Blue Pegasus

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A Week Later - Aki's POV

I sit at the counter, minding my own business when a stench hits my nose.

"Hehehe, this is payback." Natsu whispers to Gray and he nods as stinky socks float around my head.

I pass out from the stench and I hear laughing.

A While Later of me twitching.

"Oh, god." I say and sit up while holding my head. "What the hell was that stench? And did you have to hold it so close to my head? You know how sensitive my nose is right?" I ask and Gray and Natsu nod and I punch them into the ground. "Seriously." I say annoyed and they scowl at me.

"Aki." Gramps calls me over and I walk over to him. "Could you deliver this to Master Bob?" Gramps asks as he holds out a letter for me.

I look at them. "What for?" I ask him.

"You'll see." Gramps says to me with a mischievous smirk.

"I don't like this one bit Gramps, just tell me." I say and he pushes me out the door and I sigh. "I don't drink enough for this." I say and I start running, I pass Natsu, Lucy, Happy and Wendy and they look at me.

"What's going on?" Lucy asks as she runs next to me.

"I have to run an errand for Gramps." I say and she nods. After a while of running I get to the Blue Pegasus Guild Hall to see Master Bob outside waiting.

"Ahh, there you are dearie, come on inside." Master Bob says to me and I reluctantly follow him in and I hand him the letter. "Makorov sent you, right?" Master Bob asks me and I nod.

"Yes sir." I say as I can't help but feel like I'm being watched.

"Alright, we're a bit short handed today, so, if you could help out while I write something in return, that would be great." Master Bob says to me and Jenny walks over to us.

"Master Bob, is this someone who is gonna help us?" She asks. "Oh, Aki, I didn't realize it was you." Jenny says shocked.

I look at her. "Hi Jenny, how have you been?" I ask her, slightly disinterested.

"Jenny, go get her a dress and some heals, she'll be helping under Makorov's orders." Master Bob says to her and I sigh.

"Of course Master." Jenny says with a smile and pulls me to the changing rooms and hands me a dress and some heels.

I change into a dark blue dress that splits up my right side to my thigh and has a beaded waist line and the dress shows the cutline of my cleavage while circles around the back of my neck. I put on a pair of dark blue heels and I do my hair in a waterfall braid.

"Are you done yet? I have to apply your make up." Jenny asks.

"Yes, I'm done." I say and I walk out.

"You look great." Jenny says to me with a smile and she applies so dark blue eye shadow and some red lipstick and black eyeliner. "That should be all you need." Jenny says and leads me into the main room and I see Hibiki, Ren and Eve, thankfully there is no troll here. "Ichiya is out on a mission today, so we need some help." Jenny informs me. "Basically you'll talk to the customers and what not, its like waitressing, but you stay at the table and talk with them." Jenny says to me and I nod.

"Hey, Aki, long time no see." Hibiki says to me and I raise an eyebrow amused by the girls surrounding him.

"Just follow my lead." Jenny says and the two of us walk over to a table of guys and Jenny talks to them and I end up having to join in.

Later that day during my break.

I sit behind the bar with a cup of water and Hibiki walks over.

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