Chapter 1

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My wrists were bound in an uncomfortable position. My head spun as I tried to lift my eyes so I laid my head back down against the cool hardwood. Ugh, What happened? Where was I? Many questions floated around in my fuzzy thoughts that i wasn't able to answer. 
What was the last thing I remember?


"Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Evan questioned, slipping his large hands into mine.

"I'll be fine" I murmured and streached up for a kiss. He automatically leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I enjoyed the farmiliar way his lips moved against mine. 

I pulled back slightly and said, "Go. You're going to be late for work".

"I don't want to!" Evan whined.

I smirked  "Too bad".

His shoulders slumped in defeat "Okay, i'll see you after my shift?" The convenience store he worked at was only a few blocks away from my house.

"I don't know if i can. Gigi is coming over tonight and he doesn't want take out" I sighed. Gigi was my old as dirt grandpa. As much as I loved him, he was very picky. It doesn't help that my Mother can't cook to save her life so that left me to provide a meal for tonight.

"You have to come if I can get in without ringing the bell. If I do, then I will see you tomorrow at school" He grinned, referring to bell on the door that signaled a costumer had come in. Evan was always doing weird, random stuff like this but I found it cute. It was part of the reason I had begun to like him in the first place; his spontaneity and ability to make every situaltion fun.

"I'll take that bet" I laughed. 
He crept up the door and ever so slowly started to open it. My heart pounded with the suspense and anticipation. Although it wouldn't effect the outcome, we didn't make a sound. The bell chimed and I giggled.

"I win" I announced.

"Fine" He frowned but I could till see the hint of humour behind his turned down lips.

"No pouting" I teased. Evan swiftly pecked my lips and went into the store.

"See you at school!" He called over his shoulder.

I blew a kiss in his direction "Love ya!"

I walked away from the store. Besides a stray orange cat, the streets were empty. I hugged my sweater close as the wind blew a chill down my spine. I saw my reflection in a window as i passed; my extremely curly chestnut hair that went down to my lower back was blowing all around, my paranoid hazel eyes were dating around the streets, and slim figure dragging their  feet to my home. 
I heard the van before i saw it, it's purring engine creeping up on my like a lion stalking it's prey.

I heard the tires screech to a stop and the doors open in a matter of seconds. 
I turned my head to see a big man wrap his arms around me. With his big, clumsy hands, he managed to scratch me, drawing blood. I screamed but no one was there to hear me. He smelled like cigarettes and spear mint gum. Gross. 
The man tossed me into the van were more pairs of hands grabbed me.

"Stop! Please!" I screamed but it made no difference. The covered my mouth with a cloth and I breathed in the heavy chemical smell. What was this? I wasn't conscious long enough to figure it out.

*end of flashback*

My head really hurt! I tried to suck in a deep breath through my mouth but a big strip of duct tape prevented me from doing so. I looked up and focused on the 5 bodies next to me, also bound with duct tape. 
The one closest to me has gorgeous curls and pretty green eyes. The next had brown hair and from what i could see, the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. The next has fairly short brown hair and brown eyes. After him, there was a tan boy with brown hair sticking in all directions. The boy furthest from me was small and blond but hand prominent muscles. In fact, all the boys seemed to be in good shape. It wouldn't have been easy kidnapping them. The curly hair one directed his gaze to me and mumbled something but it just came out as a muffled groan. 
I began to lick at the tape, slowly but surely working it off. I had lerned that trick from some crime show. Soon it just dangled off the sides of my face. I brought it into my mouth and began to bring it in with my teeth, pulling it the rest of the way off. The boys stared at me with curious gazes as I spat the tape to the side.

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