The Great Race

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A week later - Aki's POV

"Oh, hell, no." I say as everyone starts getting ready for the race and I sit on the second floor.

"Oh yes!" Gramps yells as he drinks. "You'll be participating this year Aki, you don't have a choice!" Gramps yells up at me and I sulk in my seat.

"But I don't want too Gramps, this is punishment! I didn't even go to Galuna Island, besides, don't you think me giving up my job money to pay for the damage is more than enough punishment?" I ask and Natsu walks in.

"YOUR ALL GOING DOWN!" Natsu claims and I freeze him.

"Shut up Natsu!" A few guild members yell at him.

I sit in my seat sulking as Erza walks up the stairs and slams something down in front of me, but I don't flinch.

"Quit sulking, this what you need to know for the race." Erza says sternly to me and I push the book off the table.

"Its an anything goes race Erza, there is no such thing as rules for this race, besides, if there were, we'd break them anyways." I say and I hide my head in my arms. "I do not want to do this." I mutter and Natsu and Gray grab me and throw me over the railing and I land sitting on a table. "Seriously? You should know better you two, your asses are icy toast in that race." I say to them and they smirk.

"It's about time you got into the spirit." Gray says to me and I scowl at them and I stalk out of the guild with an annoyed expression. Gray and Natsu follow me and I punch them in their faces and they fly back. "Ow." Gray says to me annoyed.

"You deserved that." I say and we get to the race area and I look around and everyone gets here soon after. "Why am I doing this? Oh right, if I lose, there's a huge punishment involved at the end, isn't there?" I ask Gramps and he nods.

"You'll have to wait and see." Gramps says to me.

"I don't want to see, that's why I'm going to win." I say to him and Gramps chuckles.

"Sure you will." Gramps says to me.

"I will not be put through punishment again, I lost two years ago, the year before and every year before that, I will not lose this year, I'm not going through punishment." I say to him and he smirks while drinking.

I scowl and I get in my place.

"Get ready to lose." Gray says next to me with a smirk.

Gramps clears his throat. "Due to many complaints, I've decided to add a rule this year, there will be no flying." Gramps announces.

"YES!" I yell as Happy, Storm and Evergreen sulk. "Every year you beat me Evergreen, this time I'll beat you." I say and she gets a cocky smirk.

"Sure you will you black haired bimbo, I swear your trying to impress someone by showing more skin." Evergreen says to me and my eye twitches.

"Yeah right, this is easier to work in." I say to her. "And why is everyone calling me a black haired bimbo?" I ask.

"Who knows." Gray says and I punch him in the face. "Ow." Gray says to me.

"You weren't in the conversation." Evergreen says to him and he sweat drops.

I take my coat off and I walk over to Mira. "Hey Mira, can you keep an eye on this for me?" I ask her.

"Sure thing Aki." She says with a smile and takes my coat.

"Thanks Mira." I say with a smile and I walk back to my spot and I smirk and freeze my feet to the ground.

"Ready." Gramps says and I smirk. "BANG!" Gramps yells and Jet takes off, making everyone but me fly.

"Ha!" I say and I start running with a smirk, Erza catches up soon after and I fall behind on purpose. After a while Wakaba and Cana join me.

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