Chapter 13

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Today was a big day, and Ramona only wished Steve could be there to see it. The one and only Captain America was coming to base 107. Mikayla's jet had sprung an oil leak a few days prior, so she was grounded until they could fix it, allowing her to make her way down for the show. Steve had left for the experiment the same day they had reunited at the camp. That was nearly a month ago. 

"i think Bucky would have found this amusing," Ramona said to her sister, who sighed softly. He was sent off two weeks earlier on a search and rescue mission, and Ramona knew she missed him. Mikayla avoided the topic.

"D'ya think this guy's gonna be all that?" Mikayla asked, as she and her little sister made their way down to join the audience. Ramona shrugged "I hope so, i've  been anticipating this for days." She grinned, and the older girl rolled her eyes. They had eventually settled somewhere in the back with the nurses, sighing as the horny soldiers fawned over the dancing women on the stage.

"This all sounds like propaganda. Do they honestly expect a bunch of soldiers to be influenced by a twenty something man in a blue, skin-tight body suit?" Mikayla huffed, earning a few chuckles from passing soldiers. "Shhh, be quiet it's starting." Ramona hissed, the song ending. The girls stepped off of the stage, before the curtains opened and the Captain came out. "This is not going to end well." Mikayla muttered, earning another sharp look from the blonde who was seated beside her.

     "Who's ready to help me sock ol' Adolf in the jaw?" The captain asked, looking rather stupid in costume. The crowd was silent. "Told you." Mikayla snickered, watching as he stood there for a few seconds. "I need a volunteer!", he continued. Ramona couldn't help but giggle, watching Mikayla's poor attempts to conceal her laughter.

"We already volunteered, how'd ya think we got here!" a solider yelled, before another man joined in, "Bring out the girls!", he called. The Captain reacted quickly, attempting to calm him down. "I-I'll see if they know anymore songs."

As he dashed off the stage, Mikayla's radio went off, the staticy voice returning. "Pilot 23. come in, pilot 23."  She had almost ripped it from her waist band, pressing down on the side button, and bringing it to her lips "Pilot 23 here.", she replied, as Ramona glanced at her sister, worry written all over her face. 

"Pilot 23, your jet is repaired, we need you ASAP for a Pararescue down river." Mikayla's eyes met with Ramona's, as she lifted the walkie once again, "yes sir, I'll be there as fast as possible." she responded, her smile meeting Ramona's frown.

Several soldiers that had been sent out with Bucky had retreated to the river, needing immediate medical care, and Ramona had been called back to the nurses tent to care for those who had made it back.

Backstage, Captain America, or 'Steve' as Peggy had called him, watched as the men were being airlifted in, injured or worse. Peggy had been completely supportive of him, especially now when he felt at his lowest.

"What base is this?" Steve questioned. "107th." She answered. Steve shook his head, "No, these men, what base are they from?". Peggy picked up the clipbored, which she'd set down only a few minutes before, "like I said...the 107th, Search and rescue mission went amiss, the entire unit was captured, several killed and few escaped."

'Bucky', steve thought, worry written all over his face. Without explanation, he stood up, making his way over to the general (who looked to be signing condolence letters). "General!" He called, as they got closer. "Captain, you're supposed to be--" Steve cut him off, "Sergeant Barnes of the 107th, is he alive?"

The general stared up at Steve with a look of complete annoyance. "Son, I've been signing condolence letters for almost the entire day, so many names have come through here...but Barnes...the name sounds familiar."

Steve sighed, his eyes stinging as he turned and lead Peggy away. "You're just going to leave them there? the captives?" She questioned. "When you said I was meant for more then this, did you mean it?" Steve asked, ignoring her question. She nodded, "Every word."

The scowl on Steve's face turned into a smirk, "I'm gonna need a lift." Peggy returned the smirk, nodding her head."I know a Pilot."

"This is dangerous." Ramona scolded as Mikayla slipped on her jump suit, clearly trying to move as fast as she could. "Nothing I haven't done before."  Mikayla argued. Ramona was always paranoid when Mikayla was called out, especially now that Hydra was ready for them. Her sister's stern look turned to utter shock as she witnessed Agent Carter and Captain America walking quickly in their direction.

Mikayla raised a brow, "Hello?" She asked, waving a hand in front of her wide-eyed sister. "Pilot 23." Carter stated. "Yes, ma'am." Mikayla replied, turning to face the agent. "And Captain." She added, glancing at the star-spangled man.

Steve's face lit up in a grin at the sight of his love, seeing the mixed expression of concern and excitement on her face. "Pilot 23, is your jet still down?" she asked, and Mikayla shook her head. "No ma'am, I've just been called back for a pararescue, survivors of the previous search and rescue." Carter was about to continue, although was moved to the side by steve, who's only intention was to get closer to the nurse. Carter huffed in annoyance.

"God, you're beautiful." He muttered, slightly reaching out towards her. She stepped back, unable to recognise him though the mask that covered his face, and due to the fact that he had appeared to have hit an extreme puberty over the past month.

"Howard Stark is a suitable pilot. Not like he doesn't brag about it enough." Mikayla complained, and Steve took his chance, "what happened to Howard Stark being yummy?" he had teased.

Mikayla's eyes shot up, "BUCKY?" she asked enthusiastically, bouncing slightly with excitement. "" he responded, and she stopped bouncing. "Steve?" she asked, less enthusiastically. He laughed, before Ramona grabbed his arm. "It's you! Wow... I mean...yeah, wow."  she mumbled, her gaze drifting upwards to meet his, trying (and failing) to reach up, and pull off his mask.

"What the hell! I thought your stupid little project would make you fucking anti-sick or something!" Mikayla interrupted, looking clearly shocked. Steve was too busy staring at her sister to respond, as he took off the mask. His gaze switched from his love to Mikayla, wondering wether he should mention Bucky. No- not now, she needed to focus. He turned back to Ramona, who jumped up, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. He placed his hands around her hips, holding her up as their lips met. Both Mikayla and Agent carter looked vaguely uncomfortable at their public displays of affection, but neither had the heart to tell them to pull away. After more than a minute, mikayla had had enough. She grabbed her sister by the waist, pulling her off of Steve. "I think you've had enough, there won't be room for dessert if you keep eating each others faces like that". Steve turned redder than the night they had gone dancing, while the feisty blonde attempted to hit her sister, although struggled due to the fact that she was still being held off of the ground by the other girl.

Mikayla had grabbed her bag off of one of the tables, scooping up a pair of keys and taking the wheel of a jeep that had been parked near by. She honked the horn obnoxiously loud. "If you could stop, that would be lovely." Peggy laughed slightly, taking the passenger seat as poor Steve was left to sit in the back.

"Wait." Ramona mumbled, grabbing Steve's wrist before he could leave. "Please, Don't die...okay?" She pleaded. Steve laughed, "I'll be fine. We'll all be fine." he told her, kissing her one last time. Mikayla pressed her hand down on the horn, interrupting the second kiss. And with that, Steve had dashed to the vehicle, and they were off. 

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