Chapter 19

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Ramona was putting in a great deal of effort, trying her hardest to convince her sister she was alright; yet her efforts were to no avail. Mikayla had refused to leave her little sister's side.

The sister wound up on a three hour truck ride, there destination none other than the new, soon-to-be Base 107. The boys had promised to meet them at the new destination. 

The sisters lounged underneath a large, olive-coloured tarp, watching soldiers hustle around, trying to set up the tents. Mikayla had caught her sister up on the morning's events.

"So, it's a train that leads to where, exactly?" Ramona had finally asked. "There is a jet that's headin' for the final HYDRA base. The train is either heading there, or it is going to have the location of the jet. i'm not entirely sure, we shot them before the conversation ended; But whatever it is, it's important." the brunette explained. Mikayla had been talking just about hundred miles a minute, and Ramona found it hard to understand her sister. "And you are getting on this train when, and how?" she inquired. Mikayla fiddled with her dog tags for a moment, before glancing back to her sister, "I think we're spending the night at the base, resupply in the morning, and take off sometime tomorrow afternoon."

Ramona nodded, "You didn't answer the last question."

Mikayla was well aware the truth would not set well with Ramona, so lying was her best option, "I'm not sure yet," she explained. Ramona nodded, before slipping her sister a little grin. "So you're a howling commando now?". Mikayla shrugged, before returning the smile, "Nah, 'still a pilot. Although, In all fairness. I wanted to call us 'The Fire Death Team', but apparently 'Howling Commandos' was already a permanent title." As Mikayla parted her lips to continue, both her and her sister's attentions had been grabbed by the sound of Ramona's name. As they glanced up, a truck had pulled into the base, and the boys had arrived.

Ramona practically shot up from the chair she was seated in, bolting through the mud, and into her boyfriend's arms. Whilst Ramona was clearly overjoyed to be close to steve, Mikayla was not as pleased when she came to the realization that she would have to physically stand up and walk over to Bucky. "Oh, okay. I see how it is, all annoyed cause ya gotta' come see me." Bucky teased, Mikayla approaching with a roll of her eyes. "It's only the walking part I dislike." She replied, Bucky leaning down to kiss her lips. Short, but sweet- the fast food of kisses. 

"It's almost sundown, we'll have to leave early if we wanna catch the train in the morning." Steve smiled, his arms still wrapped lovingly around Ramona. "What happened to the afternoon?" Mikayla replied, a brow raised in question as Bucky's arm had snaked around her waist. Steve merely shrugged, "We'll need time to set up." She had let out another annoyed groan, and Ramona reached out, flicking her sister's shoulder, "Hush, let's get some sleep."

(a little too early) The next morning, the boys, and the sisters, had been preparing to leave. Ramona really did not want Steve to leave, and this resulted in shameless and extremely consistent flirting. Captain America was great at many things; but controlling his arousal was most definitely not one of them. She had helped him slip on the jacket of his super-soldier uniform, and Steve's entire face had turned a very nice shade of rose pink. Mikayla slipped her ever-so-adored bomber jacket onto her shoulders, before smirking in her sister's direction. "Ramona," she began, grabbing the couple's attention, "you're gonna have to that stop, those pants can't get any tighter." Steve's head snapped up, cornflower-blue eyes narrowing. This was what Ramona had called the 'i will star-spangle the fuck out of you' look.

Bucky let out a breathy laugh as he rose from the ground, gun in hand. "Ready, kids?" He asked. Steve nodded, taking hold of the Vibrainium shield Ramona had handed to him. "Try not to die, okay?" Ramona mumbled, her fingers intertwined with Steve as they wandered to the area the Howling Commandos were scheduled to meet. "Haven't yet, don't plan on it." Bucky laughed before pulling Ramona into a hug. She smiled brightly, before steve had embraced her. No words were said; all he had wanted was to hold the girl in his arms. Mikayla grew impatient, slowly rolling up her sleeve to count the seconds on her watch. "seven...eight...nine...". Steve, still, did not let go.

"eighty one...eighty two... eighty three... eighty- Okay, are we going to let the older sister in, or no?" Mikayla muttered, rolling her eyes as she elbowed steve in the spine. He laughed softly, before slowly backing up. "Be careful," Ramona warned her, placing a small hand on Mikayla's shoulder. Mikayla nudged her sister's hand off of her shoulder, throwing her arms around her sister and pulling her close; hugging her as if it would be the last time, although she knew it wouldn't be. "Careful is my middle name." 

Their moment was cut short, as the men were getting impatient, "Captain, shall we?" Dugan asked. and steve nodded. He leaned down, his lips connecting with Ramona's. As he pulled away, tears welled up in her silvery eyes, and she pulled him down once more. Mikayla, standing directly between Steve and Bucky, was making throw-up sounds, and the two finally pulled away. She turned to her younger sister, and smiled, pretending as though she had not thrown up in her mouth just a moment before. "what, don't i get a good-bye face suck?".

Ramona punched her sister in the arm, causing mikayla to laugh. With that, they set off to the train.

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