Chapter 8

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Around 10am the next morning, mikayla (in her hungover state) came sliding down the stairs, her hair a tangled mess as she entered the kitchen, taking a seat across from her sister, who was reading updates on the war in the daily paper. "So," the blonde began placing, the paper down and smirking at her elder sister, "Did you have fun last night?". Mikayla thought for a moment, before responding, a confused look on her face, "What happened last night?". Ramona raised a brow, slightly suspecting Mikayla to just be pulling her strings. "Yeah, we went dancing." she explained, and Mikayla only became more confused. "Steve knows how to dance?", she questioned, and Ramona nodded, becoming a bit frustrated as her sister got up, and poured herself a cup of Coffee. "Yes, Mikayla, i taught him how."

        "Oh how nice, I wish i could have been there." Mikayla replied sweetly, sipping from her mug. Before Ramona was able to argue that she had in fact been there, a knock sounded from the front door. Ramona stood up, making her way over. As she pulled the door open, she was greeted by Bucky, who held a bundle of Angelica and Begonia, tied with a gold ribbon. "Oh, good morning," Ramona smiled, moving out of the way, allowing them entry. Bucky stepped inside, revealing Steve, who greeted her good morning and walked in as well. "Is Mikayla awake yet? I wanna tease her about last night." Steve laughed, looking around. Ramona bit her lip, "yeah, about that--", mikayla entered the room, "Morning, people." she said, thankfully having changed into a soft, yellow cotton dress. "Are we going somewhere today?" She continued. Ramona needed Mikayla to leave. "Yes, but not now, so you have time to shower- which i recommend." she urged, and mikayla nodded. "Yeah, i'll do that." she said, walking up the stairs.

        "Is something wrong?" Steve asked, as Ramona ushered them into the living room. She let out a heavy sigh, and explained their situation. "She doesn't remember anything from last night She doesn't even remember that we went out. i tried to talk to her this morning, but there's nothing. i honestly didn't think she was that drunk" She explained, resting her head in her hands. Before she could go on, Mikayla shouted from upstairs. "Hey! Who broke the shower curtain?" she asked, and Ramona sighed once again, burying her face in her palms. "You broke the shower curtain." she muttered to herself, although Mikayla could not hear her. 

       A few minutes later, the sound of the bathwater sounded, clearly showing that Mikayla had given up fixing the shower curtain. "Wait, so she she doesn't remember that I...?" Bucky trailed off, and Ramona shook her head. "Well, maybe it's best this way... I mean, it was stupid. Afterall, she was drunk, and I shouldn't have even tried." Bucky sighed, leaning back on the arm chair, clearly disappointed. Ramona wanted nothing more than to tell Bucky how Mikayla really felt about him, but that was a job Mikayla had to finish herself. "Should i throw away the flowers?" bucky asked, staring down sullenly at the bouquet. "Oh no, they'll look lovely in the kitchen." Ramona smiled, taking the bouquet from Bucky, before walking into the Kitchen and placing them in a Blue vase on the table.

        About 15 minutes later, Mikayla came bouncing down the stairs, her hair lying pin straight off of her shoulders, and the yellow sundress her figure once again. "So, where to?" She questioned, slipping on a pair of simple black flats. "Out for lunch?" her sister replied. Ramona had gotten that weekend off of work, because she had been working double night shifts at the hospital, and Bucky only had the evening shifts down at the Docs. "I could eat.", Steve agreed, smiling lightly as he rose from his seat on the couch. Bucky stood up, following them to the door. They exit the house, about to leave for lunch before mikayla stopped them. "Hey, did you put my shoes outside?" Mikayla asked, and Ramona let out a heavy sigh. 

        They made their way down the sidewalk, a loud woosh shaking the leaves of the trees nearby. Looking up, warplanes flew overhead, and bucky nodded slightly. "It looks like they're retesting the new planes..." he mumbled, although coherently enough for the others to hear him speak. "You know. our grandfather was a pilot in the first world war. He even taught me the basics of flying." Mikayla smiled, "I've actually been on the wheel with him more than once, but he never let me alone up there..." she laughed lightly, a nostalgic look in her eyes. "Oh yes, because you flying a bomb-dropping plane is something the world needs" Steve had teased, and Mikayla rolled her eyes. 'oh you better believe it.' 

        They settled down at a further booth in Mik's diner, menu's and milkshakes in hand. "So, I got a letter yesterday." Bucky began, his voice filling the silence that had settled in their booth. No one had replied. Bucky cleared his throat, before continuing. "I've been accepted into the army". All three menu's slammed down on the table in sync, and bucky rolled his eyes "Steve, you already knew, don't even bother." he sighed lightly. Ramona looked up at bucky, slightly pleased to have him accompany her to war. "Base 107?" she asked, and he nodded his head. They generally placed people from the same area in the same bases, just to make things a little more organized. "Looks like it's just gonna be you and me." Steve half-joked, trying to lighten the mood, and attempted to make Mikayla smile. 'yeah, not so much'  She thought. Mikayla didn't say much for the rest of the afternoon. No one really did. 

        Around 5pm, the sun began setting slowly, and Bucky was to head off to work. Steve decided he was just going to go home, and bid the girls goodnight, but promised to see them the following day. The sisters walked him back, before returning home. "I don't like this," was the first thing mikayla said as they walked through the door. "Your boyfriend leaving for the war? None of us do." Ramona responded, a sad look in her eyes. Mikayla crinkled her brows. "He is not my boyfriend...yet." she began, earning a chuckle from her sister, "But i don't like any of it. Bucky leaving, you leaving- everyone leaving! It just sucks!" she groaned, leaning against the wall. Mikayla had not cried in four years, but Ramona could have sworn she saw tears in her sister's eyes that day. She placed a hand on mikayla's shoulder, before pulling her sister into a tight hug. they stayed like that for what seemed like hours, Mikayla resting her chin on her sister's head, eyes shut tight. 

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