Chapter 11

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"You were about to be the last eligible man in New York, I don't see the problem. There's a million women in this city." Bucky laughed, his arm slung playfully over his friend's shoulder as he escorted steve to a predetermined location of where to meet their girls. "Yeah, it's a shame I'd settle for just one." He laughed, and Bucky smirked at him. "Man, sure is a good thing we took care of that."

 Mikayla and her little sister began growing impatient at the fair. "Where are they?" Ramona questioned. Mikayla glanced over, shrugging slightly. "Steve probably got into another fight again." she suggested, earning a cold glare from the smaller girl. "I was kidding." Mikayla scowled, jumping to defend herself. Although only a few seconds later, Bucky and Steve came sauntering over. Mikayla couldn't help but admire Bucky- he looked beautiful in the uniform. Steve stood beside him, in his usual attire, although he was sporting a faint bruise on his lower jaw. "Steve, what happened?" Ramona asked, gently reaching up to cup his face in her hands. "This Genius got his ass beat." Bucky explained. Mikayla stared at him for a moment, her eyes wide in awe. She was completely amazed by herself . "I know, I look amazing- but you don't have to stare."  Bucky laughed, earning a playful punch to the arm from mikayla. "No, I just...God, I'm awesome." Mikayla laughed.

Bucky shook his head, draping an arm around Mikayla's waist. The four wandered around the area, admiring the bewitching scene. Mikayla stared up into the night sky, smiling contently as she leaned into Bucky. "I love the stars..." she mumbled, the couple lagging behind the blondes (whom one of which was currently being dragged around by Ramona). "i know you do, and i love you too." Bucky whispered, placing a chaste although sweet kiss atop Mikayla's head.

"Hey, Howard Stark's doing a show in a few minutes, let's go watch!" Ramona suggested stated, before grabbing Steve's hand once again and dragging him towards the stage. "Ooh, Howard Stark is yummy." Mikayla purred, before grabbing one of Bucky's arms and following Ramona. Bucky just rolled his eyes, laughing slightly.

They placed themselves in the midst of the crowd, although earning a clear view of mr. Stark, whom was showing off his new model car. He flipped a switch, and the car began to hover above the ground. "Holy cow." Bucky muttered, and Mikayla tilted her head. "Oh man, I wish the Liquor cabinet did that." She chuckled. The car soon began to shake, no less than a minute after it had raised from the ground, and sparks flew from the tires before it hit the ground. Mikayla pouted, "never mind."

The girls continued to watch in awe as Howard continued to make up excuses talk, Steve on the other hand had allowed his mind wander over to the war section.

He walked away from his friends, pondering over wether or not it was worth it to enroll again. He'd been trying constantly, but was repetitively turned away. Yet he decided to do it.

"Hey, Steve." Bucky started, turning to his friend. 'How bout' we treat this girls to--" He stopped himself, only now noticing the absence of his friend.

"Hey." Bucky said, placing a hand on Steve's shoulder, turning him from the picture. "You're kinda missing the point of a double date, we're takin' the girls dancing." He laughed, and Steve rolled his eyes, " 'cos that worked out so well last time, right?" . Bucky shrugged, "did for me." Steve stared down at his shoes for a few seconds, before Bucky came to a realization. "You're really gonna do this again?" Steve shrugged, "Odd's are fair, figured I'd try my luck and--" Bucky cut him off, "as who, Steve from Ohio? They'll catch you, or worse, they'll actually take you."

Steve rolled his eyes, clear annoyance on his face. "Look, I know you don't think I can do this..." Steve trailed off. "This is war, not a back alley, Steve!"

The two continued to argue, until Steve finally had enough.

"I'm not gonna sit in a factory or something, Bucky, come on! There are men laying down their lives...I got no right to do any less then them. That's what you don't understand," He took a breath before finishing his statement. "This isn't about me." Bucky nodded, "Right, cause you've got nothing to prove."

   "Hey, Sarge'!" Mikayla called teasingly from behind them, "are we going dancing, or no!?"

Bucky turned slightly to face the girls. "Yes, Yes we are!" He replied playfully, before turning back to Steve and sighing. "Don't do anything stupid until I get back." Bucky teased, causing steve to laugh, "How can I? You're takin' all the stupid with you." Bucky shook his head before pulling Steve into a hug, knowing that this would most likely be the last time he he would be able to hug his best friend again. "You're a punk." Bucky laughed. Steve smiled, "Jerk."

And with that, Bucky walked back off to the girls, ready to end their last night happily, although it had felt incomplete without the presence of Steve.

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