Chapter 19📱Staying Strong

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Two weeks had passed since returning to work. I was doing everything in my power to avoid Laynie. I sent all her cover clients to the art department having Cassandra filling in for me. I avoided the elevator at all cost. Even had Todd picking me up at the back entrance instead of the front. To my relief, she was keeping her distance as well.

I hadn't talked to her since the day she made me sound like a jackass. She really knew how to work me up. Although I was avoiding her personally, I was checking in with Kace. I quit asking Jax questions when he told me to stop being a 'bitch' and get my woman back. It was good to know she still had her protector.

Kace explained to me the things she told him about her encounter with Robbie. I honestly believed she was seeking pain when I heard her say they were going to see him. It made sense that she needed to face him. It brought me comfort, knowing she left that prison with a smile on her face. I hadn't spoken to anyone in my family since the day after the truth was revealed. I came home and locked myself away. My housekeeper was hating me because of all the broken glasses. Getting drunk every day for nearly a week had me a tad clumsy. I only threw a couple on purpose.

As I attempted to listen to Cassandra read of my daily appointments, I got the sudden urge to sneak away for a cigarette. Turning to my desk, I pulled out a drawer and discovered my pack was gone. It had been replaced with a picture of Laynie and me asleep together on the couch our first night in Aspen. It had a pink sticky note attached to it that said -Turn me over-. So I did, finding another message written on the back of it.

-Smoking is just as bad for you as a broken heart. One can be fixed by giving it up. The other can be fixed by picking it up. When you're ready to pick up the pieces of your heart, you know where to find me.-

It was signed with a kiss. For a moment I considered rushing out of my office and down to the art department. However, I was freed from that thought when Cassie pushed a cigarette in my face. Without a word, I took it and headed to the stairs. When I reached the rooftop I found my hidden fold-out chair and sat down, looking up to the cloudy sky. It was always peaceful for me up there. I was always able to sort through any work problem as I enjoyed a rare smoke break. I found sorting through a personal problem was not so easy.

I missed Laynie. I missed the way she nibbled on the corner of her lip when she teased me. I missed the sweet pea scent that drew me in from day one. I missed the overwhelming passion I felt when we became one. I couldn't even look at a can of cashews without thinking about her pecan shaded eyes. I would never forgive my uncle for his appalling ways. It was his fault I had to protect her from myself.

The rest of my day drug on slowly until Kace unexpectedly paid me a visit. At first, I feared something had happened to Laynie but he quickly cleared it up.

"What do you say? Want to go get a drink?." He asked. "Don't worry, it's just you and me, no Jax and no Laynie."

"Well, then I'd say let's get the hell outta here."

I rode with Kace, giving Todd the rest of the night off. We had barely sat down when Jax started screaming his own name from Kace's phone. Chuckling, I ordered my usual whiskey on the rocks.

"You laugh now, but you haven't heard your ringtone." He sniggered. I listened carefully as Kace held his phone to my ear.

-Whooo has the best dimples in all the temples? Ooour beefcake! Whooo has a smile that lasts for miles? Ooour beefcake! Whooo has the sweetest ass in class? Ooour beefcake! Who-

"Enough. Please make it stop!" I laughed, rubbing my forehead. "Why do you use that as my ringtone?"

"I don't have a choice. Every time Laynie and I change it Jax has a fit."

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