Chapter Five - Battle Scars.

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Chapter Five - Battle Scars.

Alec muffled a cry of pain as a sharp shock shot through his injured hand. He knew Isabelle and Jace were home, he could hear them calling. But what's was the point in being around them, they couldn't help him. They didn't even understand. He didn't even care about the pain from his hand or the fact that his hand was now red with blood - his blood - why should he care? "Alec?!" Jace yelled, it sounded like he was out in the corridor. "Alexander!" That was Isabelle. Alec could hear the sound of their footsteps outside in the corridor. It wouldn't be long before they checked his room. Tears still trailed down his cheeks and his chest ached with a dull pain. He hated it, hated that Magnus had done this to him, hated every moment of every day knowing that it had been his fault that Magnus had left.

The door to his room burst open and through his tears he could see Jace and Isabelle in the doorway, their faces mirroring fear. They both ran over to him, Isabelle sat on the left side of his bed while Jace sat on the right. He hadn't realised that he was still clutching at his bleeding hand until Isabelle said, in a choked voice, "Alec. A-Alec. Let go. Let go of your hand, let him heal you."

He shook his head, "What's the point it'll keep happening?! I'm an idiot Isabelle. A complete IDIOT." He sobbed.

"You. Are. Not. An. Idiot. Alec." Jace said, his left hand clutching his Stele so tightly his knuckles were white. The side of his Gear was coated with blood - his blood - from his Parabatai rune; his right hand was gently holding Alec's right wrist. "Let me heal the cut. You're only making it worse by holding it like that." Jace muttered.

"Maybe I want it to be worse." Alec retorted.

"You don't mean that Alec." Isabelle gasped suddenly, spotting the weapons on the floor. "Alec?" He shrugged. "Jace?" She turned to Jace but he was already knelt on the floor, holding the bloodstained knife. Jace glanced up at Alec, hurt and sorrow shinning in his golden eyes. "I knew I shouldn't have left you." He muttered moving back in an attempt to heal Alec's bleeding hand.

"What did you do?" Isabelle asked, "Why would you do that?"

"They're only battle scars." Alec muttered monotonously.

Jace stared at Alec in shock, his right hand was still holding the bloodstained knife; he let it drop to the floor with a clatter. "W-what?" His voice cracked with emotion.

"They're only battle scars." Alec repeated in the same dull, drained tone as before.

"Only battle scars?" Jace asked. Alec didn't reply. "I said: Only battle scars?" Jace repeated, reacting as though Alec had just not heard him.

"You know what I said Jace. Battle scars." Alec muttered.

'This has gone too far. Alec is getting hurt - well, more hurt than before - I can't let this continue.' Jace thought, as he reached to heal Alec's hand but Alec pulled away from him. "Leave it. It's nothing."

"To Hell, it's nothing. Alec, if I don't heal it. It will become infected, you'll get ill from it." Jace said, his voice barely over a whisper.

"I don't care." Alec retorted, "Go away. I deserve this."

"You didn't stay home did you?" Jace questioned, now he was feeling annoyed, very annoyed at a certain Warlock. "You followed us."

"Oh Alec, you didn't... you didn't s-see..." Isabelle gasped through her tears as she held onto her brother. He shrugged again. She held him tighter, like he was no more than a little baby. "Oh Alec. My brother. Alec, Alec, Alec." She crooned but to Alec it felt like it was more of a comfort to her than him. "Battle scars." Jace growled, "I'll give that good-for-nothing battle scars!" He hurriedly grabbed at Alec's hand scrawling a hurried Iratze smirking as Alec glared at him. "I told you to leave it!"

"Like I was going to listen to you. You'll be grateful later," Jace said bending to grab the weapons off the floor, "Don't leave him alone Izzy."

"Where are you off to?" Isabelle asked, still clutching onto her brother, she looked over her shoulder at Jace. He paused, his hand on the door handle and the weapons in the other. "Just to put these away." He smiled grimly, raising the hand holding the weapons. "Look after him." He left the room shutting the door behind him. In truth he wasn't really going down the weapons room to put away the blades. They were going with him. 'This really has to stop. And now.' He thought running out of the Institute before Isabelle would come looking for him. The streets were empty so there wasn't much point for glamour runes now. Jace ducked his head, keeping as much to the shadows as possible as he made his way to visit Magnus. 'People, who hurt my Parabatai, get hurt back.' He thought as he reached the door to Magnus's apartment, rather than knock he hurriedly pulling his Stele from his pocket, drawing a Open rune on the wood of Magnus's front door; putting every inch of effort into drawing the rune. When it was complete, Jace stepped back watching as the door handle spun, and the lock clicked back.

Chairman Meow hissed, digging his sharp claws straight into the skin of Magnus's arm. Magnus leapt awake with a yell of pain, "Ow! Chairman, what has gotten into you?" He asked, staring down at his cat whose fur was stood on end and he was glaring at the door. "Hello, golden Shadowhunter." Magnus said without turning, he had guessed something like this would happen. When Jace didn't answer he tilted his head back over the arm of the sofa to look at him. "What do you want?"

"I just want to talk." Jace muttered, stepping further into Magnus's apartment.

"And you need to be armed to do that?" Magnus questioned, a light pink tinged Jace's face. 'Got you!' Magnus thought. He stared at Jace for a moment, his eyes catching on the blood covering Jace's Gear and his hands.

"It's not mine." Jace muttered, moving to stand in front of Magnus. A cold wave of panic spread through Magnus's veins. "Then who's..." The warlock said, attempting - but failing to sustain a cool, calm tone - Jace stared at him for a moment, his golden eyes narrowed. "Alec's." He whispered, his eyes glinting with unshed tears; reflecting deep sorrow for something. Magnus froze. 'Alec's blood? But it couldn't be.... could it?' His whole world seemed to shatter upon impact. If that was Alec's blood - and it was a lot of blood - then why was Jace here and not with his Parabatai? "I just thought you'd want to know." Jace murmured, "That this is what you did to him. Do you want to know what he said?" Magnus shook his head but he was certain that Jace was going to tell him anyway.

"He said they were battle scars. He said that he deserved it. That it should be left to get worse. He. HATES. Himself. And it's all because of you." Jace said his tone dark with anger. "Battle scars, just battle scars. He said." Jace turned back to the door, "Don't come to the Institute. Don't send messages. Don't call. Don't do anything! Alec was always better off without you! And if you come near us - come anywhere near him - ever again. I will use these weapons on you without a moment's hesitation! You've hurt him for too long, Magnus, and I don't know if he can be fixed again. I didn't want him to become the way I had when I believed myself to be related to Clary; I hated my existence and now he feels the same. Because of you. I hope the wounds can be healed." Jace slammed the door shut behind him, leaving Magnus alone to stare at the closed door. 'Alec hates himself. His whole existence and it's your fault. They're just battle scars.' Jace's words echoed around in Magnus's head.

'We're definitely at war with love. And these battle scars aren't going to fade ever. I just wish that I could stop loving you so much, Alec.'

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