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2 Weeks Later - Aki's POV

I sit on the second floor of the guild hall, bored.

"Do all you ever do is sit up here? Why don't you take a job?" Gajeel asks me, slightly annoyed.

"That scent is getting closer to Magnolia, I'm not leaving until I know who it is." I say and Gajeel nods.

"You've been smelling that scent since yesterday, must be important if you won't leave." Gajeel says to me and I nod.

"I'm getting breakfast." I say and I stand up.

"YOU JUST ATE!" Gajeel yells at me.

"And? I'm still hungry, something has to feed my bottomless pit." I say and I walk down stairs, just as trumpets sound and I smirk as I know who they're sounding for. "Hey Mira, can I have some French toast?" I ask her.

"Sure thing." Mira says and puts some on a plate for me with powdered sugar and gives me a fork.

"Thanks Mira." I say and I walk back up stairs and I eat while I wait as everyone who knows him, starts going crazy. "Keep it down would ya? Cana's trying to drink." I say and everyone laughs at that.

"Thanks Aki." Cana says to me and I nod.

"Anytime, these fools are blasting my eardrums anyways." I say and I finish eating as a guy walks into the guild. I sit on the railing of the second floor, looking down at the shadowy figure. "Good to see you, Guildarts." I say to him with a smirk and he looks up at me.

"Who are you?" Guildarts asks me and Gajeel pushes me off the railing and I land on my feet, I walk over to Guildarts while everyone stays a few feet away from me. "Anyways, I'm looking for a guild names Fairy Tail?" Guildarts asks and I punch him in the face, sending him flying back with a frozen face.

"That's better." I say and as he gets up, he slips on my ice and lands on his back.

"Cheap shots." Guildarts says to me and I sigh.

"Fine, don't remember me, I guess I have grown up within the past 3 years, too bad." I say and I walk past him and he puts me in a choke hold.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it Aki, your being sour now." Guildarts says to me and messes my hair up.

"Hey, not the hair." I say and he laughs as I pout.

"Yeah, like you grew up, you only matured physically." Guildarts says to me and my eye twitches.

"Yeah, and remember, I was able to hold my ground against you for 4 hours while you were fighting me with full force." I say and Guildarts smirks.

"SHE WHAT?" Lucy yells shocked and I smirk at them.

"The two strongest in the guild, Guildarts trained her for 20 days straight, she's almost as destructive as him." Cana says to her.

"WHAT?" Lucy yells and I smile at her.

I walk over to the board. "Now, Gajeel, I can take a job so you can stop breathing down my neck at how I do nothing all day, I was purposely waiting, I could smell his scent since he left Hargeon." I say and Gajeel scowls at me.

"Shut up!" Gajeel says to me annoyed and I freeze his head.

"Say that again." I say and I show Mira my job.

"Alright." Mira says with a smile and Natsu gets thrown into the ceiling and I smirk and freeze him there.

"That had to hurt." Gray says and I walk out of the guild with a wave. "Hey! Wait up you Ice Dragon Freak!" Gray yells and runs after me, but I trip him and he falls.

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