Chapter 1

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James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes was a hardworking man, with a love for women, fun and dancing.

 He worked long, hard days in the docks of Brooklyn, standing under a boiling sun and carrying heavy loads. This, of course, would have to tire a man out; even a man such as Bucky. On most days after he would finish his daily shifts and collect his pay, he would often stopped at a small diner at the corners 6th avenue and 17th street, by the name of 'Flynn's'; just to say hello to the regulars and grab a soda. 'Flynn's' was a small (although rather popular) diner in Brooklyn, open 8am to 11pm. A long, faded sky blue counter reached from one wall to the other, lined with red cushioned stools that suck up from the checkered floor like mushrooms. The wall behind the counter lead to the kitchen, where many sighs and posters covered up the chipping paint job. Directly across from the counter, was a long row of booths, with red faux-leather seats and a wall of windows, looking out into the beautiful city of Brooklyn.

After a particularly rough day at the docks, he strode into the diner at about 2pm. The little silver bell on the top of the front door chimed, as if to bid him a good afternoon and a how-do-you-do. He walked over to the long counter, greeting the young man at the register. "Afternoon, Dan." Bucky stated, a cheeky grin on his face as he dumped some loose change onto the counter, a few pennies rolling off the edge and onto the tiled floor. Bucky scrambled to pick them up. "I'll take a 7-up, if you please." he asked, counting his change and pushing them over to Dan, the 17 year old boy who worked every Thursday to Sunday in the diner. Dan gave a bright smile, putting the money in the register, and cracking open a bottle of 7-up. He slid it over the counter to Bucky.
Bucky thanked Dan once more, and turned to find an empty seat where he could enjoy his cold drink in the perfectly air-conditioned diner, but he was caught off guard by a woman sitting at the very last mushroom stool. A grin slowly made it's way onto his lips as he placed his drink down temporarily to adjust his Hickory coloured hair in the reflection of the windows. Picking up the cold drink once again, he strode over to the woman, coughing slightly to gain her attention.

The woman almost instantly glanced up from the strawberry milkshake she was sipping, wavy blonde curls whipping over her shoulder; only to come face to face with a future friend known as Bucky Barnes.
She took a moment to study him. The man had a sharp, square jawline, and a smooth, shaven complexion. His eyes where the colour of the sky on a stormy day, sparkling like droplets of rain on a window. His hair was short and dark, few strands heading in their own direction but nevertheless appeared to be slicked perfectly into place. He had a square lower lip, and when he flashed her a smile his teeth appeared near perfect. The man seemed to stand about six feet tall, with broad shoulders and a beautiful build. His biceps shown clearly through the rolled-up navy sleeves of the shirt he wore. "James Buchanan Barnes, although my pals call me bucky. Pleased to make your acquaintance." he smiled, hesitating for a second before asking if he could take a seat. The woman nodded, a large smile crossing her lips. "My name is Ramona Lanchaster. it is a pleasure to meet you as well, Bucky."

Bucky stared at , taking in her appearance up close. Her eyes were round and a soft shade of grey, framed by long lashes and thick, arched brows. She had a heart shaped jaw, with a thin neck. Her light, ashen blonde curls falling just below her collarbone. She had a thick lower lip and a thin upper lip, coated with a shimmering layer of gloss. Although she had been seated, it didn't take a genius to tell she was smaller, appearing about 5'1.

Ramona raised a brow, "When you are finished staring, would you like to carry on a conversation?" she teased, causing the tips of Bucky's ears to turn red in embarrassment. "Say, how about i take you out on a date and we could continue the Conversation then?" he asked, flashing an infamous-flirtatious smile. Ramona thought for a moment, before smiling. "i will go on a date with you; on one condition. You need to bring a friend for my big Sister, Mikayla." she stated, and Bucky's face lit up. "i can definitely do this; i'm sure she would love my buddy Steve. He's a doll." he grinned, causing Ramona to laugh lightly. "That sounds wonderful. Let's say... tomorrow morning?" she asked, and Bucky nodded in response. The blonde scribbled her address onto the back of a napkin, before rising from her seat and dusting off the skirt of her sapphire-coloured dress. "So, it's a date!" Bucky beamed. "Indeed it is, see you then, Mr. Barnes." she called over her shoulder, waving goodbye to him as she left the diner, the little bell at the top of the door bidding her farewell.

Bucky grinned then, and the rest of the way home. The soldier was more than overjoyed to tell Steve the news, and he hoped Steve would feel the same.  

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