Chapter 35

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My doctor, a tall man with salt and pepper hair, came in with a bright smile. He was very nice but I was always forgetting his name. Dr. Snow? Dr. Carlson? Dr. Fredrick?

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Okay. My head hurts a little" I admitted.

He nodded "That's not surprising" he messed with my IV then said "There, that should help"

Then the doctor proceeded to take my hand, remove the annoying brace off, and poke at it.

"Does this hurt?" He asked. I shook my head. "And this?"

"No" I replied. He nodded and patted my hand.

"Well I don't think you have to wear the brace anymore. Just take it easy, though. Pushing it could re fracture it" He warned. I sighed, relieved. That thing really got in the way.

"And with your progress, we can discharge you tomorrow" The doctor announced. I had mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I was glad to be getting out of this hospital bed but on the other, the others would be discharged and would be leaving soon. But I still managed to offer the doctor a smile.

"Thank you very much" I told him. He nodded and left the room. I laid back down against the pillow and sighed, not knowing what to do.

Suddenly, McKenna walked in "Hey, I saw the doctor come in. What did he say?"

"I'm being discharged tomorrow" I replied.

"Me too" She confirmed my worries. McKenna sat down in the chairs next to the bed and I sat up, dangling my feet off the edge of the bed. We sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes.

"So" she finally said "I've thought about your idea. And I've decided that...I wanna do it. I want to go to London with you. I was scared, and I still am, but I don't want my fear to control me"

I smiled, feeling excited and terrified. I was moving with McKenna to London in a month! But I knew that if I wanted my GED by then, I would have to work really hard. But it was worth it.

"I'm really glad to hear it" I replied.

"Oh my god" She mumbled.


"We're moving to London!" McKenna squealed, bouncing in her chair.

"I know!" I giggled. My cell phone rung, interrupting us, and I picked it up to see Aunt Debbie was calling.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi, Charlie" She replied "How are you feeling?" Aunt Debbie had been in to see me a few times already.

"Better. I'm being discharged tomorrow" I said, excitedly.

"That's great" Debbie replied.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Well, the reason I'm calling is...I've set the funeral for Friday" It was Wednesday. Aunt Debbie had taken care of the funeral. I couldn't bear to do it myself.

"Oh...where is it?" I got out, resisting the urge to cry.

"118th street, in the church" She told me, her voice thick with tears.

"Okay, what time?" I asked.


"Thanks for letting me know" I rubbed my eyes.

"No problem, see you there"

"See you" I hung up the phone and turned away from McKenna, hoping she wouldn't see the tears dripping down my face.

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