Chapter 7

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Upon returning to the bar, Ramona and Steve were had been greeted by Mikayla, who was already becoming tipsy. "Wow, that was painful ta' watch," She smirked, placing her second bottle of beer on the wooden bar counter. "I Thought you gave that up?" ramona asked, gesturing to the bottle with a distasteful glance. "Hey, I never said a damn thing about giving it up. Cutting back? yes, I can handle." Mikayla replied, taking a sip of her beer, not breaking eye contact with her sister.

        Bucky let out a chuckle, rising from the bar stool. "So, Mikayla, wanna show me your moves?" he asked, extending a hand to the brunette. Mikayla shook her head. "Nope, I'm not drunk enough for that, gimme a few minutes, and I'll be good." She explained, giving a cheeky grin. Bucky laughed, (apparently) understanding her methods, before turning to Ramona. "Shall we?" He asked her, bowing slight as he outstretched his hand. Ramona smiled at him, taking his extended hand, "We shall."

        Steve took his seat on the bar stool that Bucky had vacated, shifting to face mikayla, who was giggling at him. "Dude, you're face is beat red, you were dancing for six minutes." She teased, placing her bottle down once again. Steve waved over the bartender, before glancing over to Mikyla. "Asthma." he had attempted to explain, and the bartender slid over a bottle of the same thing Mikayla had been drinking. "I've seen you chase Bucky around the house for longer than that, without giving out..." She trailed off, taking a swig of her beer (which had made it's way back home, safely in her hand). She nearly choked as the realization hit her like a punch to the gut.

         "What?" Steve asked, his eyes widening slightly as he watched mikayla, who was repeatedly slamming her hand down on the table. A moment later, she had managed to swallow her beer, and she relaxed. A smirk spread out on her lips. "Steeeeves got a cruuuush..." She purred, her voice slow and smooth, almost in a sing-song manner. "Mikayla!" He hissed, as that would make her shut up. "Steve's got a crush!" She repeated, louder this time. He began to panic slightly, wanting nothing more than to earn her silence. "Oh yeah? on who?" He snapped. She stared at him blankly for a moment. "Oh, on Bucky of course! obviously! I know it's Ramona, you jackass!" She laughed before standing up, bottle still in hand. "Steve's got a crush! Steve's got a crush!" She began to sing rapidly, dancing in circles. 'She's so dead tomorrow.' Steve thought to himself, groaning as he buried his face in his hands, hoping when he pulled them away she would be done. Steve would have gone after her by now on any normal day, but abusing a slightly impaired woman would be wrong- well, if he could consider her to be a woman.

        Mikayla's verbal abuse on Steve had continued up until Ramona and Bucky returned, to which she fell (surprisingly) silent, going back to enjoying her beer. "So, how about that dance?" Bucky asked her, laying out a hand for Mikayla to take. she glanced from her beer to the gentleman's hand, clearly in a strong mental debate on which she enjoyed more, before smiling. "eh, why not." She said softly, placing the bottle down and taking Bucky's hand. Ramona looked over to Steve, about to strike a conversation when she noticed the faint blush on his cheeks. "Hey." She started, "Why are you all red?"

        Mikayla turned at the last second, to answer her sister's question. "Oh!" She stated (rather loudly), catching Ramona's attention. She turned her back to Steve, facing her sister. "Steve's got a--", although Mikayla was cut off by Bucky's hand wrapping over her mouth. "Asthma. Steve's got asthma." Bucky covered quickly, obviously aware of the reason for Steve's change in colour. Mikayla's eyes lifted to Steve, who remained seated on the bar stool behind Ramona, his middle fingers turned upwards at Mikayla. Her eyes narrowed, and she licked Bucky's palm, hoping her would pull his hand away, and thankfully, he did. "Ew!" He cried, ripping it away and wiping her saliva on his pants. "Steve's flipping me off!" Mikayla whined, pointing at him accusingly, a look of malice in her eyes and a child like pout on her lips. With that, Ramona turned to the bartender, who sent her a look of sympathy, "I'll take the strongest thing you have."

        Bucky just shook is head, laughing, before pulling Mikayla to his side, resting an arm around her shoulders. "Come on, Mik, let's dance". With that, he lead her to the dance floor, and the Music began. Despite mikayla's semi-tipsy state of mind, the couple had been the centre of the dance floor. Perhaps she just needed the influence of alcohol to loosen the binds that had been holding her down. The pair stepped perfectly in sync to the beat of the music, moving across the dance floor like it had been only the two of them. People around them cleared, making room to watch the couple Dance. They moved perfectly, as if the stars had aligned for this very moment. Even another gentlemen had joined them- it was the most fun Mikayla had in over a year, and Bucky could tell how happy she had been in that moment.

        As the song ended, the man who had joined them laughed and thanked the two, shaking their hands before he had sauntered back off into the crowd, and out of sight. Bucky grinned, turning back down to Mikayla. "Wow..that was" he mumbled, clearly at a loss for words. "You never told me you were such an amazing dancer." he said, and mikayla rolled her eyes. "I used to go dancing almost every night when i was a senior, but after my favourite place closed down, i just stopped." She sighed softly, and Bucky smiled. "Well, i'm going to have to take you dancing more often, if that's the case." He smirked, and a soft grin crossed mikayla's face. She stared up at him, and he stared down at her, their eyes locked. Invisible strings were tugged, pulling the knot closed, and their lips met. 

        Moments passed, and neither wanted to pull away, but slowly, their lips parted, and mikayla was awe-strucken. " should take me dancing more often.." she breathed, and bucky laughed, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "C'mon, let's go grab our Blondies from the bar, and head home." he smiled, and mikayla nodded. 

        After a few more drinks, the group set off, and Bucky and Mikayla unable to keep their hands off each other the entire walk back. "You know," Steve said, looking over at Ramona, "we're gonna have to deal with them tomorrow". Ramona laughed, shrugging it off. "If I saw my big sister this happy every night, I'd deal with her every morning after..." she said, glancing over her shoulder at Bucky and Mikayla (whom were currently having a "who can say the most tongue ties without throwing up" contest). Steve smiled to himself- what a sweet girl, a girl that he wanted, more than he wanted the sun to keep shining. Steve was lucky- once Bucky had distracted Mikayla, she had completely forgotten about tormenting the boy about his "crush".

        As they made it the the townhouse, the quartet stopped on the front porch as mikayla threw herself to the steps. "These shoes need to be removed, Right now Immediately" Mikayla scowled, ever so ungracefully pulling the shoes off of her feet, tossing them carelessly to the side, where they laid in  heap by the front door. Mikayla stared u, smiling to herself, "I love the stars." 

 "Er..i should probably get her to bed..." Ramona laughed, scratching her neck. "I'm not your son, Asshole." Mikayla hissed, "I don't have a bedtime" she said defensively. "Yes you do, and it is now." Ramona retorted, ushering her inside. Before she went in herself, she smiled, thanking the boys for a wonderful night. "How does lunch sound tomorrow?" she asked, and bucky nodded. "We will meet you here around 11, have a good night!" he called over his shoulder, and she waved them goodnight, waiting until they were out of sight.

        Ramona walked inside, placing her shoes neatly to the side before walking into the kitchen, to grab a glass of water for Mikayla. She trudged tiredly up the staircase to her sister's bedroom, only to find her in nothing but an oversized shirt, and climbing into bed, her hair a mess. "Is that a drunk thing? Walking around in your underwear?" Ramona teased, placing the water on the bedside table. "No, it's a sober thing too, I just have less shame in this moment." Mikayla replied, pulling the blankets overtop herself. Ramona nodded with a faint laugh, flicking off the light switch and bidding her sister goodnight. "Hey, Ram?" Mikayla called, just before her sister exit. "Yes?" Ramona replied, turning around to see mikayla grin, her face illuminated by the light shining in from the hallway. "I kissed Bucky Barnes." 

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