Chapter Twenty - Drive By.

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Chapter Twenty - Drive By.

Sebastian let himself be led down to the Institute's library, his grip tight on the hilt of his blade that was still pressed to the boy's neck. "How did you know I had it?" The girl asked from in front of him.

"I instructed you to lead me, not ask questions!" Sebastian snapped, his dark eyes narrowing at the girl's back. She turned her head back around and sent a silent glance to the other boy walking beside her, her Parabatai. The boy's face was drawn and pale and his hands trembled slightly as he glanced over his shoulder at Sebastian's hostage. His eyes seemed to beg, to plead but Sebastian paid the boy no heed. He needed that book and this was the only way he could be sure to get the correct copy. The girl pushed the door to the library open and headed over to stand in the middle of the room, "The book is over there," She said, her tone calm but hard, "now let Gabriel go." She pointed up at the one of the bookshelves lining the right side of the room. "Fetch it for me." Sebastian ordered, his dark eyes scanning the numerous bookshelves.

Cortana tutted. 'Fine you lazy brat! I'll fetch it for you!' She thought, turning her back on Sebastian and sending Elijah a glance full of all different meanings. She headed up towards the staircase that looped around the whole room and climbed up them until she reached the third flight. She reached up and pulled down a thick, heavy leather bound book. The leather was the colour of bark and the pages were yellowed with age, the binding was stiff and frayed as she clutched it gently in her hands as though it was a new born baby. "Hurry up! I don't have all day!" Sebastian snapped, Cortana glared down at him, "All right!" She snapped. Cradling the book in her hands she stared down at the fading elegant gold print on the front. Brushing her hand across it she let a single tear drop onto her cheek, 'I'm so sorry Mum. I'm sorry dad.' She thought, brushing the tear away and heading back towards the stairs.


A bright flash of fire filled the New York Institute's Sanctuary making Jace and Alec jump as a slip of paper landed right in the middle of their third game of Cludeo. A thick black fire rune was visible on the singed paper, the corners were still smoking. Messy, scrawled handwriting was visible on the other side. "What is it?" Clary asked watching as Jace picked it up, lightly between his thumb and forefinger. Everyone's eyes were tuned directly onto the message as Alec answered, "Fire message." Maryse stood and moved over to take the message from Jace, "It's from the London Institute." She informed them, her eyes scanning over the page; a frown set on her face. "Mom?" Isabelle called, "Mom? What is it?" Jace and Alec were already climbing to their feet scattering the pieces of their board game. "There's been a Demon attack." Maryse replied, her face paling slightly. "Why are they informing us and not the Clave?"

Jace's eyes widened, "It's him, isn't it?" He glanced over at Clary; from her expression it was clear she understood what he was getting at.

"Who?" Isabelle and Alec questioned.

"Sebastian." Jace replied monotonously, his gold eyes flashing dangerously.


Cortana held the book close to her chest as she stood in front of Sebastian, "Gabriel first!" She demanded, holding a hand out to the boy Sebastian still had his blade pressed to. "Oh no. I don't think you quite understand our little game Missy." Sebastian drawled, "You give me what I want and I give you what you want. It's simple."

"How do I know you won't take the book, hurt Gabriel and leave?" Cortana snapped, her Parabatai moved to stand beside her, backing up what she was saying with a nod.

"Because spilling his blood would be pointless to me. You have what I came here for - what I need - what use is killing this boy going to be? It'll ruin my Gear and it's a waste of time. Just give me the book and I'll be gone." Sebastian smiled at her and Cortana suppressed the urge to shiver, there was nothing friendly in that smile. "I'm sorry." She muttered under her breath, clutching the book tighter to her chest with her eyes shut for a minute before she thrust the book out towards Sebastian, her face turned away as though she couldn't believe what she was doing.

No Light, No Light In Your Bright Blue Eyes. (A Malec FanFiction.)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin