Chapter 17

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      Mikayla's eyes fluttered open, the faint hum of Machinery casting an calm background sound. It was still dark out, the sun not quite peeking over the horizon. She stared up at the roof of the small tent, of which she'd spent the past week occupying, along with the sergeant.

Her tired gaze shifted over to Bucky, who's gaze had settled on her through half-lidded eyes. "Last night was fun." He said, a stupid looking grin crossing his cheeks, much resembling Mikayla's on the night she had first kissed Bucky. "I think half of New York heard you moaning, though." Mikayla laughed, smacking him lightly with her pillow, soon snuggling up beside him. Her eyes wandered, soon resting on the dog tags that had laid on his bare chest.

 "Shit," She hissed, swinging her legs over the side of the blow-up mattress. "sore?" Bucky teased her, his eyes closing peacefully. "We're supposed to move to the next sight at sun rise!" Mikayla corrected, scrambling around to dress herself. Bucky's eyes shot open at the sudden realization, practically leaping out of bed. He searched frantically for his pants, which where soon shoved into his chest by none other than Mikayla.

 The brunette had received a new uniform about a while back, which in her opinion, was much nicer than the last. 

It had consisted of dark, jean-like slacks, and a black t-shirt that hugged easily at her curves. Black combat boots where laced to her knees, and she was allowed to keep her bomber jacket. She liked this one much more than her previous pilots uniform. 

He must have known they would be late. "Think he's gonna kill us?" Bucky chuckled, pulling the thick leather belt around his waist. Mikayla shrugged, "Not if he wants a full team. Besides, we're not late- yet." She grinned, grabbing her dog tags from her purse, slipping the beloved bomber jacket over her shoulders, before slipping on a pair of leather gloves. Bucky combed his dark locks to the side, quickly slipping his navy coloured jacket on, turning to face his girlfriend. 

"Ready?" Mikayla asked, picking up a heavy black rifle from the corner of the tent. "You can shoot that?" Bucky asked, for what seemed to be the hundredth time. She shrugged, "guess you'll have too find out."

And with that, Bucky unzipped the tent and made his way out, Mikayla tagging quietly behind him.

     This routine had been going on for weeks, as Steve's 'Hydra raiding parties' became more and more frequent and dangerous.

As the super soldier had bid his farewells to Ramona, Bucky snuck Mikayla out of the base- something he would definitely pay for when he returned.

Today was different. Today the group would raid one of the few Hydra bases left standing, and would attempt to find whatever Ramona had mistakenly injected into her sister after the crash.

Steve directed soldiers in back entrances, stationing a few along the forest line, about 50 feet away from the bases entrances, each carrying explosives that would be planted within. For some unknown reason, the outside of the base was oddly unguarded, allowing easy access for the soldiers whom would soon enter.

"You guys are okay going in?" Steve asked. Bucky nodded his head, "You ask us that every time we do this, Cap."

Mikayla re-loaded her gun before, tossing Bucky his own. He caught it swiftly.  

"For the record, this is much more fun then going on regular dates." Mikayla teased, tossing the strap over her shoulder, flashing Bucky a cheeky grin. Steve rolled his eyes, before moving them along into the base, walking not far behind them. "Find the lab, I'll take out any guards in the way." Steve whispered to the pair, before they went their ways

The two stalked down the hall, making sure to remain close to one of the walls. "You know, when this is all over, we really should go on actual dates." Bucky suggested.

Mikayla ignored him, continuing to shuffle.  "No, seriously, we could go dancing again, out for dinner, I know this cute diner off of 56th, star gazing, 'cause I know how much you love the stars." he trailed off. Mikayla put up a hand to silence him as they reached a doorway. "I think it's a lab." Mikayla whispered, peering in through the small window. She spotted two burly looking men mumbling to one another as they fiddled with some kind of blue substance, bingo. She pressed an ear to the door, attempting to make out their conversation.

"The plane leaves in 96 hours." One of the men had stated, scribbling the information down on a pad of paper, before continuing, "We will have to catch the train on Tuesday." Mikayla glanced over at Bucky, "Today's Sunday?" She asked, and he nodded. The other man joined in, grabbing Mikayla's attention once again, "This needs to be flown out to the main base- skull needs it for next week."

   Without warning, Mikayla busted into the room, knocking out the closest man with the handle of her gun. Bucky backed her up, pointing the barrel of his at the second man and backing him into a corner, the enemies arms raised in defence. Mikayla reached down, pulling the walkie talkie from the waist band of her pants, before signalling im steve. 

"Captain Rogers." She called. The walkie buzzed for a second. "Pilot," he replied. "We are in the lab, you should join us. Trust me, you're gonna want to see this."

After not-so-gently questioning the conscious scientist about the blue liquid,  the base had blown up in flames as the Captains team made way back into the forest, returning to their poorly hidden vehicles. "So, there's a train that's headed to the jet that's supposed to take an entire shipment of whatever that is to the main base?" Dugan asked, only once they reached a safe point, far enough from the smoking Hydra base.

Steve nodded. "That seems to be the plan, I say we hop on." He smiled. "I'm in." Bucky agreed. Mikayla's lips parted to respond, but her walkie beat her to it, buzzing to life. The only time she was ever called in was when Steve needed her help, or the air base was checking in, (although Mikayla was surprised that Ramona hadn't found a way to yell at her through it). She picked it up, fiddling with the dial for a moment, before finally catching a signal. "Attention all air units! Immediate pararescue and supply runners are needed, base 107 had been bombed, I repeat, base 107 has been bombed."

Mikayla stared up at Steve, a look of horror on her face. She had said exactly what he had been thinking - "Ramona."

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