for you." She smiled. Steve nodded, "Yeah, and thank God Bucky found us first. If it was you, that guy would've been a dead man."

The two laughed for a moment, soon just breathing softly. The world seemed to fade around them. As Ramona reached up a hand to cup steve's cheek, the walkie-talkie clipped to Steve's waistband began to buzz.

"Captain Rogers." Peggy's voice demanded. "Agent Carter?" Steve replied, pressing down on the button.

"Mikayla and I are in the tech tent back at base, you're going to want to see this."

Ramona and Steve shared the same expression, before rushing out of the bar.

"What's going on?" Steve questioned as he had pulled open the tent. Displayed on the screen in front of them was the schematics for the Hydra jet, along with it's locations and, times for the upcoming departure and landing. Ramona spotted her sister standing before the screen, and talking with Peggy; her expression had never been so dark and dull. "You found it." Steve muttered as he read through the information.

"It's a two man job, you're going to need a partner." Peggy explained. Steve glanced over to Mikayla, who's lips had curved into a small smirk. "I think I found one." He replied.

"When do we leave?" Peggy handed Mikayla her bomber jacket, which had been previously laid on the back of a chair, along with a new, reloaded handgun.

The plane was scheduled to leave in two hours; they needed to act fast. Agent Carter sighed softly, before turning to the others. 

"We leave in 10 minutes. Say your prayers, and kiss your loved ones, because this is going to get messy."

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