Chapter 3

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Ramona took a seat at the table, seated next to Steve and across from Bucky, trying to make simple conversation while the boys ate their breakfast.

        Shortly after a few minutes of small talk, Mikayla had finally made her not-so grand entrance. The older sisters immediate instinct was to head straight for the coffee that Ramona had brewed a few minutes prior to her entry. The brunette had thrown on a simple black dress which gently hugged her curves, and her hair had been loosely curled, and tucked behind her ear.

         "You look lovely when you try." Ramona smiled, only half-teasing her older sister. "Thank you, Mother." Mikayla retorted sarcastically. "This is why we don't force people to go on dates they don't want to go on," She added, sipping the steaming mug of coffee ever-so-innocently, not seeming to notice the slightly hurt face of Steve's. "This is why we don't drink before breakfast time. Besides I simply volunteered you, it's about time you find yourself a nice man." Ramona argued, attempting to earn her sister silence. "You volun-told me." Mikayla spat, before taking a seat in the chair across from her sister, and next to Bucky.

        The four sat in a painfully awkward silence for about four minutes. Just as steve had been about to strike up a conversation, he was interrupted the sound of Mikayla's face hitting the table. "Did she just...?" he trailed off, a blonde brow raised in question. "Fall asleep at the table? Yes. Yes she did." Ramona sighed, burying her head in her hands. She rose to her feet, hooking her arms underneath Mikayla's, before heaving her into the living room. "Would you like some help?" Bucky asked, stifling a laugh with the palm of his hand. Ramona merely shook her head, laying her sister onto the beige couch, and tossing a lavender coloured blanket over top of her, before returning to the kitchen.


      "How about we go for a walk down by the harbor? It's a nice day." Bucky offered, peeking through the white and lacey curtains over the sink. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, I'll leave a note for Mikayla." Ramona replied, a bright smile on her face. She scribbled something down onto a sheet of notebook paper, before taping it to her sister's forehead. Mikayla wouldn't have noticed any other way. Steve slipped his jacket over his shoulders, before holding the door open. Soon enough, the trio set off.

        After a few hours of roaming the city, at about four in the afternoon, Ramona and the two boys returned to the townhouse, laughing happily as they walked through the doorway. "Think she's up?" Bucky questioned, closing the door behind them. Ramona peeked into the living room, only to meet a vacant couch, a lavender coloured blanket tossed onto the ground, and the black dress Mikayla had worn earlier was slung over the back of the arm chair facing opposite of the couch.

        "Is she roaming the streets naked or something?" Bucky asked, leaning against the counter. "You would only hope so, Bucky." Steve had teased him, only to be met by Bucky's elbow digging into his shoulder, even though he had been laughing. "No, she wears the same hideous dress every day, she must have found where I hid it. It's a disgrace to modern fashion." Ramona groaned, leaving on the wall. The dress was a deep navy blue, with small white buttons connecting the thin straps to the bust. The next part of the apparently atrocious ensemble would be the same light pink heels she wore daily. The colour had faded long ago, and Ramona had stopped trying to pinpoint if it really did start off as such an ugly pink.

       "Well, where the hell did she go?" Steve asked. Ramona picked up the forgotten black dress, trying to think. Suddenly, she growled, scrunching the fabric in her hand. "She's at Al's Liquor store, Just across the street from Flynn's Diner." She grunted, throwing the dress harshly onto the couch. Steve let out a soft sigh, re-opening the door. "Shall we?" He asked. Ramona stomped out the door angrily, not giving an answer. Bucky following behind her. "Thank you, sir." He laughed lightly, waiting on the front steps for his friend. Steve grinned, letting the door fall close behind them.

Through the windows to the liquor store they could see Mikayla, who was indeed wearing the 'disgrace to fashion.' Steve and Bucky glanced at each other. "That dress doesn't look half as bad as I expected." Bucky laughed, to which steve merely shrugged. Ramona ripped open the door, the little bells above ringing aggressively. She looked around for Mikayla, but Bucky spotted her first, and made haste walk over to where she had been shifting through bottles on a shelf, before she would have to face the wrath of her little sister.

         "Here," He began, taking a rather large bottle of 'Dublin Whiskey' off of the shelf and placing it in Mikayla's hands. "This one helps me when I fall asleep in my breakfast," he joked, half expected to be greeted with a kick in the shin or a sarcastic remark, but instead received a smile. To say the least, he was a bit surprised. "We were out of Strawberry wine... I hate it, because it's so sweet, but it's the only thing Ramona drinks, so I thought I'd pick some up." She explained, taking the large pink bottle off of the shelf. Mikayla turned to face Bucky. "But while I'm here, might as well take your word for it." She laughed, plucking the bottle of 'Dublin Whiskey' from his grasp.

      Bucky followed her down the aisle, as they turned the corner they were met face to face by none other than Ramona and Steve, and Ramona did not look happy. "Mikayla I swear, if you're--" she began, although was silenced by her sister raising the bottle of her ever-so-favoured strawberry wine (or as mikayla called it, 'Cavities in a bottle') "'re sober?" Ramona questioned, leaning in close to her sister's face and searching her eyes for any sort of redness. "Yes, completely." Mikayla chuckled back, pushing her sister's cheek away to remove the blonde from her personal space.

       "How 'bout we all go to the park t'night? The four of us drink a little under the stars, get to know each other?" Mikayla suggested, waving the bottle seductively in front of Ramona's face. Ramona's brow creased slightly, before she grabbed the bottle from Mikayla's hands. "Mikayla, is getting drunk in a public place not illegal?" she questioned her sister, to which mikayla snorted. "Um, i didn't say get drunk, and we are badasses." she responded, folding her arms over her chest. "Yes, except for all four of us who are not." ramona retorted, sighing. "Hey! i'm a badass." steve butt in, too which bucky said "You're just a punk who can't run from a fight, don't talk so big", and mikayla laughed. "Hey, at least he's brave enough to stay and stand up for himself, even if he doesn't win." ramona replied, sticking up for the skinny boy. Steve smiled, and mikayla rolled her eyes. "okay, but are we going to go out tonight or no?" she asked, placing a hand on her hip. "Fine...but no getting drunk, and no one touches my strawberry wine." 

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