~~~Katrocks247 : Death Series

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The song of the day is hmm... Handlebars by Flobots :D

Thankyou Kat :)


What is your name?


How old are you?


What inspired you to write your first book?

I just wanted a way to put all of the little stories and ideas in my head out in the open, so that everyone could experience them.

Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

My favorite author is Iiona Andrews because I love their characterization and writing style.

What is your favourite theme/genre to write about?

I love to write fantasy!

Do you see writing as a career?

I'd like to be a screenwriter when I get older, so yes.

If you could work with any author who would it be?

Iiona Andrews.


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Do you use real-life facts based on true stories?

Yeah, a lot of my characters are based off of my friends and myself.

Did you ever think you'd be, where you are right now?

Well, I expected people to enjoy my stories, but I never thought I'd have so many awesome fans! I love you guys!

What advice would you give to people who "run out of creativity" when writing?

I would say just to do anything else BUT writing. By clearing your mind and enjoying yourself instead of sitting in front of the computer and beating it up or something, getting some exercise or watching your favorite television show could really help any writing block.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?

I don't really suffer from writers block. If I feel like I don't want to write anymore, though, I start listening to music for a boost of creativity.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Keep writing and you'll only get better.

Anything fun about yourself you want your fans to know?

I love to laugh and make suspenseful chapters because I'm sadistic. Also my username is 100% true. >:D

How would you describe yourself?

I rock.... ;)


yesss...done! Don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT! :D

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