Chapter 9: Kacchan and UA Entrance Exams

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After a couple of people left, I saw the familiar sandy hair that I had grown used to seeing everyday.

"Kacchan!", I shouted while waving to get his attention. He noticed me and grinned widely. He ran towards me, and I ran towards him at the same time. When we are 1 meter away, he suddenly pulled back a fist to punch me in the face. At the very same time, I pulled back my fist to punch him. It resulted in the two of us punching each other in the fists, and we both started laughing. We walked back to Momo and Chisai, who had been watching with confusion and curiosity.

"This is Kacchan, my brother!", I shouted, introducing him to them. After they introduce themselves, Aunt Mitsuki came over and punched the two of us on the top of our heads.

"Stop making a scene, idiots!", she yelled as people stared at her.

After Momo's uncle arrived, we all decided to go to a fancy restaurant together.

When we got in the car, Kacchan stared at me and laughed.

"What's wrong?", I asked nervously. Whenever Kacchan laughed like that, he would always embarrass me next.

"When did you get the girlfriend?", he said while laughing.

I immediately started blushing. "S-She's not my girlfriend!", I yelled, embarrassed.

"Come on, Izuku. It's so obvious you like each other."

I laughed and tried to change the subject. "So, what did you train in America?", I asked.

"Just strength and battle training, that's it. How about you here?", he asked.

"Same thing", I answered.

When we arrived at the restaurant, Ukataka said that he had already reserved seats for us while we were driving there.

'Woah... so rich' I thought to myself .

While we were eating, Aunt Mitsuki asked Kareina a question.

"So how did you get to know Izuku?", she asked.

"Well, he saved our son's life a while back, then he also saved our daughter later too.", Kareina answered.

Meanwhile, me, Kacchan, Momo and Chisai were all talking to each other. Suddenly Kacchan turned to Chisai and started talking to him, shutting me and Momo out of the conversation. Chisai is happy enough to talk to Kacchan, so me and Momo are left alone.

"You guys talk amongst yourselves, got it?", Kacchan said with a smirk. I realized what he's doing and cursed him in my head.

"So... what's that about?", Momo asked.

"He thinks we're dating, so he's trying to get us to get together", I answered with a sigh.

Momo immediately started blushing furiously. "W-What?", she demanded as her face reddened.

"Don't worry, he's just joking around with us.", I sighed as I felt my face burning up.

After we finished eating, we went our separate ways, and once I got home I went to sleep right away. Kacchan coming back and talking with Momo had gotten me so distracted that I had forgotten about how the UA Entrance Exams were tomorrow.

I quickly fell asleep, deciding that I needed my rest for tomorrow.

The Next Day

I stood in front of the giant school.

"Woah... UA!", I exclaimed with excitement. It was, after all, my dream school.

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