Chapter 20

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      The Howling Commando's had reached their destination, stopping high enough on the moutain side; they had a clear view of the train tracks. Jim and robert fiddled with a small, hand-held radio, listening closely for the dispatch that would signal the approaching train. A long metal cable had been strung up from where their current location, ending where the train would pass.

The plan had been to slide across the cable, landing onto the roof of the moving train, before climbing inside. This, of course, had been Steve's idea- and a brilliant one he thought it to be. Bucky, on the other hand, did not as much agree on the 'brilliant plan' factor, but who was he to deny the Captain's Orders?

 "Have you ever seen a sight so beautiful?" Steve asked, he and Bucky staring into the vast, snow-coated peaks of the mountains surrounding. Mikayla appeared to pop out of thin air, wedging herself between the two men. "Only when I look in the mirror, nothing compares to the beauty i see," She responded, a cheeky grin crossing her lips. "Hey, Lancaster! I'm not afraid to shove you off this mountain." Dugan joked from behind them, after hearing Mikayla's obnoxious remark. Bucky had laughed at Mikayla's comment, cobalt-blue eyes wandering to the cable suspended above.

"Hey, do ya' remember the time I made you go on that roller coaster at Coney Island?", He asked the Captain. "Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve replied, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"That was gross." Mikayla muttered, before turning and trudging through the thick snow to listen to the radio signal. "This isn't payback, is it?' Bucky asked, ignoring his girlfriends commentary. Steve laughed, shaking his head, "Now why would I do that?"

"Captain!" Mikayla called, glancing over her shoulder and catching the boys attention. The radio buzzed with static. "It's coming up the bridge--look." Jim explained, pointing to the fast-approaching train. Steve sent Bucky one last glance before he slipped his helmet onto his head, and grabbed onto the pulley. The Captain pushed off the mountain, descending rapidly towards the train. Mikayla had been the next in line, the strap of her rifle securely around her shoulders. "Do you think Ramona would approve of this, Doll?" Bucky questioned, raising a brow as he adjusted the handles Mikayla had been gripping. "Nope." she retorted with a stupid grin on her face, quickly sliding after Steve. Bucky laughed softly, soon following the others down, and onto the train.

   One by one, the team had landed onto the roof of the train, each making sure the other had landed safely (or at all, for that matter). "Is everyone okay?" Steve called out, squinting slightly through the snow. "Define okay!" Mikayla shouted, and Steve began moving forwards.

The two followed him, watching as Steve descended down the ladder and kicking the door in, before he assisted the couple in slipping inside. The trio stalked through the first cart, Mikayla and Bucky prepared to open fire at any given moment. Steve led the three, his shield proudly in hand.

The Captain signaled for Mikayla to stay in the first cart; her job to look out for, and kill, anyone trying to enter. Bucky continued to follow Steve until they had entered the third cart. The sound of doors slamming shut behind them had grabbed his attention. He shouted for Mikayla, dashing to the doors, attempting to pry them open. As he approached the other side, the doors behind him closed, and he and Steve were now separated. 

Mikayla was being shot at mercilessly. She hid herself behind a large shelf, falling just out of Buckys line of sight. He didn't have much time to react, for a wave of bullets had been flying in his direction. He quickly did the same as Mikayla had. 

Steve did not have as much luck. A burly man with a strange weapon, one he had never seen before, had stepped from the shadows, and he had set out open fire on the Captain. The barrel of the weapon had shot a strange blue fire, and steve was unaware of what it could do to him. Thankfully, his shield was handy, and he was able to counter the man, soon knocking him unconscious.

Mikayla had taken down her shooters with the bullets she would later on regret wasting. Sadly, ammo had been limited; but fighting gunmen hadn't been on her to-do list for the day. Her attention was carried too bucky, and she tried her best to break down the door. Mikayla could see through the window, a clear view of the other side showing steve attempting the same. Bucky was fresh out of ammo; he could not hold up much longer under these conditions.

To the couple's delight, Steve managed to pry open the door, quickly tossing Bucky a new gun. He barged in, helping his friend take down the other men.

"I had him on the ropes." Bucky complained, walking up behind the Captain, "I know you did." Steve replied. Cap turned to assist Mikayla, but another gunmen had come up behind her, pulling her attention from Steve.

He attempted to make it to the door to help, but he was cut off as the man with the flamethrower, now sporting a lovely gash on his forehead, came sauntering in. "Get down!" Steve yelled. Before he could comply, the man launched at them, creating a  large hole in the side of the train, and knocking Steve into a wall. Bucky managed to recover quickly, grabbing Steve's shield to protect himself before shooting at the man. The man had fired back, sending Bucky flying out of the hole in the wall, Steve's shield clattering on the floor.

"Bucky!" Steve cried, grabbing the shield from the floor and slamming it onto the mans skull, not bothering to watch as he crumpled to the ground. He dashed over to help his friend.

Bucky had managed to grab hold of a rale on the side of the train, Steve reaching out a hand to grab him. "Bucky! Hey, Grab my hand!" he shouted. 

Bucky reached for him, praying to God steve would grab him; The rail simply didn't hold out long enough for them to make contact.

Mikayla had managed to take out the gunmen, before finally ramming down the door, and rushing to where Steve's cries sounded. "Steve!" Mikayla shouted as she gripped the side of the train, assuming the captain was in need of her help. The sight she had witnessed was not something she ever thought she would have to see. The girl arrived just in time to watch the railing snap, sending Bucky spiraling down the mountain and into icy river below.                                     

 "BUCKY!" Mikayla shouted, voice cracking in horror. Her instantaneous reaction had been to jump after him, but Steve had managed to climb fully back to the train. He had grabbed her arm and yanked her in before she could. The two collapsed to the floor of the train, holding onto each other as Mikayla sobbed into the blonde's chest. "We can't stay here, come on we have to.. we have to go!" Steve begged, attempting to hold back tears of his own, and lift them both to their feet. Mikayla followed sloppily behind him as they made their way to find the other commandos.

This had been a trap; one that Steve knew he should've seen coming. His best friend; the one who meant more to him than anyone else ever had, was dead. HYDRA had to be stopped. To save america, to end the war; to Avenge Bucky. 

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