Chapter Twenty Two - Bonfire Heart.

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Chapter Twenty Two - Bonfire Heart.
Magnus turned away from the boy and stared down at his glass. 'Waste not, want not.' He thought downing his drink in a single motion. "I'm Caleb." The not-Alec said, seeming to be completely oblivious to the fact that Magnus was ignoring him. Magnus nodded trying to seem like he was paying attention. "Do you want to know how I can see you?" Caleb asked, Magnus shrugged. Truthfully he really didn't care how the boy could see him, the fact that he could be seen meant the boy was either a Downworlder or a Shadowhunter. The boy held out a hand allowing his Voyance rune to be visible. "Cool." Magnus sighed, his fingers tapping onto the empty glass letting out a low ringing noise.

"Excuse me," Magnus said, "I have no mean to be rude but I'm not the highlight of the party and I think it would be best if I went home. I am not in the best of moods tonight. My apologies." Magnus stood pushing himself away from the barstool.
"No! Please! Don't leave." Caleb called after him, running to catch up. "Stay? Just for a little bit? The party is only just getting started!" He asked, his tone hopefully and his blue eyes wide. 'If he leaves I'm done for!' He ranted internally, he plastered the hopeful look back on his face as Magnus turned around to face him. Caleb stretched his blue eyes as wide as possible without making himself seem like he was shell shocked. He'd learnt from Sebastian that the Warlock before him had a certain weakness for blue eyes and black hair and upon orders Caleb had dyed his hair black. Magnus sighed, "Okay. A little while longer." He turned over to a sofa in the corner and sat down, Caleb following behind him.


Alec was stretched out on the bed in the Infirmary, he's skin was burning and his pulse was racing. His breaths were rasping in his chest and his eyelids seemed too heavy and all he wanted to do was close them. He couldn't remember what had happened - he'd been fighting and he couldn't remember what had happened between then and waking up with his skin burning, slung over Jace's shoulder to now. On the bed beside him a young girl with tawny hair was lying deathly still but from the rise and fall of her chest, Alec knew she was alive. People were surrounding her but they resembled blurred outlines, he couldn't see hardly anything. His arm still continued to bleed heavily and his muscles cramped as the Demon venom attacked his internal system. He cried out as a huge shock went through his nerves. "Shush Alec, it's okay. You're okay." Jace whispered, brushing Alec's fringe back from his face. "Help is coming." Isabelle was pacing up and down on the left side of his bed, chewing on her bottom lip in worry. "It burns!!" Alec ground out from his clenched jaw, his eyes watering from pain. "I know, Alec, I know. But it'll all go away soon." Jace murmured, clutching onto Alec's hand.


"Another drink?" Caleb asked after a while of Magnus just staring around the room while Caleb had been talking about the view - which he had hated - from the roof. Magnus turned his attention to him for the first time in the past twenty minutes and nodded, "Please." Caleb nodded and headed over to the bar and ordered another two alcoholic drinks. He hurriedly glanced around the bar to make sure he wasn't being watched as he pulled a small vial full of a lilac liquid, he pulled the stopper out with his teeth and poured the contents into the glass on his left. 'Enjoy this drink, Bane!' He thought venomously as he slipped the empty vial away and carried the drinks over to Magnus who hadn't moved from the sofa. "Here you go!" He smiled, offering Magnus the tainted drink, "Bottoms up!" They clinked their glasses and downed their drinks.


Jace watched over Alec, Clary was attempting to console Isabelle on the other side of Alec's bed but Isabelle wasn't listening. He stared down at his Parabatai, Alec's blue eyes were flecked with black as the venom attacked, sweat poured off his forehead... and his arm, Jace could barely stand to look at it. He knew it was bad just from the purple colour it had turned, the holes piercing through either side were the worst. Jace glanced around the room the other girl still hadn't moved - besides from breathing - and her legs were swollen and purple with the red sucker marks of a Raum demon. Everyone else had relatively been unharmed, nothing an Iratze couldn't heal in moments. The corners of a Parabatai rune on a boy's collarbone, visible beneath his torn shirt, caught his attention. The pained look on his face was enough to tell Jace that the boy was that girl's Parabatai. Alec twitched drawing Jace's attention back to his own Parabatai. "It's okay Alec. You'll be okay." He whispered, his hand still tightly clasping Alec's as though it would hold him tied to the earth. He was pale, deathly pale and his eyes were growing darker every second. Through their bond Jace could feel a small amount of the pain Alec was feeling, he'd never felt so helpless.

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