The Cosplay Festival Part 2

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Aki's POV

I just follow her, wordlessly and Freed and Arcadios follow us.

We get to a café and we sit down at a table.

After the Café, we head into town and we see the festival going on.

I walk with Hisui while the boys follow behind us and another attack happens.

"Want to let me handle it this time?" Freed asks me.

I sigh. "Yeah, give it your best." I say and Freed nods and goes to take care of the problem while I watch.

"What's going on?" Hisui asks me as I stand in front of her with my hands in my coat pockets, completely relaxed in my outward appearance, inside, I'm tense, waiting for impact.

"Nothing Freed can't handle." I say to her.

"Good to know you have faith in him." Arcadios says to me.

I nod. "Always." I say to him.

Freed finishes and I nod as he walks back.

"You seem relaxed in your posture, but can't say the same for the inward appearance." Freed says to me.

"You know me too well." I say and he smirks.

"Well then, lets continue." Hisui says to me.

"In a minute, I'm gonna go ask a few questions to our attackers." I say and Freed nods and I walk over to our attackers and I bend down in front of the leader. "Yo, wake up, Freed did a number on you, now, I have a few questions." I say as I slap him in the face back and forth till he wakes up.

"That hurts." He says to me.

"Yeah, say that to the citizens you harmed, now, answer my questions and don't defy me, or I won't have a problem killing you." I say to him and he freezes under my harsh glare.

"Yes Ma'am." He says to me.

"Why are you attacking Crocus?" I ask him.

"We're being ordered to by the dark guild Tartaros." He says to me.

"Damn it, alright, why?" I ask him.

"I don't know, they don't tell us anything." The guy says to me.

I sigh. "Alright, then what?" I ask him.

"I don't know, we were only ordered to attack and we don't know why." The guy says to me.

I knock him out and Jack takes him and everyone else away and I get up and walk back over to Freed.

"What did he say?" Freed asks me.

"Only that he was ordered to attack here." I say to him.

"By who?" Freed asks.

"That is information I have to share with Gramps first before anyone else." I say and he nods.

The two of us walk around the festival for a but since Hisui and Arcadios abandoned us.

"Woah, who are you two supposed to be?" A guy asks us.

"I'm a Nirvit." I say to him.

"And I'm, a Prince." Freed says to him.

"Cool." He says and continues asking people.

After the boring cosplay festival ends, I'm dead, I'm just dead.

"You ok?" Freed asks me.

"My jaw hurts." I say and he chuckles as we walk into our hotel room.

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