Chapter Twenty One - Archangel.

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Chapter Twenty One - Archangel.
The ground was still smouldering with the burnt remains of Demons as the Portal spat Jace, Alec, Isabelle and Clary out into the courtyard of the London Institute. "What in the Angel's name happened here?" Alec whispered, nudging a spider Demon's carcass with the toe of his boot. Jace, his golden eyes glinting as he stared at the surrounding destruction, turned his face to the others. "Sebastian." He breathed, his left hand clenching tightly around the hilt of his Seraph blade. "Come on!" He snapped beckoning them towards the front door, which was stood wide open. "Funny," Alec toned, "anyone would think they were expecting someone other than us."
"Don't make jokes Gideon, it really doesn't suit you." Jace retorted.
"Then don't call me by my middle name." Alec replied, swinging his bow down off his shoulder hurriedly hooking an arrow onto the string. Jace pulled his Seraph blade free from his belt and hurriedly named it as Isabelle unwound her whip and Clary drew a thin dagger from a sheath on her thigh.

"Let's go." Jace said, darting up the stone steps.
"Jace!" Alec hissed, attempting to call his Parabatai back.
"We need a plan!" Isabelle added, her eyes darting around the eerily silent courtyard.
"Find Sebastian, kill Demons, save fellow Shadowhunters. What's not to get?"
"Jace! We need an actual pl-" Alec's voice was cut off as a loud ear piercing scream echoed through the silence, Alec ran up the stairs and through the door followed by Clary and Isabelle. "You were saying?" Jace sighed irritated as he ran after his friends, they had stopped in the entrance hall, Alec had his hands braced on his knees as he choked on the strong stench of Demons. Jace patted him hurriedly on the back covering the lower half of his face with his jacket's sleeve until he grew used to the smell. The tiled flooring was slick with all types of blood, Shadowhunter and Demon, pools of it splashed underfoot as they trod through the hall. "We need to figure out where that scream came from." Jace whispered, glancing around the room. "Alec you're with Izzy, take the library and the rest of the first floor. Clary with me, we will take the second floor and the training room. Go!" The four of them headed off in their different directions, Jace glanced once at Alec and nodded in what he hoped had seemed reassuring to his Parabatai, Alec nodded back.


Cortana screamed as the spider Demon came scuttling towards her, raising her Seraph blade she lashed out at it taking out three of its eight legs. She swung her arm down again cutting deep into its thick hide causing it to immediately start folding in on itself. She glanced over at Elijah who was fighting a Ravener and Gabriel who was fighting an Iblis Demon. "We need to get out of here and find the others!" Elijah yelled over his shoulders as he discarded the Ravener Demon. "Duh! What do you think we're trying to do!" Gabriel sniped back, kicking out at the Iblis Demon. Cortana began to move towards Gabriel but let out a scream as her feet were pulled out from underneath her, she twisted around awkwardly to find a Raum Demon with its tentacles wrapped around her legs, she writhed in pain as the venom began to attack her system, twisting her shoulder she threw her blade down at the Demon where it stuck fast, piercing its skull.

"Cortana!" Elijah yelled, killing another spider Demon before running to her side.
"I'm... fine!" She ground out through her grit teeth as her eyes watered with pain, red sucker marks lining all the way around her ankles and up the pale skin on her legs. "Get Gabriel out! I'll be right behind!" She snapped, pushing herself into a sitting position. "Go!" She snapped when Elijah showed no sign of moving. He glanced at her with concern before grabbing his brother and pulling him from the room, he stood in the doorframe but was forced to pull it shut as four Hellhounds ran towards it. He tried to turn the handle to reopen the door but something was holding it shut, "Cortana!!!" He screamed, pounding his fists on the door. "Cortana no!!!"


Jace and Clary reached the training room, the floor outside was also slicked with blood from both sides of the battle. Jace shivered as he held his hand up to a bloody handprint on the wall, long deep gauges were torn into the walls and floor. The crumbling corpses of Demons and dull weapons lay on the floor soaked with blood. "What happened? Are we too late?" Clary whispered, her voice barely audible over the rush of blood pounding in Jace's ears. He shook his head, his eyes wary, darting all over. A flicker of movement at the end of the corridor caught his attention and he raced after it, Clary hot on his heels. He tightened his grip on his blade as he slid on the blood soaked floor. The shrieks of Demons and the clash of metal was beginning to grow more audible as they got nearer.

No Light, No Light In Your Bright Blue Eyes. (A Malec FanFiction.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora