Chapter 9

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Ramona's time off had ended with the weekend, and she was to work the morning shift at the hospital that monday, just as Bucky would work the day shift at the docks. Steve's only form of employment had been selling his art, but today, there was nothing. While trying to balance as much time with his friends before they would be sent off, he did not have the time of day to pick up a pencil. As for Mikayla, she was completely unemployed. She genuinely (aside being a dropout) had no reason to be unemployed, although due to her alcoholic tendencies, and a fortune her parents had left upon their deathbeds, she both had trouble finding a job, and didn't care to find one.

        "Come on, slow poke." Mikayla laughed, turning to watch Steve shut the front door as they stepped onto the porch. The girls were in need of groceries, and Steve offered to help Mikaya in shopping (at least, that's what she was told, Ramona just did not trust Mikayla to go shopping on her own). Steve hurried along after her, pulling his jacket onto his shoulders as he struggled to meet her pace. 'Bucky really was right about my having an Asthma attack just trying to keep up with her...' he thought, sighing with a chuckle. The cool fall air was a somewhat pleasant change from the hot summer they had suffered through, although the sudden cold was a change that took time getting used too.

        Mikayla had slept until noon that day ,and they hadn't left until almost 4 in the afternoon, a half hour before Ramona would return from her shift. Mikayla had been acting differently once again that day, as if she was hiding something from them. Steve would have normally guessed it was something to do with Bucky, but they way she was acting just didn'


       "That's a nice coat." Steve complimented, making small talk. "Thanks, Ramona bought it for my birthday last year..." She explained. He tensed at the mention of her sister, his ears turning red. "Um...You okay?" Mikayla laughed, raising a brow at Steve as they made their way to the grocery store, Steve opening the door for the brunette. "Yeah, I'm good...are you?" he asked, hinting that he knew something was off. Mikayla choose to play stupid, and smiled at him ."Peachy," she replied.

        The two swept through aisles, searching for everything on Ramona's list -after all, they were all very specific. "Hey, what's going on inside your head?" Steve asked, "You seem out of it." he explained, shifting a jar out of the way to make eye contact with Mikayla through the shelf. She pushed the jar back, peeking around the edge of the shelf. "Nothing, really...just Ramona going off to war, i s'pose." she mumbled, lying. Of course was upset about her beloved sister's departure, but at the moment it wasn't the only thing troubling her.

         "Yeah, I mean, Bucky's leaving too, so they'll have each others backs over there, i'm sure he will...protect Ramona." Mikayla raised an eyebrow, "She's a nurse, not a soldier, steve. You make it sound like she's leaving for battle". Steve shrugged, "I hear there's talk about letting women apply. They have girls working in the SSR- some agency that fights against Hydra. Even started lettin' them in the air force." Steve laughed, as if it was something surreal.  Of course, Mikayla already knew that.

        Once they had payed, they began bagging groceries, and Mikayla studied Steve closely. "Hey, What's your deal with Ramona?" She asked, and he froze in his tracks. 'Not this again.' he thought, his eyes avoiding her. "Do you like her?" Mikayla repeated, soon smirking "Ohhh, Steve's got a crush, huh? Steeeve's got a cruush, Ste-...wait, I.. already knew that..." she mumbled, trailing off as the memories from friday night came flooding back to her. "We did go out...and i danced with bucky...a-and bucky kis- oh god, i broke the shower curtain!" She groaned, burying her face in her palms. All of a sudden, her head snapped up (so quickly that it scared Steve), her eyes were as wide as saucers. "Oh god, Bucky..." she choked out.

        "He was pretty disappointed when you didn't remember what happened, but he brought you flowers and everything that morning." Steve explained, and Mikayla looked up at him, "The flowers in the kitchen? oo, those were pretty." she smiled, before snapping back to her original thoughts. "Oh God, Bucky- I've got to find him!" she exclaimed, and Steve rolled his eyes at her sudden outburst. "Find him after we bring the groceries back, okay?" he said, and she nodded, picking up a few bags and following Steve out the door, yelling at him  encouraging him to hurry.

        Mikayla practically ran up the front steps, setting the bags down and fumbling with her keys, before finally managing to unlock the door. She was ready to throw the bags inside and book it, but she came face to face with Ramona, whom was standing in the foyer. Her eyes were red and puffy, pale cheeks stained with tears. "Oh no, wha'd I break?" Mikayla groaned, placing the bags inside. "My heart." Ramona choked, fresh tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh no, that's much worse." Mikayla muttered to Steve, upon his entry with the rest of the bags, who clearly didn't see the humor. Ramona shuffled through the mail in her hands, before reading two letters in particular out loud.

"Miss Ramona Lanchaster, you are scheduled to leave at 6:30 am on October 17th. Base: 107."  She read. October 17th- three days. She would leave in three days; Bucky must've been going too. Ramona placed the letter on the small, decorative table beside her, before opening the next letter, and Mikayla knew exactly what it was.

   "Miss Mikayla Lanchaster, you are scheduled to leave at 6:30 am on October 17th. base 107, Pilot number 23."  she read. Mikayla let her eyes fall closed, sighing to herself. "You're in the air force?" Steve asked, a look of shock and disbelief on his face. "Fighter jets," she explained. "I'll be piloting one. I enrolled before we even met you and Bucky. I was going to tell you, Ramona, I tried but i just- I don't know...i couldn't bring myself to do it..." Mikayla attempted to explain. Her explanation was clearly terrible.

        Ramona balled her hands into tight fists, her knuckles turning white, brow creasing in anger. "You're going to fight A WAR, Mikayla!" she shouted, "And you thought the best idea was not to tell me, just... just wait and see what happens? See if i notice you tagging along?!" she shouted, angry tears falling from her eyes, like wax dripping away from the flame of a candle. Mikayla inhaled sharply, not entirely sure what to do. "No! Well...kind of..wait, er...Ugh! You'll be there with me, Ramona. I'll have training, I'll be trained like a soldier just incase, i'll be able to protect myself, AND you, okay? I-I'm...we're...gonna be okay." She attempted, clearly at a loss for words. Ramona's knees buckled as she fell to the floor, sobbing. Steve reacted, quickly kneeling down beside her, trying to comfort the girl.

        Mikayla followed Steve, gripping her sister arms. "Look at me, look at us. We are going to be okay, all of us." she said, attempting to be strong, Ramona's breathing began to steady as she nodded slowly. "Y-yeah...I guess I'd rather you with me, then here alone...At least i can keep an eye on you, for the most part..." she said, laughing weakly as she wiped the tears from her face. Mikayla laughed, kissing the top of her little sister's head. She glanced over to steve (who didn't seem very upset that he would be left alone).

         She had made a mental note to ask him afterwards, but her thoughts were left behind as Steve spoke, "Weren't you going to go somewhere?" he asked, looking up at the copper clock on the wall as Mikayla shot up, heading for the door. "His shift ended two minutes ago, but he usually stays to watch the waters for a bit, you can catch him of you hurry!" Steve called as Mikayla dashed through the open door. With that, she was bolting down the street, not stopping until she reached the Docks.

"Where is she going?" Ramona asked, looking up as Steve helped her to her feet. He thought for a moment, before smiling lightly. "Let's take a seat on the couch, and i will explain everything."

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