Chapter Twenty Six - Exit Wounds.

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Chapter Twenty Six - Exit Wounds.

The cleanup at the London Institute took ages and it was late in the evening when Jace, Isabelle, Alec and Clary were finally ready to return home to Brooklyn. They were stood in the entrance hall with the London Shadowhunters and Tessa, Magnus was nowhere in sight. Isabelle and Clary hurriedly bid their goodbyes as Jace stood beside Alec. Alec had been silent ever since that morning and he'd hidden out of sight of everyone until Jace - having checked everywhere else - went up into the training tower and found Alec sat cross legged on the floor throwing knives at a target on the wall. Jace had stood silently watching while Alec threw the knives, sighing as each one bounced off the target and fell to the floor with a loud clatter.


"You know, it works better if you're standing up." Jace had said finally, entering the room fully. Alec hadn't looked up at Jace's intrusion, "Go away Jace." He muttered, throwing another knife at the target. Jace moved to sit beside Alec on the floor, "You can't hide from the world forever. Sooner or later you'll have to show your face. You're strong and brave, I know you can get through this." Jace said, taking a knife from Alec's pile and throwing it at the wall. It stuck in the target, "Well, what do you know. It does work. Maybe I should try this next time we're Demon hunting." He smiled, glancing out of the corner of his eye at Alec, Alec didn't react.

"I'm not brave." Alec toned, throwing another knife, again it bounced off the target.

"Are you even trying?" Jace asked his tone serious, Alec shrugged, "Not really."

Jace nodded, "We'll be going home soon. Once the cleanup is finished." Again, Alec shrugged.

"You are brave and strong. Do you want to know how I know?" Jace asked, throwing a knife at the same time as Alec, the two knives collided throwing each other off course.

"You're going to tell me no matter what I say." Alec muttered, his eyes now staring down at his trembling hands.

"I know, Alec, because I've never had to go through half of what you've been through. Max's death, coming out to your parents, dating someone like Magnus regardless of what people say or think about you. I've never done half of those things, but I've watched you and I've seen you get through them, wondering if I could ever have the strength to do that, to be like you. That's how I know." Jace paused, staring directly at Alec he could see the tears in Alec's eyes, "That's how I know," Jace repeated, "I know you're going to get through this, you always have and I'm going be there every step of the way picking you up when you fall." Finally, Alec looked at him and smiled, "Thanks Jace." He had said.


Alec finally noticed Jace looking at him, "What is it?" He asked, breaking his staring contest with the floor to look at Jace.

"Nothing," Jace said, "I'm just glad I picked you to be my Parabatai."

Alec smiled, "So am I." He looked away as Isabelle and Clary joined them, "All set?" He asked, they nodded, they turned to face Tessa who was holding open the Portal for them to walk through, Isabelle and Clary went first followed by Jace. Just as Alec was about to step through the Portal a voice called him back, he glanced round and spotted Cortana stood behind him, she smiled, "Are you feeling any better?" She asked, her voice lowered to hide their conversation from everyone else. Alec nodded, "As better as I can be." She held out a small manga book for Alec to take, "It's not much but hopefully it'll bring you some form of happiness, it's my favourite but I want you to have it. There's a quote I heard once written on the first page."

Alec smiled, "Thank you." He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a quick hug before slipping the book into his pocket, "I'll try to visit at some point. We all will." He said and Cortana nodded. He stepped through the Portal.

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