Chapter Seventeen - Want You Back.

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Chapter Seventeen - Want You Back.

"Catarina? What are you doing here?" Magnus exclaimed as he opened the front door to Tessa's house to find Catarina Loss stood in the hallway. He glanced from her to Tessa trying to catch any sign or hint of what they had been talking about until Catarina spoke, "I'm need a word with you Magnus. In private." She nodded her head in the direction of the library and Magnus followed her inside, the door swinging shut behind them. They sat opposite each other by the fire and from her serious expression Magnus could tell something was wrong, "If this is about me thinking about being a pirate again, I can assure you those days are long forgotten." Magnus stated, shaking his head with a brittle laugh.

"No. This isn't about you wanting to be a pirate again, for once." Catarina replied as she glanced around at the shelves of books, almost anxiously.

"Then what is it?" Magnus asked, staring at her his cat's eyes completely focused for once. Catarina squirmed in her chair, "It's... it's about Alexander." That one sentence caught Magnus's attention, he got the bone chilling feeling that he wasn't going to like what he was going to hear. He eyes stung with salty unshed tears and his heart rate quickened. Chewing on his bottom lip he muttered, "What is it?"

"He's suffering, really bad, and I know you too well to know that you are suffering more than you are letting anyone see," Catarina said, with a sympathetic smile.

"He's still alive?" Magnus gasped, the tears falling silently, betraying him.

Catarina frowned, "Of course he is! What ever have you the idea that he wasn't?"

"I... I thought..." Magnus stopped talking, his brain whirring in an attempt to put together the pieces of the jigsaw. Jace had been covered in Alec's blood, that much was true but Magnus had foolishly taken his words to mean that Alec was... 'I'm a fool!' Magnus thought as he slapped a hand to his forehead. Catarina swiftly continued speaking, "He is depressed however. The way you two left things was messy, so I was wondering... maybe if you went and spoke to him. Just once. Then you could come back here."


Jace set out the pieces of the board game, Alec had woken about half an hour ago, and now Jace had managed to persuade him to play a game of Cludeo with him. Jace glanced up at Alec, who smiled, the tablets still seemed to be working which was good in Jace's opinion. "Right, okay, Cludeo." Jace muttered as he set the last piece in front of him. "We both know the rules and now we play!"

Alec shook his head, "I still don't understand how you managed to get me to play this game. Every time you always claim for the murderer to be a duck!! There's. No. Ducks. In. This. Game."

"I know that!" Jace retorted, "But it can still be a demon!"

"There's no demons either!!!" Alec exclaimed, "How did this happen to me?!"

"You lost the game of Demons, Werewolves and Vampires." Jace replied.

"That's not even the name of the game! It's called Rock, Paper, Scissors."

"But that just sounds so boringly Mundane!" Jace complained, Alec laughed.

"Now are you playing or not?" Jace asked; Alec sighed as he stared down at the board in between him and Jace, "Okay fine."

"Great! I'm the one who will be clueing for looks, okay?"

Alec chuckled, "Someone's visited Crazy Town recently."

Jace grinned, "Maybe. Or maybe it's because I just like hearing my Parabatai laugh properly for the first time in weeks." He glanced up at Alec with the grin still plastered on his face, "However if I win I get to have you as a gay butler for my birthday!"

"You're on!" Alec, risking at quick glance at Maryse to see how she was dealing with the parts of this discussion: she didn't even look at him; shaking his head he retorted, "But if I win, you have to dress like Isabelle for my birthday!"

"Deal." Jace said, starting the game. The game continued for a while, both boys marking off rooms, items and people who were not suspects until finally Jace called out, "Ducks!!! I blame the ducks!!!"

"Jace! You can't just blame ducks! There are no ducks in this game!" Alec yelled, "So therefore I blame, Mrs White, in the drawing room, with the candlestick!" Alec grabbed the little envelope and pulled out the three cards each one had the same item that he had said. "Yes!" He cheered, "I win! I win!"

Jace sighed, throwing down his cards. "This game is stupid! How about monopoly?"

"No." Alec retorted.


"Ask Simon."

"Mouse Trap?"

"Church does that already."

Jace sighed, "Fine! What do you want to do?"

"Go up to my room, for me time." Alec sighed.

"Okay, I'll just put the game away." Jace replied.

"Jace. I said alone."

"Exactly. You won't even know I'm there." Just then Isabelle tapped Jace on the shoulder, "I don't mean to intrude on Guy Time but I should get to spend time with my brother too!"

Alec rolled his eyes, 'This is going to be a long night.' He thought.


Magnus froze, thinking about his options: he could risk going to Brooklyn, talking to Alec and then never leaving - if Alec would take him back - or staying here and letting things get worse. 'I just want Alec back for good. I'd never let him go again.'

"Magnus? Magnus?" Catarina called, snapping her fingers in front of his face, he blinked, "Sorry," She said, "you kind of zoned out."

He sighed, "I would go back only if I was certain he would want me there."

"Magnus. This is Alec we are talking about. He wants you with him as much as you want him. You both blame yourselves and you both need to sort it out." Catarina replied.

"Okay," Magnus sighed, "I'll go home."

'Home to Brooklyn.' Magnus thought as Catarina smiled at him, 'I'll pack my things. Head out for a night around London for the last time then leave. I will return home. For after all home is where the heart is and my heart has always belonged to Alec! Whether he wants it or not.'

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