Chapter 2

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  Ramona stood in front of the small, white stove. Bacon grilled in a small metal pan, the aroma of breakfast filling the small kitchen. There was a sharp knock on the large, mahogany front door, instantly grabbing the girl's attention. She quickly hung the apron on a small metal hook which hung behind the kitchen door, rushing over to greet the visitors.   

She twisted the carved brass handle, pulling the door open to reveal Bucky Barnes, and (who must have been) Steve. His hair was a honey blonde, cut shorter on the sides, and brushed out of his face. Steve's eyes were a cerulean blue and sparkling, as if the ocean waters reflected inside his Iris'. He seemed to stand about 5'5, with a slim figure and although a bit scrawny, dashing in his own way.

"Good Morning, Gentlemen." She greeted them with a smile, "I can assume Bucky has already told you who i am, but it is a pleasure to meet you." Bucky grinned from ear to ear, greeting the girl with a soft peck on the cheek, causing her to blush, Steve scratching the back of his neck. "Steve Rogers, The pleasure is all mine." Before Ramona could continue, the sound of feet tapping the hardwood floor caught the girls attention. Seeming to appear out of thin air, a brunette girl had come sliding in, wearing nothing but an oversized men's dress shirt, a pair of black knee socks, and sunglasses. This had been Ramona's sister.

Mikayla was a pretty girl, standing about equal Steve, with a somewhat curvy figure and a round chest. Her hair was a chestnut brown, falling pin straight over her bust. She had round, brandy coloured eyes, framed with thick and dark lashes. Mikayla also sported a few pale freckles across her rosy cheeks, (although they were often covered with cosmetics that were purchased by her younger sister). Her lips were thin, and a pale pink, matching the embarrassed blush her sister wore at the sight. Mikayla and her sister did not bare much similarities in appearance. Both boys looked up at the sight.

"Hey Ram, we got any beer?" She asked, coming to a stop inches before slamming into the mint-painted wall. The two boys suddenly caught her eye. "Who the fuck is this?" she had demanded, not appearing even the slightest bit ashamed of showing up practically bare. Ramona sighed, clearing her throat. "Mikayla, this is Bucky, and his friend, Steve. Steve will be your date for today." She explained, trying to sound as sweet as she could manage at the times being; although her voice cracked slightly in annoyance. Mikayla's jaw fell open slightly, although she quickly closed her mouth, before shaking her head in disbelief, "I'm sorry, my what ?".

"Your date." Bucky keyed in, a grin on his face. "Thank you for answering the question I didn't ask you, Steve." Mikayla retorted distastefully, adding a roll of her eyes. "um...I'm Steve", The real Steve added, only to also face the verbal wrath of Mikayla. "Another question I didn't ask," had been Mikayla's final reply, before Ramona forcefully grabbed her by the sleeve, and dragged her into the living room. "Please excuse us for a moment." she smiled, shutting the wooden door.

"What's wrong?" Mikayla asked, genuinely appearing shocked after her sister had towed her away. "Stop being so impolite! it's about time you get out of the house and find yourself a man, so go get dressed an--wait a moment, why do you smell like scotch?" she demanded, silvery eyes narrowing slightly. Mikayla smiled innocently, and Ramona threw her arms in the air in exasperation. "For heaven's sake, Mikayla! it's only 9:30 in the morning..." she groaned, trying to think quickly. "Go upstairs, wash up, and put on a nice dress. You have fifteen minutes, I will make some coffee; hopefully it will help your common sense return." she ordered, to which Mikayla let out the most dramatic groan she could conjure. "Fine...only if the cute one buys me a drink, and maybe some cake, before the day ends." She grumbled bitterly, before turning out of the room, making sure to stomp all the way up the stairs.

Ramona returned to the front foyer, apologizing profusely to the boys. "I'll take your jackets, please have a seat in the kitchen, and make yourselves at home. Breakfast is almost finished." she explained, smiling kindly. Bucky nodded gently, before letting Steve enter before him. The two sat down at the sizable table, and Ramona entered the room shortly after. "Well, she's a bit of a fire cracker." Bucky laughed. Ramona prepared them both a plate of bacon, eggs, and buttered toast, before setting them onto the table and sighing. "She is not usually this rude, i suppose she's a little out of it today".

Steve glanced over to Bucky, who was almost as bad as mikayla while under the influence. Drunk Bucky was a party steve was often the only one attending; his situation appeared to be parallel to Ramona's. "Scotch?" He questioned, chuckling lightly. Ramona's expression softened. "How did you know?"  

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