Scary Erza

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On our way back

Aki's POV

We sit at the campfire eating.

Lucy talks about the money while I stare at the fire with burning intensity, not willing to blink.

"Aki, why are you staring at the fire?" Lucy asks.

"She's having a staring contest with it." I say and Lucy looks at me confused. "Oops, wrong words, I mean, I'm having a staring contest with the fire, I'm not willing to lose." I say to her as I stare at the fire.

"Ok?" Lucy says more like a question.

"Blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink, blink." Natsu and Happy chant.

The next day, we walk through a swamp, or more like I skated over the swamp with my ice, while Natsu walked through it, Lucy stayed inside Horologium, Storm and Happy sit on me and Natsu.

"Aww man, why can't I skate?" Natsu complains.

"Because you have the balance of a toddler, and I don't want to get all swampy." I say to him.

"Are you sure this is the right way? Asks the lady." Horologium says to us.

"If Happy says this is the way to go, then this is the way to go. I say back." Natsu says to her.

"Us cats have a great sense of smell, so trust me, I know where I'm going." Happy says to her.

"Its dogs that have a great sense of smell. Says the lady." Horologium says to us.

"Why don't you do your own walking for a change?" Natsu asks her.

"Because I'm tired. The lady complains."

Once we get to dry land a bush shakes.

"Sick it boy." I say to Natsu and he jumps into the bush.

Natsu and Gray jump out of the book.

"Popsicle? What in all that breaths, are you doing here?" I ask him confused.

"Trying to find a bathroom." Gray says and punches Natsu.

"Why would you strip down before you found one?" Natsu asks.

"Because I wanted some peace and quiet." Gray says to him.

"If your nose is so good, how did you not smell Gray right in front of you?" Lucy asks Happy.

"There are just some things you don't want to smell." Happy says turning away from her.

I laugh at Gray's face. "Hey Icicle, I knew you were there, I just didn't point it out." I say to him with a smile.

"That will suffice." Gray says and crosses his arms.

"Do you even know what suffice means?" I ask him and Gray scowls at me.

"Yes." Gray says to me.

"Just checking." I say and sit by the fire. "Are you coming back from a mission?" I ask him.

"Yes and I suggest you guys hurry up, Erza is due back anytime now." Gray says to us.

"Someone kill me now, she's probably heard about my last Solo mission." I say and Natsu pales.

"Do you think she heard about the Hargeon incident?" Natsu asks starting to panic.

"What have you guys done?" Lucy asks us.

"Oh I accidentally destroyed half a town." I say to her and Gray nods.

"We both froze over another town during a mission as we tried to kill some monster that was terrorizing the citizens." Gray says to her.

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