Chapter Six - Six Degrees Of Separation.

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Chapter Six - Six Degrees Of Separation.

'I've read all the books and I've watched all the shows to know how this ends. It's the heartbreak that people think will break them, but it's truly not.' Isabelle thought; she hadn't left Alec's side since Jace had left. She didn't want to leave him alone ever again. But at some point she would have to. She couldn't be around him 24/7. It would annoy him, she knew it. She watched as Alec slept, tossing and turning fitfully in his sleep. She had cleaned the blood off his hand and all that was left was a thin white line to show where the cut had been. By morning it would probably have vanished altogether. She had wondered before, what her brother had dreamt about - all those times when he had appeared in the mornings completely exhausted - now she didn't need to wonder. She knew. And it wasn't good that he was dreaming these things. Alec whimpered in his sleep and Isabelle held onto his hand. "It's okay Alec. You'll be okay." She whispered her eyes stinging with tears and she let a few slip down her cheeks. "It's all okay."

"Don't leave." Alec murmured, his eyelids flickering in his sleep. "Please." Isabelle clutched tighter to his hand, he wasn't talking to her; she knew that but if only she could bring him some form of comfort.

The door creaked open slightly and Jace's head appeared around the corner, "How is he?" He asked. Isabelle shook her head. "I went for a walk, but I can't stay away for too long." Jace said.

"He's not doing too great. He's sleeping now. But as you can see..." Isabelle gasped as Alec's hand tightened its' grip on her's. "Alec. I'm not leaving you. Never."

"Neither will I." Jace whispered, "Never. Parabatai till the end." He shook his head, he hated every second of this. Seeing Alec like this hurt, more than anything he had ever experienced before. A small tear slipped out from under Alec's closed eyelid and Isabelle reached over to brush away lightly with her thumb. Jace sat on the floor beside Alec's bed, both he and Isabelle were listening to Alec's whimpers as he tossed and turned. "I hate that this happened to him!" Isabelle whispered violently, "Alec is suffering." Jace didn't answer, he continued to stare at his hands; they were still painted with blood. Suddenly Alec threw himself bolt upright, his dark fringe plastered to his forehead with sweat and his blue eyes were wide, darting around his room; his chest was heaving.

"Alec. Alec. You're okay. Lie back, lie back." Isabelle said, brushing her brother's fringe out of his eyes. "Lie down, Alec. You're okay."

"I'm not. I saw him, Iz. I saw Magnus." Alec muttered. He glanced at the floor, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Why is Jace on the floor?" Jace clambered to his feet, his stomach churning with guilt as he looked at his Parabatai. 'Alec hates himself and it's all because of you.' His conscience reminded him, 'You said that.'

'But it was true.' Jace reasoned. "So, you admit to following us to Pandemonium?" Alec's face flushed pink. "Well, I had to make sure you and Iz were going to be okay without me. Lots of nasty beasties out there Jacey." Jace rolled his eyes with a sigh, Alec attempted a weak smile but it fell from his face instantly. "Try to get some sleep." Jace said, walking out of the room. Isabelle glanced from Alec to the shut door. "You want me to go talk to him?" She asked, looking at Alec. He nodded. She nodded back and left.

Magnus stared at his almost empty apartment. Nearly everything was packed up. He would have to leave some of it here of course. Chairman Meow yowled down at Magnus's feet, where he was stuck in a cat carrier basket, much to his distaste. "Sorry, Chairman. But we're leaving soon. You can't come out." The image of Jace's hands covered in Alec's blood forced itself to the front of his mind. 'You're really going to leave him behind?' His conscience questioned.

"I have to leave. It's for Alec's own good. I've hurt him too bad to stay now. He'll be better off without me, anyway." Magnus said aloud, casting another look around his apartment. "There's no starting over from here. I've reached the sixth degree of separation too quickly, to even think of turning back." He said, as he grabbed the handle of the cat basket and used a quick transporting spell to send his items to his destination. "So long beloved Alec." He muttered, locking the door to his apartment behind him.

"Jace!" Isabelle called from behind him as she stepped out of Alec's bedroom, shutting the door behind her, "What has gotten into you?" He spun on his heel to face his adoptive sibling. "Nothing. I just don't like seeing Alec like this. So broken, so damaged. I should have protected him more than I have! This is my fault Isabelle!" Jace answered.

"Jace. It is not your fault. You can't go around blaming yourself for other people's mistakes. Alec and Magnus will have to sort it out themselves." Isabelle retorted.

"No. I've messed everything up! That's why it's my fault! I messed up! Big time!" Jace replied, staring at the floor as a tear slipped from his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

Isabelle stepped towards him, wrapping him in a hug, "What happened?"

Jace had just finished retelling the whole story of what happened when he went to go and see Magnus. But he had been hoping that she'd yell at him and call him an idiot for the things he had said to Magnus, but he was sorely disappointed, "You were upset and angry and scared, Jace. And if Magnus has any sense in that whole glittery body of his, he'll see that. You didn't mean any of that." She said.

"But the scary thing is I felt like I meant it. I felt like I wanted to follow through with what I said." Jace countered.

"You didn't. You wouldn't do those things, I know, Alec knows and Magnus should know that you didn't." Isabelle said, "If he doesn't, well, all that glitter has messed with his brains!"Jace laughed, but it came out sounding forced.

"What do we tell Alec?" He asked.

"Nothing." Isabelle said, "We tell him nothing. We just focus on getting him back on his own two feet again. And again and again, no matter how long it takes. We will help him, he's our brother and he'd do the same for us."

"You're right about that." Jace muttered, "Anyway, you go to bed. I'm going to go and sit with Alec for a while."

"Okay. Night Jace." Isabelle yawned, finally realising how exhausted she felt as she made her way to her room.

"Night." Jace muttered, re-entering his Parabatai's bedroom.


Jace woke to the warmth of the early morning sun shining on his face. He was still sat in Alec's room; he blinked, his eyes watering from the bright sun. He glanced at Alec's bed and saw it was empty. 'Damn! I just had to fall asleep! Where's he gone?!' He cast his eyes around Alec's room before spotting the dark-haired Nephilim sat on the windowsill, the curtains open around him. "Alec? What are you doing?" Jace asked, yawning as he clambered awkwardly to his feet to move towards his Parabatai.

"I'm just watching the past go up in smoke." Alec replied, not removing his eyes from whatever he was staring at outside his bedroom window.


Magnus stood looking back at New York as the early morning sun began to rise in the sky. Chairman Meow was still pitifully yowling in the cage as Magnus began to open a Portal. He envisioned the house where he was destined to go and stepped through. His feet hit cobblestones and he heard two voices call his name from in front of him. "Magnus!" He looked up, it was Tessa. "What are you doing here?" She flew towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a quick hug. "I've come for a visit. Did you not get the fire message?"

"Yes. We did." A hooded figure said, as he pulled back his hood on his Silent Brother robes.

"Good morning James." Magnus said.

"Welcome back to the past." Tessa joked. 'I've let the past go up in smoke.' Magnus thought as he followed Tessa towards the house.

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