I stared at my daughter for a long time, trying to let every single word that she had just said, sink in. She's too funny.. but I'm not going to laugh because I want her to know that I'm serious.

"Joi.. instead of you cutting her hair, you could've told the teacher! you know scissors are dangerous and I don't want you using them unless you have to."

"That was a perfect time for using them!"

"Joi." She sighed. "You're becoming very bad lately and I don't like it. You're 5 years old.. stay in a 5 year olds place. Stop trying to be big and bad because that just ends you up getting in trouble. What you did was very wrong, and tomorrow when I drop you off, I want you to apologize to Diamond."

"Do I have to?" He gave her a look, she pouted and looked down.

"Fine." He sighed.

"Crystal and I are going out tonight, so you're gonna stay here with BB okay?" She gasped.




I chuckled. "Don't think you're off the hook yet, little mama." Shawn said as he kissed her head and walked out.

He walked back downstairs and sat on the couch then closed his eyes. Bey walked out of her room and stood behind him.

"You okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine.. just.. worn out." She placed her hands on his shoulders and rubbed them.

"Is Joi alright?"

"She's fine.. I put her on time out."

I giggled. "Was she mad?"

"Not really. That feels good." Bey smiled.

"You feel tense."

"I probably am."

"I can fix that." She said as she began to massage his shoulders.

She moved her hands down a little bit and massaged his back. He laid his head back and sighed in relief. She giggled as she moved back to his shoulders and then his neck.

"Do you mind.. watching Joi tonight?"

"Where you going?"

"To the movies and out to eat with Crystal."

"Oh not at all. We'll have fun while y'all are having fun." He smiled as she finished up.

"Thank you." He said. She bent down and kissed his cheek.

"No problem. Do you mind if I go watch tv in your room?"




"Shawn!" Bey said as she walked in front of him. "Are you- are you sleep?" She asked as she opened his eye. "Damn bruh.. you're slumped!" She said as she laughed and walked upstairs.

She quietly opened Joi's bedroom and checked on her. She was sleep too. Bey smiled and went into Shawn's room. She laid at the bottom of his bed and watched tv.




3hours later-

Crystals P.O.V

I just got back from dropping off Tyler at my moms. After putting my things down, I stripped out of my clothes and took a shower. I walked to my closet and put on a short sleeve black shirt, red skinny jeans and black flats that were cheetah print in the front. I put my hair in a low ponytail and put on a pair of gold earrings. I sprayed some perfume, then sat on my bed and dialed Shawn's number. He didn't answer. I called him again, and he picked up after the 5th ring.

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