Chapter 54

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Charlotte's POV

Harry looked much better after coming home from...where ever he went off to. On the outside looking in, I only got one half of the story so I needed to fill in the blanks for myself. But some blanks I couldn't fill, like where Harry had come back from or what had happened there. Although, I was thankful for the change. He even ate an actual meal, which is good. Harry also looked somewhat different - a change so small most people couldn't see unless they paid very close attention. He seemed to have gained a new determination. For what, though, I had no idea.

And then Harry called Evan which was the last thing I'd thought he would do.

"Is this Evan?" Harry asked, rubbing the palm of his hands on his jeans nervously. I wish Harry had put Evan on speakerphone so I could hear what he was saying but, once again, I had to fill in what blanks I could for myself.

"I'm Harry Styles. Charlotte's...." He was going to say Charlotte's boyfriend. I wanted him to say it but Harry caught the slip before he could finish.

"Is Charlotte there? With you?" Yes Harry! Once Evan confirmed that I wasn't there, Harry would have to think something else was going on! I saw the way he was looking at the letters. Instead of the usual pain and hate, there was confusion and frustration. Harry was getting suspicious and with this piece of new information-.

"Damn it, is she there or not?" Harry paused, listening. My heart was beating really fast, as if I'd just finished running 5 miles. This was the moment that could eventually get me rescued. If Harry knew this whole thing was a lie and he connects the dots, the police would start looking for me for the right reasons.

"Let me talk to her."

There was a moment of stillness as Harry's words sunk in. It was completely silent, even my heart skipping a beat, I felt absolutely nothing, and my thoughts ceased momentarily.

The moment lasted less then a friction of a second and then several emotions hit me hard - pain, betrayal, anger, disappointment, and sadness. For a reason unknown to me, Evan lied to Harry.

I could barely catch Harry's words over the loud ringing I heard, "Why'd she tell me she was pregnant when she's clearly not?"

"And the engagement?" Another pause, then, "Yes."

"The police are looking for her," Harry growled, eyebrows knit together in deep concentration as he spoke.

"You're not doing her any favours. I'm going to make sure she's fine one way or another," Despite Evan's lie, Harry still seemed to know that something else was going one. At least he knew I wasn't pregnant. How he does is beyond me but, for what ever the reason, it still gave me a shadow of hope. There were other ways to find answers. There had to be another way to find out the truth...right?

"You're no bloody help!" Harry hung up, threw the phone, and angrily yanked his fingers through his hair which had grown considerably since the last time I saw him in person. I put my head in my hands only to realize that I'd been crying quite a lot. But who can blame me - my chances to be rescued had been reduced for some stupid, pointless lie.

Evan, you idiot. You have a brain, use it for once in your damn life!

"Your ex isn't very bright. What did you see in him?" I hadn't even heard Jack come in. I quickly wipped the tears away and collected myself. I couldn't show weakness.

"I don't know. Why don't you ask your ex girlfriends if you really want to know since their ex is also not very bright," I shot back.

Jack chuckled, walking further in the room, "You're so quick. I can see why Harry won't let you go."

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