Chapter 5

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 It had been exactly two months and three days since the group had made their pact that night in the park. They hadn't broken it. The amount of adventures that where possible in the city of Brooklyn had been limited, so they made fun of what they had. Nights in the town, days at the beach, anything they could do for fun, really. Although the past week, Mikayla had been acting rather strangely, and her younger sister was the only one to notice.


         "So, we'll see ya tomorrow." Bucky smiled, standing on the front steps of the girls townhouse, steve standing at his side. "How's about we take you dames dancing? that is one thing we haven't done." he suggested with a grin, not noticing steve tense up behind him. "Of course." Ramona grinned, clapping her hands together in excitement. She knew Mikayla found dancing to be completely boring, and Bucky was well aware Steve had two left feet. (Ramona often guessed Mikayla's reasoning was the same). Every thursday night Bucky would offer to take them, and usually mikayla managed to wiggle her way out of it, But not tonight. The brunette did nothing to protest Bucky's offer. No other suggestion, no excuse, she just remained silent, which was very strange thing for Mikayla to do. 

         The four bid their farewells, before Bucky slung an arm around steve's boney shoulders, walking out of sight. The sisters returned inside their home. "I'm absolutely famished, can I cook us a proper dinner now?" Ramona laughed, clearly unsatisfied with the pastries they had gotten from Billy's Bakery on their way home. Mikayla locked the front door, kicking off her shoes, before looking over at her sister. Ramona appeared more free and happy than she had in a long time, ever since that cloudless night at the park. "Yeah, I am too... Whatchya' gonna make?" Mikayla asked, a smile crossing her cheeks. It was nice to see her little sister let loose, rather than being as uptight as she had been. Ramona merely shrugged, "You'll see. Set the table will you?" Mikayla nodded, doing as her sister had.


     'That was weird,' Ramona thought, 'she usually puts up an argument.' , Not to mention the strangest of them all- Mikayla hadn't been drinking. That was when Ramona had really began to realize her sisters suspicious behaviour. They had gone out to a festival three days prior. Normally, it would have been cloud 9 for mikayla, but she didn't have a drop to drink, nor anything after that. Ramona was beginning to worry.


     They had made small conversation as Ramona boiled peas on the stove. She began to pick up even the smallest changes in her sister, perhaps out of worry she was paying such close attention. Mikayla's sense of humour was almost changing, although she could feel the hesitation, as if she was trying to change it. Her humour decreased from sarcastic-rude to a sarcastic-somewhat-genuinely-funny. Ramona couldn't tell if she liked it better that way, or if she missed the small quirks that mikayla was trying to push away. "Hey, where's is the bottle of Dublin Whiskey?" Ramona asked, glancing over her shoulder at Mikayla, who was now setting down the plates. Mikayla nodded, pointing in the direction of the liquor cabinet with a nod of her head, the bottle remaining untouched for weeks.


     "Would you like to have some with your dinner?" Ramona asked. Mikayla only shrugged. She took the bottle out of the cabinet, pouring some whiskey into a shallow glass. The thought of encouraging her alcoholic sister to drink was beyond insane, But at this point, she wanted answers.


    Mikayla sat down, across the table from Ramona. The two sat in an uncomfortable silence as they ate. Ramona kept glancing at her sister every few seconds, waiting for her to take a drink. She became frustrated when she did not. "Okay." Ramona began, placing her fork down beside her plate, and crossing her arms over her chest. "What is wrong with you, Mikayla?" she demanded. Mikayla's eyes lifted at the question. "My throat kinda hurts but I'm fine.", she replied, playing stupid. Ramona glared at her sister. "NO. something is wrong, i can tell. You are behaving so much differently! You're watching what you say, and you're dressing nicely, and you've stopped drinking, and you didn't reject Bucky's offer to go dancing for the first time in four weeks. I demand to know why you're trying so hard. Why won't you tell me?" she demanded, standing up so quickly that the fork bumped off of the table.

       Mikayla crinkled her nose, rubbing her temples. "I suppose I should be happy that you complimented me- well, kind of complimented me, but i'm honestly slightly offended." She stated, avoiding all eye contact with her sister. Ramona slammed her hands down on the table, and her knife fell off as well. "Mikayla!" she demanded, and Mikayla flinched slightly at the sound of her own name. "Okay, Okay, jease! Sit your loud ass down, and I will tell you." she grumbled, clearly unhappy to confess the truth of the situation. Ramona did as she was told, picking up her utensils. 


     "So, um... I don't really know how to get the words out, but, uh, yeah... I'll try." Mikayla began, looking down as she fumbled with the sleeves of her cream coloured, high collared synthetic dress. Mikayla was always dreadful at telling people how she felt, although when she was annoyed (which was often), she would tell anyone who would listen, and complain. "So, do you know how when you're around a person, and you feel like you're going throw up? But, i mean a good kind of throw up?" She asked, raising her head to see if her sister was following along. Ramona laughed softly, her tense shoulders slowly relaxing. "Do you have that feeling?" she asked. Mikayla rolled her eyes, "no, i'm just describing it for shits and giggles, obviously." she replied sarcastically, finally dropping the nice-girl act in front of her sister. Ramona laughed, before mikayla continued. "Well, yeah...It's been like this for a few weeks. But i don't like it, i feel so...weird...and i can't sleep, and-...i just don't understand...", Mikayla sighed.


      Ramona realized her older sister was struggling, and attempted to help her get the words out. "You're twenty one years old, your last boyfriend was when you were fourteen. I'm not doubting you, Mikayla. is it just the feeling or--" she began, before Mikayla cut her off. "Yes. No.. Maybe..." she groaned, resting her head in her hands, "I mean, I don't exactly know If you're gonna be mad or not, because of the prior situation, but i just- UGH. He just makes me crazy and I don't know, maybe it's a stupid thing, cause you know, everywhere we go, other girls fawn over him because he's so damn pretty, and i get so angry because i know they don't even know the half of how wonderful he really is and how fucking greedy they are, and how they don't deserve him and i know i don't either so i just want to be better and... and I can't get things my head straight! nothing makes any sense anymore!" she exclaimed in frustration, laying her head on the table. This was taking to long. "Mikayla, who is it?" Ramona asked, her brows creasing together. Mikayla sighed. "It's...Bucky."


      "Oh, thank God!" Ramona cried out. "At first, i thought you committed a murder or something terrible like that..." she said, laughing with relief. "Is that why you are so out of sorts? James Buchanan Barnes has you head over heals!" She laughed, placing a palm on her forehead as she giggled. "Hey, shut it!" Mikayla growled, although soon began laughing herself. The tension between them was finally lifted.

        Slowly, the corners of Ramona's face creased downwards, "What is it?" Mikayla asked, suddenly

appearing a bit concerned. "Bucky is never going to let us hear the end of this!". Mikayla raised a brow, physically asking for an explanation. "Don't you recall the night at the park? 'And if we all fall in love along the way, then so be it'." she explained, doing as best of an impersonation of Bucky's voice as she could muster, although it was clearly over exaggerated. Mikayla let out a giggle, before jabbing a finger at her younger sister. "Hey, who said i was in love with him!" she retorted, and Ramona laughed. "Mikayla, you gave up alcohol, things really do change." she smiled.

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