Chapter Nine - Run.

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Chapter Nine - Run.

Jace and Alec both climbed down from the rafters and Jace could sense that the minute Alec's feet had touched the floor to the training room, he was back to his hurt, broken self. Jace watched his Parabatai as they walked slowly towards the door, it hurt him to see Alec like this and he hated every second. "Do you think we'll have time to run away from whatever Isabelle wants to talk about?" Jace asked.

Alec shrugged, "Maybe. We'd better start running then." Jace laughed slightly and a thin smile was carved onto Alec's face. 'Yep, definitely still hurt and broken.' Jace thought as he noticed the smile fall in an instant, 'If only I could help you, Alec.' He reached out opening the door to the training room glancing over his shoulder at Alec, who was now staring at the floor, "Okay?" Jace asked. Alec nodded, still staring at the floor. "I need to hear you say it." Jace added.

"Okay." Alec replied and Jace smiled. "Shall we start running?" Jace asked, "Come on, I'll race you!"

The boys sprinted down the staircase and along the corridor past their bedrooms. "Catch me if you can Alec!" Jace called and laughed as Alec drew up along side him before racing on ahead and ran down the next staircase. "More like catch me if you can Jace!" He called as he skidded around a corner and down another corridor, "Jace?! Come on slow coach!" Alec yelled, turning around to jog backwards slightly just in time to see Jace throw himself over the bannister of the stairs and land in front of Alec. Alec grinned and spun back around to sprint, Jace was now hot on his heels. They drew in line with each other as they raced down the corridor and another staircase before skidding to a halt in the entrance hall. Both boys fell down, lying on the floor panting and sweating, Alec grinned, "I won! I won!"

"No! I won!" Jace yelled back, shoving Alec's left foot.

Isabelle walked over and stood towering above Jace and Alec as they lay panting on the marble flooring. She tapped her high heeled boot impatiently waiting for them to finish arguing when that didn't happen she snapped, "I called mom!" Suddenly Jace and Alec fell silent, they both sat up crossing their legs on the floor like two schoolchildren. "What?" Jace asked, glancing hurriedly over at Alec who had fallen silent and was staring at Isabelle, his head tilted to one side. "I called mom," Isabelle repeated, "she said she'll be home within the week."

"Mom's... coming... mom's coming... home?" Alec questioned still staring at Isabelle with that strange expression on his face. Jace shuffled closer to Alec's side, "You called her?" Jace asked, he too was staring at Isabelle although not strangely like Alec, "Maryse is coming home. Yes!! No more eating pasta that will kill you!" Jace cheered, leaping to his feet arms raised in the air.

Isabelle glared at him and he hurriedly sat down, "Excuse me?!"

"I said... no more living home alone?" Jace quelled under Isabelle's glare; one of his eyebrows raised.

"That's what I thought you said." Isabelle replied, nodding.

She turned her attention to Alec, "Isn't this great Alec? Mom's coming home to live with us here at some point this week!"

"Yeah," Alec sighed in a distant tone, "great!" He stood up and dropped his Gear on the floor, heading over to the front door he grabbed his jacket and headed outside, the door slamming shut behind him. Isabelle glanced at Jace with her eyebrows raised; he shrugged before turning his attention to stare at the closed door for a moment. Isabelle gathered up Alec's Gear muttering something that sounded a lot like, "That was not a reaction I thought I would see." The moment Isabelle left with Alec's Gear, Jace hurriedly removed his, dropping it on the floor just as Alec had done before heading out of the Institute. The morning sun was only just starting to rise higher in the sky, the temperature beginning to soar as Jace stood on the top step, he cast a glance around before spotting Alec opening the gate to the Institute and entering onto the street. Jace ran after him, he got all the way to Java Jones before he lost sight of Alec. 'Damn!' He thought as he glanced all around him on the crowded street, Alec had gone, 'Alec really knows how to make himself disappear when he doesn't wish to be followed.'

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