Chapter Fifteen - When You're Gone.

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Chapter Fifteen - When You're Gone.

The cold breeze tore through Jace's clothing whipping his skin until it was numb with the cold but he didn't pause not even as he raced across the roads without stopping for the traffic. He owed it to Simon to find Magnus and, hell, he even owed it to Alec. He had to get Alec through this even if it meant getting Magnus to go and talk to Alec at least one more time. He hated how Alec was feeling, the pain and despair. Even the heartbreak, it radiated from Alec like demon pox. Despite the façade Alec was determined to put on for everyone, Jace knew he missed Magnus. The pieces of Alec's heart had shattered and even Jace had to admit, he had no idea of what to do to ease his brother's pain other than dosing him up on those tablets. Alec's despair was like a thick smoke, it shrouded everything making it almost impossible to breathe.

All he wanted was for the normal Alec to be back, so that things would be right again. The days were already starting to feel like years, wearing everyone down to the bone while no one could help Alec. He ran up towards the door of Magnus's apartment and knocked. He stood waiting but when no answer came he knocked again. "Magnus?" Jace called, "Magnus are you in there?! I need your help!" He knocked for a third time, starting to grow impatient when the door didn't open. He grabbed his Stele from his pocket and scrawled a rune into the wood, the locked door blasted open and without hesitating Jace took the stairs two at a time. He reached the door of Magnus's room; without knocking he opened the door, which was a risky hazard in itself.

The room was bare, empty of any evidence of any recent parties. Jace felt sick, 'Please let him be here! Please.' He thought as he looked over at the sofa which was free of any sign of Chairman Meow. Next, Jace checked the kitchen and even the bathroom. Nothing. There was no sign of Magnus. As Jace moved towards Magnus's bedroom door a thought struck him, 'What if he's not here? What if he left?' He shook his head, clearing the thought immediately. He opened the door to the bedroom, unsurprisingly Magnus wasn't there either. Jace sank to his knees. "No," He whispered, "this is my fault... this is because of what I said to him..." He shook his head, he had to get Simon that blood! There was nothing he could do to get the normal Alec back or even to get Magnus back at this moment in time. He had to make do with what he had.

He moved back into Magnus's kitchen and grabbed a flask and his phone from his pocket. He hurriedly sent a text to Isabelle telling her to cover Alec's Parabatai rune with something and also to apply another Iratze. Sending the text, he slipped his phone away and rummaged through one of the drawers in the kitchen. Unscrewing, the top to the flask he pulled a sharp knife from the drawer just as his phone began to buzz with Isabelle's reply. He ignored it. He raised the knife and positioning his forearm over the open flask, slashing open his skin deep enough for the blood flow freely. He winced slightly and stood listening to his blood drip into the flask, his phone buzzed with urgent text messages but he continued to ignore it, he was doing this for Simon, Clary, Isabelle and even for Alec who would never forgive himself if Simon died of thirst or went rogue because of the burns he'd gotten as he stopped Alec from killing himself, stepping on consecrated ground to do so.

He began to shiver as the flask reached the halfway full mark. He was starting to feel cold and weak from the blood loss he was enduring but he had no choice. Raphael wasn't going to help them and Magnus was nowhere to be found. What choice did he have? He pulled his arm back, sliding to the kitchen floor as his knees finally gave out. He grabbed his Stele and with a trembling hand slashed an Iratze and a blood replenishing rune into his arm. Simon would have to make do with what he'd managed to get from his arm, he staggered back onto his feet using the wall as a support; screwed the lid back onto the flask. He staggered back out of Magnus's flat and back out into the night.

Isabelle grabbed her phone as it began to ring, "Jace! What the hell did you do?! I got your text and did everything you said, yes! What did you do?! You cut yourself! For Simon?! You don't even like him! Changed your mind? Okay, I'll see you at home. This conversation is not over, not at all!" She snapped her phone shut and glanced over at Clary and Simon who were staring at her with a keen interest on their faces. "He got the blood." She stated, pulling the bloodied cloth away from Alec's Parabatai rune, the healing rune had done it's work and she threw herself - ungracefully for her - onto the floor beside them. "From himself." Simon stated, his voice muffled through his fangs.

"Just try to control yourself until he gets here." Isabelle said, nodding at Simon's statement however. After what seemed like forever the doors flew open and Jace walked in clasping a flask, he placed it down in front of Simon with a wild grin, "Drink up bat boy!"

He moved over to sit in front of Alec again, who was still asleep despite everything that had happened, he shivered once more but at least the blood replenishing rune was working. "Thank you." Simon muttered, raising the flask to his lips. Jace nodded without looking over at him, "You saved my Parabatai and risked your life in doing it. So I had to repay the favour." He glanced over at Isabelle, after deeming that Alec was okay, "I guess you want answers?"

"Yes." Isabelle asked simply, standing. back up.

"Okay. But not here." Jace said, gesturing his head in the direction of the doors leading further into the Institute. Isabelle nodded and followed after him. "So? What's wrong?" She asked as Jace shut the doors behind them.

"He wasn't there." He whispered, hands clenching strands of his golden hair.


"Magnus! He's left New York!"

"By the Angel! What do we tell Alec?" Isabelle asked; Jace shrugged, "I really don't know. One of us will have to tell him, but not tonight. Not after... everything." Isabelle nodded, agreeing with Jace's idea, "Whenever we tell him he'll take it badly. But if we tell him tonight... no. We'll tell him later." Isabelle nodded again and together they headed back into the Sanctuary with Jace sitting opposite the sleeping Alec.

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