Chapter Thirty Two - Anywhere Else.

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Chapter Thirty Two - Anywhere Else.

It was the early hours of the morning by the time Magnus got back to his flat, the sun was just beginning to rise tinging the sky with a shade of lilac that was gradually turning blue with each inch the sun crept upwards. He quietly unlocked the door and stepped into the living room, he was cold but happy. He glanced around the room and decided he'd decorate it later for Alec's birthday. He glanced over at Alec who had fallen off of the sofa while he'd slept and was now curled up on the carpet, still fast asleep. Magnus smiled and moved over to stand in front of Alec, lifting him into his arms, he sat down on the sofa with Alec's head in his lap again and soon fell fast asleep.


Alec woke to a loud knocking on the front door, he was still stretched out on the sofa with his head in Magnus's lap. He stood up and stretched, listening as his stiff muscles cracked from being curled up on the sofa all night. He glanced over at Magnus and smiled, the warlock was fast asleep with his head resting on the arm of the sofa. Another loud knock snapped Alec out of his reverie with a sigh, if they didn't shut up they were going to wake Magnus. Alec stepped towards the door and swung it open. "What?" He snapped with a yawn.

"Happy birthday!!!" Jace and Isabelle yelled from the doorway, Alec hurriedly shushed them pointing over his shoulder at Magnus who was still asleep. "You'll wake Magnus." He whispered staring between the two of them, "Why are you here anyway?"

"Alec, it's your nineteenth birthday. Why would we not be here? We have to get you ready!" Isabelle replied, a wide grin on her face.

'Oh God.' Alec thought, 'I'm for it now.'

Jace grinned, "It's your birthday!" He said, Alec suddenly remembered. "You have to dress like Isabelle!" He said with a wicked smirk, Jace nodded, "I was thinking leggings with one of Izzy's pink shirts. What do you think?" He asked.

"Great," Alec replied, "but not here. Let's go to the Institute."


Snow had fallen overnight, Alec realised, as he, Jace and Isabelle returned to the warmth of the Institute. Isabelle disappeared, claiming she was going to get Jace's clothes from her wardrobe and Alec grinned over at Jace. "Are you really going to wear pink?" He asked seriously.

"Do you think Isabelle would let me wear one of her pink shirts?" He asked, still grinning. Alec wondered how much caffeine he'd had that morning to make him so hyper. "Yes Jace, I would." Isabelle said as she returned with the clothes for Jace and two colourfully wrapped boxes which she handed to Alec. The first one had a label which read: 'To Alec, happy birthday. Love Jace and Isabelle.' Alec opened that one first to find that they had brought him a blue shirt with a black waistcoat and some new jeans to go with it. Alec was certain that Isabelle had been the one to pick it out for him. He smiled and quickly hugged his siblings, "Thank you." He said, holding the second box in his hands, it was a lot smaller than the first one, he searched for a label. There wasn't one. "It's from mom we think." Isabelle stated as Alec started to open the box.

Inside the box was a small silver chain with an angelic rune attached to the end and an envelope. Alec grabbed the envelope in his hand and sat on the floor to read, Jace and Isabelle sat opposite him. The card read:

'To Alexander,

Your father and I have decided it's time. You are old enough and mature enough to be able to take care of yourself, Jace and Isabelle, and your other friends. Therefore we have the decided and your father - being the Inquisitor - has allowed it, we've decided to allow you to run the New York Institute by yourself. This does mean however, that we will be staying in Idris.

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