Chapter 22

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Speeding behind the jet, agent Carter had her foot firmly on the gas pedal. 

Steve and Mikayla were perched on either side of the car, prepared to grab on at any given moment. Steve glanced at his friend, a slight smile crossing his slightly chapped lips. "Ready?" he asked, the gas pedal practically to the floor as they tailed the jet. Mikayla gave him a curt nod of her head, chestnut locks tousled in the wind over her shoulders, her goggles slipping down her forehead. 

Before the two could leap, a small, shaky voice came from the back seat, "W..wait!" 

Both Mikayla and Steve turned to Ramona, whom quickly rose to her feet. She stumbled a little, slightly pushed back by the force of the wind, yet caught herself by the strap of steve's costume. She pulled her love down, and their lips connected with a soft, sad-sounding sigh. It was over within seconds, and Ramona pulled away. No words were needed between the two, as the look in Steve's eyes said enough. As their lips parted, gagging sounds could be heard from her ever-so-immature sister. "i ain't kissing you next," the brunette laughed, earning a smirk from Peggy. Even Ramona gave a soft chuckle, gently wiping the tears from her eyes. 

"Come on!" Steve called, quickly yanking on the back of Mikayla's bomber jacket. He reached up with his free hand, grasping the metallic wing in his gloved hand, quickly helping Mikayla on. She stepped onto his shoulder, pushing herself onto the wing, and rushing to the door. As she pushed the door open with the barrel of her gun, the same voice was heard from before.

"Don't die!" Ramona shouted, and steve gave a soft, hearty chuckle before following Mikayla onto the plane. The car stopped, and Agent Carter and Nurse Lanchaster watched as the Jet was lifted into the air, soaring into the distance. Ramona couldn't help but cry.

"What's the plan?" Mikayla asked, the door clicking shut behind them. "Stay low and follow me," The captain replied. For once in her life, Mikayla saw no reason to argue with Steve, and followed him with soft footsteps.

"This must be the pilots end," Steve whispered. Before Mikayla could reply, more than likely with something sarcastic, she was taken aback when Steve whipped around to face her. She couldn't see what was happening at this point, but fear struck in her heart as a hot blast skimmed her side, sending the girl flying back into the wall of the jet, her head making harsh contact with the metal. She fell to the ground, unconscious. 

Red Skull. Hand on the trigger, the flamethrower was shot at Steve once again, yet the shield was there to save him. In the corner of his eye, he was more than shocked to see Mikayla intact. She should have burnt like everything else that was hit, so why was she (somewhat) alright? 

Steve reacted on impulse, tossing the vibranium shield as easily as he would a frisbee. It knocked the gun from Skull's hands, sliding far across the ground, and completely out of sight. As he lost the weapon, Steve took the opportunity to run at him, tackling him to the floor.

The two pushed back and fourth, throwing punches harsh punches and attempting to kick one another to the ground. Cap managed to grab his shield once again, but a foot was raised to his chest, and he was kicked back into the control panels of the jet. The plane began hurling towards the sea below. Steve managed to regain his posture, before pushing Skull down forcefully. He brought his arm back, and with all his might, he sent the shield flying to the centre of the ship, sticking itself into what was evidently the source which had powered skulls weapons. As he stepped down, his hand found it's way around Mikayla's wrist, quickly pulling the unconscious girl to the control panels.

He glanced down at what would have been the wound on her side, yet the torn fabric of her jacket was the only evidence of such a shot. Whatever had been injected in her after the crash, it was sure doing something to her body.

Steve's attention was brought back to the jet currently hurling towards the ice-covered seas. He released Mikayla, not bothering to watch her slump back to the ground as he rushed to the panels, pushing every button and handle he thought useful. Reaching to the left, he grabbed onto the handle of the radio, bringing it to his lips as he desperately fiddled for a signal to home. "This is Captain Rogers, come in, Captain Rogers!"

The faint buzzing of the radio caught their attention. At first, nothing but static came through the line, yet soon enough, his voice was heard.

"Steve, is that you? are you all right?" Peggy asked, pushing past crowding soldiers to reach the radio, Ramona stumbling behind her. "Great, Skulls dead." He replied quickly, a smile crossing his lips, more than happy to have gotten through to home. He could hear Ramona sigh with relief, but before either of them could speak a word to one another, Peggy continued; "And the plane?"

"That's a little bit tougher to explain..." Steve began, sounding a little glum. "There's not going to be a safe landing. I'm going to try and force it down."

Ramona's eyes widened slightly, stifling a gasp with her hand. This time, she didn't give Peggy the chance to continue. "You brought the pilot for a reason, Steve!" she said, desperation filling her every word. Only a sad sigh was heard from the other end. "She's unconscious. This thing's moving too fast, and it's heading straight for New York. I gotta put her in the water."

"Please, don't do this." The young girl begged, tears dripping down her cheeks. "If I wait any longer, a lot of people are going to die. This is my choice." was the soft response she got. Soft snivelling could be heard as she tried to pull herself together. Agent Carter moved from her chair, wrapping an arm around the far smaller blonde's shoulders.

"Ramona?" He asked, and she sniffed. "I'm here." 

"I'm going to need a rain check on that dance. A week next Saturday at the Stork Club. Eight O'clock, on the dot." Steve began, and when he heard Ramona's soft laugh, he smiled lightly. "Don't be late." She told him, although it came out as more of a whisper. Steve chuckled slightly, before continuing, "I'll have the band play something slow, I'd hate to step on your-," yet he didn't have the chance to finish, a groaning voice cut him off. Steve craned his neck to see, and his eyes widened when he was met with the sight of Mikayla sitting up. "What the shit happened?" She grumbled, slowly propping herself up against the wall (with much effort), and placing a hand against her throbbing temple. "Fuck, that isn't a friendly feeling..."

"Mikayla!" Ramona practically shouted, fresh tears of relief welling up in her eyes as she heard her sisters voice once again.

"Mikayla, find a seat. We're going to hit the water." Steve warned, and Mikayla looked at him as though she was a disappointed mother. Slowly rising to her feet, she took her sweet time stretching out her sore arms, before wandering to the control panel. "Turn on the backup generators, Asshat."

Steve froze in place, one thought in his head- 'the backup generators...?'

Mikayla reached over his shoulder, flipping a faded blue switch near the windshield, before nudging Steve from the pilots seat. Steve rose quickly as Mikayla grabbed hold of the wheel, the Jet barely skimming the surface of the frozen sea as they rose back into the cloud-filled skies above. "We'll have about twenty minutes of flight, which will be enough to get us back to the land," She explained, brandy coloured hues reading over the GPS. "...And about a mile away from the last Hydra base," She mumbled, a slight smile crossing her lips. The two shared a look, nodding slightly at one another before Steve grabbed hold of the radio handle once again. "Ladies, I'm sending you my coordinates. I need every able-bodied man... Hydra's going down."

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