Chapter 15

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Ramona had made a mad dash for the gates as the captives marched back into the camp, led by none other than Captain America and Sergeant Bucky Barnes.

"Steve!" She shouted, running over, before jumping onto him, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist as her arms hugged his neck. Steve wrapped his arms around her, pressing his lips against hers. It was a sweet kiss, mixed with a taste of salty tears and love. "God, you scared me!" she grinned as she pulled away, laughing, before she removed herself from Steve, dashing over to hug Bucky tightly. "God, we missed you! You look so pale, are you alright?" Ramona asked, placing a hand on Bucky's cheek. He nodded, "yeah just a little shaken up, is all." Steve coughed rather loudly, and Ramona took a step back. Bucky was about to question where Mikayla had been, but before the words could leave his lips he was cut off by the general yelling frantically.

"Nurse Lancaster!" he shouted, grabbing the trio's attention. "We had three jets shot down up the river, the pilots are being airlifted here now!". Ramona's eyes filled with terror, making her way quickly over to the Nurses tent, the boys jogging behind her. As Steve rushed into the tent, the bottle he'd taken from hydra slipped from his belt, rolling on the ground and underneath a table.

  The first pilot was brought in, the copter landing about 20 metres away from the tent, the wind blowing the nurses blonde hair in all directions, "Pilot seventeen, severe head injury, paralysed from the waist down!" One of the other nurses called, rolling him into the tent.

"Ramona?", Steve asked, watching as Ramona ordered the next nurse to help the second pilot being carried in. "Pilot six, severed arm, large open gash to the chest!". The nurse rolled him into the tent. 

Both pilots had been unconscious upon entry. "Where's the third pilot!?" the nurse shouted.

"Ramona!" Steve said louder, but she was too preocuppeid in preparing herself for the third pilot, and choose to ignore steve. "RAMONA!" He hissed finally hissed, and the small girl snapped around. "WHAT!" She screamed, and Steve stumbled back slightly, taking a breath. Before Ramona could apologize for shouting, her started. "Mikayla was sent off in a pod of three, where was she going?" he asked- And with that, his question was answered. 

"Pilot twenty-three, severe gash near left the shoulder, second degree burns covering her legs and torso, severe head injury, breathing difficulties, Pilot twenty three is conscious!"

    Ramona's heart seemed to stop beating as her sister was carried in on a stretcher, screaming in pain and gripping the metal sides. Bucky's voice seemed to come out faster than he intended as he pushed past anyone in his way, "Fucking hell!" the blonde girl cried out, running  to where they set her sister onto a bed, the white sheets soaking in blood. As Ramona reached her, she could make out the cuts a bruises peeking through the ripped fabric of her jump suit, the burns clear. Ramona couldn't find the words to say as she pressed down on her shoulder with towels, trying frantically to stop the bleeding. Mikayla's right hand was gripping the headboard behind her, teeth clenched and eyes held shut.

Steve ran to Ramona's side, concern spread on his face as Bucky's face contorted into an expression of fear and anger. "I'm not loosing her!" He yelled, sinking to his knees beside Mikayla. "Sargent, you need to leave." One of the nurses demanded, coming up behind him. Bucky nearly swung at her out of impulse, and Steve knew that his friend wouldn't budge, but he was also aware they were in the way of the nurses. "Bucky, lets go. Now." Steve stated, walking around the bed and grabbing his arm. "No!" Bucky yelled pulling back forcefully.

Fighting back was pointless as Steve wrapped his arms around Bucky, picking him up off the ground and carrying him out. "Steve, no!" He begged, attempting to free himself, but it was no use. Tears trailed from his eyes. He had managed to bring Bucky far enough, not wanting him to be able to hear the shallow screams that rang from the nurses tent. "No!" Bucky repeated, trying to run back, but steve held his arm. "Sargent!" Steve yelled, blinking back tears.

   Bucky stopped himself, looking up at his friend, breathing heavily. "If there's anyone that can save her, it's Ramona. Mikayla is a soldier. She's strong, and she is brave. She will live."

Bucky didn't believe Steve's words anymore then Steve did himself, but there was absolutely nothing either of them could do except stay out of the way, and let Ramona get to work. Steve waited for Bucky to calm down, before placing his hands on the brunette's shoulders. "All of the men are heading over to a bar tonight, we're going because we have to." He explained, changing the subject.

Bucky sighed, brushing him off before turning on his heels. "Where are you going?" Steve asked, and Bucky shrugged, "On a walk. Alone."

  Back in the Nurse's tent, Mikayla continued to scream and groan in agony as the nurses attempted to patch her up. "Morphine! Where the fuck is the morphine!?" Ramona shouted, before One of the nurses began searching around, looking for the bottles. Mikayla's screaming suddenly turned into a violent fit of coughing and choking, until her eyes closed and her breathing stopped.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Ramona cried, quickly beginning to perform CPR on Mikayla. Ramona pressed down firmly on Mikayla's chest several times, before hearing the crack of her breaking ribs, and continuing to pump until she reached thirty. Tilting Mikayla's chin up and plugging her nose, she blew air into her open mouth three times, before returning to pumping her heart. As she reached fourteen pumps, her sister's chest heaved up. The violent coughing returned as her head jerked  to the side, vomiting blood all over the sheets. Her breathing shallow and heavy. "WHERE IS THE GOD DAMN MORPHINE!" The younger sister wailed as the nurses scurried frantically around the tent.

"I've found it!" One of them shouted, spotting the bottle which Steve had dropped earlier. Mikayla's eyes shot open, the screaming proceeding much louder now, the addition of her now broken rib cage piling up on the pain-o-metre. 

The nurse cracked open the bottle, handing it to Ramona, who grabbed a syringe from the table beside her, sticking it into the bottle and sucking up the fluid. She handed the bottle back to the nurse, before turning and holding Mikayla's left arm down, sticking the needle into the her vein.

Mikayla calmed down almost instantly, her eyes slipping shut. "She'd unconscious!" Ramona shouted, about to return to her CPR, although She stopped herself mid action, seeing the rise and fall of Mikayla's chest. "Or she's...sleeping?".

Ramona turned around and grabbed the bottle from the Nurse's hand, reading it throughly and identifying the HYDRA label. She deadpanned.

Ramona looked up at the nurse, anger surging through her tear-filled eyes. "Take my sister to the recovery room. Hook her up to the IV's, her blood type is 0." she said, watching the others before turning to the nurse whom handed her the "morphine". The nurse stumbled back, before she was violently shoved to the ground by the much smaller girl. "If whatever the fuck was in that bottle kills my sister, i will make you drink the rest, and you do not want to know what comes after that." she said, each word dripping with venom and pure anger. She swallowed hard, nodding in fear before Ramona had stormed out of the tent.

About fifteen minutes later, once Ramona had managed to collect herself, She made her way to the recovery room. The only sound was the steady but slow beeping of Mikayla's heart monitor.

Thirty beds in the room and only one was occupied. She made her way over to her sister, sitting in the chair next to bed she lied in. Mikayla had been covered in bandages, resembling more a mummy than a soldier. "How did we get here?" Ramona asked, tears dripping from her eyes, although she knew her sister couldn't hear her. Ramona leaned back in the chair, closing her eyes, attempting to find some sense of peace.

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