Chapter 38

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McKenna's POV

"Are you sure you're okay?" Niall's Mum fussed. 

"I'm okay. Just a little shaken" I assured her. I was more worried about how Charlie was doing. I kept picturing that creep putting his hands on her. And what's worse was, the police pretty much said there was no proof and there for, she had made the whole thing up. 

"You believe her, right?" I asked Niall. 

"Of course" He answered, putting an arm around me "Charlie wouldn't make something like that up" I guess the main thing was that we believed her, even though the police didn't. We were the only family she had left and it's important that we stick by her.

The rest of the car ride was pretty quiet. Considering it was past 1:00am, everyone was probably half asleep. I could fell Niall dozing off on my shoulder and my eye lids felt very heavy.

Before I knew it, Niall was shaking me gently, saying "McKenna, we're here love" He unbuckled my seat belt for me.

"Mhhh" I groaned, stretching "I'll sleep in the car" I heard Niall's car door slam and a few seconds later, my door opened letting in the chilly night air. 

He tugged at my arm and I stepped out the car with a sigh of defeat. Niall lead me up the steps and into the house.

"I'll make up the guest room" Maura said, going down a hall. It was her subtle way of saying that me and Niall would not be sharing a bed. It was unfortunate but understandable. 

"Would you like some tea to help you sleep?" Niall offered. He looked so adorable with his sleep filled face and goofy smile. 

"Sure, thank you" I answered and followed him into the kitchen. He put some water on to boil then leaned on the counter. I took a seat on a bar stool across from him. 

"So I was thinking.." He started and looked down at his folded hands. 

"What?" I encouraged. 

"I was thinking that we haven't been on a proper date yet. I mean, it wasn't really possible...where we were so I want to take you out tomorrow. It will be a nice getaway from everything that's been going on" 

I smiled so hard my cheecks hurt "Yes! That would be amazing! Where do you want to go?"

Niall poured the boiled water into 3 mugs "I want it to be a surprise"

"But I don't like surprises!" I whined.

"Too bad" Niall stuck his tongue out playfully at me and pushed a mug to me. I cautiously took a sip and found that it was a perfect temperature. I tasted chamomile and a hint of honey.

"This is really good" I said, taking another sip. 

"Your bed is ready" Maura told me, emerging back into the kitchen. 

"Thank you"

"Here you go, Mum" Niall pushed the other mug to her. 

"Thank you. I'm going to bed now so goodnight you two" She dissapeared back down the hall and Chris followed a few minutes later. 

"Come on, I'll take you to your room" Niall offered me his arm with a wink so I took it as the pink spread across my cheeks. He took me to a room that was painted a pastel light blue with a large bed in the middle of the room that had white, crisp, inviting sheets. I turned back to him and put my arms around his neck. Niall slipped his hands around my waist in return and pulled me closer. 

"I'm glad you're here tonight" He murmured. The way he looked at me with those amazingly blue eyes made me a little weak in the knees. 

"Me too" Although the situation that brought me here wasn't too pleasant, but I didn't mention it. I didn't want to ruin the moment. 

Tortured Love (One direction Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt