Chapter 47

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McKenna's POV

I woke up to the distinct sound of my cupboard opening and I felt like ice had been injected into my veins. Despite the cold shiver that ran through my body, I began to sweat like crazy as my pulse increased significantly. Glancing at my clock, I slowly pushed the covers off and got to my feet. 

Who could possibly be in my apartment at 6:30 in the morning? Brief thoughts flooded my thoughts, that Charlie had indeed escaped and was coming to collect her things before disappearing forever. No, she was safe. They would keep her there.

Doubts still clouded my mind about everything though. After Harry had shown us the plane ticket and explained everything, I was destroyed. My heart broke that my best friend was doing this and I hadn't noticed. And more importantly, she hadn't come to me to confide in. I was too distraught to do anything but agree when Harry suggested to get Charlie professional help but looking back, I wasn't sure that I should have been so hasty. 

I silently reached under my bed where I kept a bat, put there just to sleep easier at night, and crept out of the safety of my room. I held it so that I would be ready to swing once I faced the intruder. 

I could hear them shuffling around the kitchen so I flattened myself against a wall next to the entrance to the kitchen. I took a deep breath and in a spark of fear and adrenaline, I spun into the kitchen with the bat raised high. 

"Jesus, McKenna!" Niall flinched and backed up from me, the pan in his hand nearly dropping to the floor. 

"Sorry! Sorry!" My heart raced in a combination of relief and surprise. I lowered the bat and dropped it outside the kitchen, "I just wasn't expecting you to be in my kitchen at six thirty in the morning!"

"I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd make you breakfast in bed," Niall murmured, gesturing to the grocery bags on the counter. I automatically smiled at the sweet gesture and felt a little guilty. 

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be," He chuckled, shaking his head, and put the pan on the counter, "It's my fault."

"At least I didn't press the panic button," I told him, leaning against the counter, "That would have been a mess."

"It would have," Niall agreed, his gorgeous blue eyes widening as they scanned my body. Self conscious, I looked down and realized I had gone to bed with just an oversized black t-shirt that came down to just above my knee and some black lace panties. My cheeks automatically started to heat up when he bit his lip and came closer. 

"But it seems I should be breaking into your flat more often if you'll be wearing that when you hit me with a bat," He placed his hands on my hips and pulled me closer. 

"Almost," I corrected breathlessly. I technically didn't hit him. 

"Mhh," He grunted, clearly not listening. I squirmed under his lustful stare and edged towards the doorway but his firm grip on me kept me right where he wanted me. 

"God, you look so sexy right now," Niall murmured and licked his pink lips. My skin felt like it was on fire underneath his hands and my heart beat out of my chest in anticipation. Niall leaned closer so now our chests were pressed firmly together and his hands had slipped around me to rest on my lower back, under my shirt. 

Feeling brave, I placed my palms flat against his lower stomach and slowly slip them up his chest, taking in every inch of him my fingers could reach. I felt him lean in and I suddenly collected my thoughts enough to know that I had to do something before going any further. 

I pulled back and out of his arms, "I have to brush my teeth first."

His eye brown knit together, "Why?"

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