Chapter Twenty Five - Don't Say Goodbye.

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Chapter Twenty Five - Don't Say Goodbye.

A loud clatter woke Alec, his pulse raced as he glanced around his room in the London Institute. His left arm was numb and glancing down he found out what the reason was. Jace. He was lying with his head on Alec's arm fast asleep, Alec smiled before slowly, inch by inch, shifting his arm out from under Jace's sleeping form. He picked up the empty mugs from last night and grabbed his phone in his free hand to check the time: 05:00am. Alec yawned, slipping his phone into his pocket as he took the mugs out of his room, leaving Jace to sleep. The floor outside his bedroom was harshly cold on his bare feet but he continued down the corridor silently.

The clatter which had woken him didn't come again as he dropped the mugs into the kitchen sink, leaning back on the counter he yawned. His eyes still felt painfully sore from crying and his right arm ached as the last of the holes finished closing. Clearly no one else in the Institute was awake this early - they hadn't been awake when they'd got home either - Alec sighed and began to pour himself a mug of fresh coffee, wondering what to do with his time before everyone else woke. Sleep was out of the option, memories swarmed his mind like an angry hive of bees. Another loud clatter drew Alec's attention to the front door of the Institute, he drained the last of his coffee and headed towards the door. The moment Alec caught sight of the glitter he fought to slam the door shut, Magnus had placed his foot in the way. Alec sighed, realising his plan was futile and opened the door. Magnus's eyes were rimmed with red and looked uncomfortably sore, a lot like his own Alec guessed. "What do you want Magnus?" Alec asked, staring at him.


Magnus knocked once on the door, the loud clatter like a gunshot in the silence of the early morning. 'Come on Alec, answer the door. Please.' He thought, pacing back and forth on the top step, stifling a yawn on his third pace up and down. He hadn't slept at all knowing what he had done the other night, tears had tracked down his cheeks keeping him wide awake and nothing, not even hugging Chairman Meow, could cheer him up. Somehow he knew that Alec had seen, he couldn't explain exactly how he knew, he just did. He'd lain tossing and turning on his bed in Tessa's house, which now seemed too big, the room too cold and the shadows too dark and ominous without Alec there. He'd learnt from Tessa that morning that Alec had been injured by the Demon Marbas as he defended an attack on the London Institute, Tessa had also told him that he would make a speedy recovery.

But now that Magnus was stood on the doorstep, only a few feet away from Alec, he was scared. Scared to find out that Alec had seen, terrified that Alec would leave him forever. 'Of course he'll leave!' His conscience snapped, 'You kissed someone else! Maybe in front of him!'

"Don't remind me." Magnus murmured under his breath, raising his hand to knock again, continuing his mantra as he waited, 'Come on Alec, answer the door. Please.' The door swung open and Magnus slipped his foot between the door and the wall as it began to swing shut almost as soon as it had opened. There was a sigh from behind the door and it swung back open revealing Alec, stood in the doorway. His blue eyes were red and sore; he stifled a yawn with his hand. He was as exhausted as Magnus was. "What do you want Magnus?" Alec asked, his attempt at indifference was poor; Magnus could hear the pain and hurt in his words.

"I came to see how you were." Magnus replied, glancing down at his fingernails. "Oh," Alec said sarcastically, his tone bitter, "nice to know you care so much! Well, it's too late!"

'Crap,' Magnus thought, 'he saw. But he has to know, I didn't want that, I didn't mean that. I have to tell him, even if he doesn't want to listen.'

"Well, if you're not going to say anything I'm going to go. We have work to do today." Alec said, turning from the door, Magnus caught at Alec's wrist, "Wait, Alec!"

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