Chapter 6

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"Are you ready?" Ramona asked, knocking on the bathroom door. "Aye aye, captain." her sister replied. Ramona's face lit up, "Really?", she asked. "No. i feel disgusting." Mikayla sneered. Ramona let out a heavy sigh, pulling open the bathroom door (locking the door always managed to slip her sister's mind). "Wh- HEY." mikayla scoffed at the sight of her sister, attempting to cover herself with the shower curtain. During the next 10 seconds, the only thing she managed to accomplished was ripping the curtain, and breaking the bar it had been hung on. Ramona deadpanned, and both girls stared at the mess. "You know.. when you're hungover in the morning, you're going to have to fix that." she stated, pointing at the curtain. "Can't we just make bucky do it?" Mikayla groaned, leaning against the wall (Thankfully, not breaking that as well). "No, but aside this mishap, you look absolutely astonishing, Mikayla."

        Mikayla wore a navy blue, cotton dress, stopping just below her knees. On her feet was a pair of nude coloured stilettos, adding about 4 inches to her height. Ramona helped her sister do her hair. After pushing the mess to the side, she sat mikayla down on the bathtub ledge, tying her hair into a slightly messy although very elegant bun. Mikayla couldn't help but smile, although she hid it from her sister.


    "You're just sour because you're not aloud to wear that disgraceful table cloth." Ramona laughed, taking her sister's hand, and helping her up. "Oh, be quiet, It is a beautiful table cloth." Mikayla argued, although laughing slightly. Mikayla stopped suddenly, looking at her little sister. "Wow, you're beautiful." she smiled. Ramona blushed, scratching the back of her neck. She wore a sleeveless white gown, embroidered with a flowing pattern on the bodice, the skirt loose and hanging, perfect for dancing. on her feet was a pair of plain black pumps, allowing her height to match that of Steve's. Her hair was loosely curled, half pinned up at the back of her head.  Ramona stopped, looking back at Mikayla and smiling, just before her sister ruined it. "You get it from me, you know that, right?" Mikayla stated, and she was unable to tell if her sister was joking or not. Before Ramona could swat at her, there was a knock at the door. "It must be the boys." mikayla muttered, the tips of her ears turning red. Ramona smirked at her sister, "Nervous?", she teased, "Terrified." Mikayla responded.

      Ramona peered down the stairs, another knock sounding. "Go get our jackets, i left them in the closet, i will answer the door." she instructed, walking down the staircase. "Yeah, yeah, just make Mikayla do everything, that's okay." Mikayla stated in a mimicking voice, with a roll of her eyes, before walking over to the closet on the other side floor. 

        Ramona turned the brass knob, a grin on her face as she came face to face with none other then Steve and Bucky. Both were dressed very nicely, Bucky in black pants, a white dress shirt, and a buttoned up Black tuxedo jacket. He had on a rather ravishing red satin bowtie, his dark locks slicked back into place. Steve had been dressed fairly similar, although he had a lack of a jacket, with a dark, navy coloured bowtie around his neck, his hair brushed neatly to the side. 

       "Wow..." Bucky said as his eyes landed on Ramona, scanning her up and down. "Woah is right.." Steve agreed, rubbing the back of his neck. Ramona laughed softly, "well, thank you..." she smiled, inviting the two inside. "I Bet Mik's wearing that damn table cloth!" Bucky called into the house, hoping to get a reaction-her little outbursts always humoured him, he found them to be rather cute. "FUCK OFF, BARNES." Mikayla shouted down the stairs, soon making a (rather grand) appearance.

      Bucky was at a loss for a words at the sight of her, his jaw hung slightly agape. He quickly snapped himself out of it. "Whoa, okay, not a table cloth..." Bucky chuckled slightly, his eyes glancing everywhere. From the curve of her side to the way her chestnut coloured hair framed her face perfectly, she looked more than stunning. Mikayla crossed her arms, smirking lightly at bucky. "I mean, I could go put it on--" she began, glancing up towards her bedroom door, first on the left. "No!" , shouted the other three in unison, causing Mikayla to laugh, before handing her sister her jacket.

      "Are we we going to get going, or what?" mikayla grinned, ushering the others out of the door. Ramona smirked, crossing her arms over her chest. "Oh? What's this? i thought you didn't like dancing." she had teased her sister. "No, i don't, but i like drinking, and that makes dancing fun." she stated matter-of-factly. Bucky let out a laugh. "And i thought you didn't know how to dance?" bucky continued. "Again, drinking- and i do know how, but i just found it boring- Steve is the one who doesn't know how to dance." Mikayla snickered. "Hey!" steve snapped, flicking Mikayla's arm. "Hay's for horses!" Mikayla snapped back, rubbing the now red circle on her arm. "Children, stop fighting." Bucky teased, earning a 'Shut up' from the both of them.


       "Don't worry, Stevie, I'll teach ya how." Ramona offered, smiling at the boy. "Really?" He asked, a light pink falling over his cheeks, "Thanks..". Bucky smirked down at Mikayla, "Look's like you're stuck with me, Doll." he said, flashing one of his infamous flirtatious all-teeth-and-no-gums smiles. Mikayla knew the nickname 'Doll' was a something bucky had used on everyone, even especially Steve (who detested the nickname), but she couldn't help falling in love with the way it fell from his lips. "Oh, great." She stated sarcastically, laughing lightly.

    For a mid September night, it was warmer than they had planned on, which allowed them to abandon their jackets in the coat check. The room was astonishing. Wine coloured walls, high ceilings, and large windows. Beautiful and large crystal chandeliers hung delicately above them. A wooden stage at the far end of the room had a live band playing, the music going from modern and fun to slow and dreamlike. People had dressed their best, swaying and spinning to the tune of the music. Not to mention the rather large bar (which happened be the very first thing in the room to catch mikayla eye).


     "Oh no you don't." Ramona whispered to her sister, catching her stare and grabbing her tightly by the forearm. "Come on, Mona." Bucky pleaded, over hearing the short blondes venomous tone. "How about Mik and I go grab some drinks, while Steve takes a class at 'Ramona's Dance Academy for Dummies'." He offered. Ramona glared at him, a very offended looking Steve standing behind her. "I'll keep her sober, don't worry." he assured her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "oh, alright." Ramona sighed.

      Soon enough, she had escorted Steve out onto the dance floor. "Place your arms here.." Ramona instructed, taking his hands and placing one to rest on her right hip, and holding the other in her hand. Despite his lack of physical build (to put it kindly), his hands were much larger than hers. Ramona placed her free hand lightly on his shoulder, tilting her head slightly as she smiled at him. "Just follow the music." she mumbled, stepping closer to him as she began to sway. Steve nodded, attempting to follow her lead, but failed miserably. Ramona noticed how uncomfortable he was, and laughed lightly. "Here, you lead, perhaps it will be easier for you..." Ramona offered, her voice gentle, as if not to embarrass him for being such a dreadful dancer. Steve nodded his head before he began, and Ramona followed his step. "See, it's easy." she grinned. Steve was at a slight loss for words, and Ramona assumed he was focused intently on dancing, although Steve had his other reasons.

       Before they were even aware, The song had ended- but Steve didn't want to pull away, edging slightly closer. "Come on," Ramona smiled, moving both of her hands, and placing them Steve's shoulders. "Let's go see if Mikayla and Bucky are wasted yet, or if they can still function like humans" She laughed, before moving one hand down to his, and interlocking their fingers. In that moment, Steve turned about the same shade as a cranberry, but Ramona didn't seem to notice this as they made their way over to the bar.

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